Tongan entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.QANA.1 | A/ana | Creux, caverneux | (Btn) |
EO.QAFU.2 | Afu/gi | Jeter copieusement, couvrir | (Btn) |
NP.QAGA.2 | Aga/aga | Contenant | (Btn) |
AN.RARA.1 | Aa/ngaki | To dry in front of the fire. Raviver (le feu, un malade par la moyen du feu) (Btn). | (Cwd) |
PN.QUHI.3 | Koe/ʔuhi | Because; because of, on account of, for the sake of | (Cwd) |
PN.QUHI.3 | ʔUhi/nga | Meaning; reason, object, purpose; argument, contention, position, view, attitude | (Cwd) |
MP.AWA | Ava/ngi, ava/ki | To perforate, make a hole or opening in; to scuttle (a ship); to lift so as to leave a little space underneath | (Cwd) |
PN.QARIKI | Eki/naki | Présider à un ouvrage | (Btn) |
PN.ENE.1 | Faka/ene | Ménager, traiter doucement | (Btn) |
NP.WEKU.1 | Viku | Wet Problematic | (Cwd) |
OC.FUGA.1 | Funga/ni | Top row of flowers on an ornamental girdle; specially tasty thing eaten last; what is better than all the others | (Cwd) |
XW.KAATAKI | Kitaki | To persevere Phonologically Irregular | (Cwd) |
PN.MA-FITI | Mofisi | To send out sparks or spray; (of sparks, spray) to shoot out, fly off; (of beverage etc.) to sparkle, fizz, effervesce; (of tide) begin to come in; (of news) to be heard fragmentarily; to bristle up, show signs of anger Phonologically Irregular | (Cwd) |
PN.MA-LEPE | Molepe | Tomber en déconfiture Phonologically Irregular | (Btn) |
PN.MA-MALU | Mamalu, molu/malu | Solemn, impressive, majestic, imposing, stately, dignified, magnificent | (Cwd) |
PN.MAQU.1 | Moʔu- (with -a) | Indicates continuation for a long time, or for too long a time | (Cwd) |
PN.PEWA | Pa/peva, ta/peva | To sprain one's ankle | (Cwd) |
CC.PII.2B | Pii/ponu | Wet through, saturated Problematic | (Cwd) |
NP.TELE.3B | Tele/ʔa | Valley, gully, dale Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.TAU-SALA | Touhala | To do at the wrong time, etc. | (Cwd) |
SO.TAU.10 | Tou/ia | Atteint, blessé Problematic | (Btn) |
PN.TAU-TAMA | Toutama | To give suck, to suckle a child; woman suckling a child. Nourrice (Btn). | (Cwd) |
PN.TAU-TONU | Toutonu | To do at the proper time or times.... À temps, à propos (Btn). | (Cwd) |
XW.TUQURI | Tuʔui | To visit (a bereaved person) with a present of food (after the funeral is over); present of food so given | (Cwd) |
PN.TUQU-GA.2 | Tuʔuna | To be piled up; to be plentiful or numerous, or too plentiful, etc. Problematic | (Cwd) |
OC.WILI.1A | Vilo | To rotate fast, twirl, spin; brandish (a weapon). Phonologically Irregular | (Cwd) |
XW.FAI-TALIHA | Faʔiteliha | To please oneself, to choose or decide for oneself, do as one pleases | (Cwd) |
PN.SOIFUA | Hooifua | To feel fresh and comfortable (esp. after a bath); also regal for *lelei* (well, in good health) | (Cwd) |
PN.SOIFUA | Seifua | Parole que l’on addresse à un enfant qui éternue Problematic | (Btn) |
NP.SAU-GA.* | ʔAunga | (of meat or a dead body, etc.) To putrefy, to be in a state of decomposition. Gâté, qui sent mauvais (Btn). Problematic | (Cwd) |
PN.QAI.1 | Ai/aki | Placer | (Btn) |
PN.QAFII | ʔEfi/nanga | Large bundle of mats wrapped in a mat or in tapa cloth | (Cwd) |
PN.QAFII | Efi/naga | Enveloppe d'un fruit | (Btn) |
FJ.SEWA.A | Faka/heve/heva | To be given to wandering about because of a mental kink | (Cwd) |
XW.SIQAGA | Faka/hiʔe/hiʔanga | Simple, mentally deficient. Niais, idiot (Btn). | (Cwd) |
EC.KA-KAFI | Faka/kukafi | To put one's whole self into what one is doing. S'appliquer, avec application (Btn). | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-MORI | Fakamoi/moi | To send by the hand of (or in the care of) another (or even by post). | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-NOA | Fakanoa | To act like a dumb person, to speak by signs | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-NOA | Faka/noo/noa | Listless, having nothing to say and apparently taking no interest in things; wistful | (Cwd) |
MP.FAU-FAU | Fau, faufau | Envie de vomir | (Btn) |
FJ.SAGA.1A | Hanga | Mat-weaving or tapa-making | (Cwd) |
SO.SAGA.1C | Haga | Fête pour un nouveau-né, le travail qui l’accompagnent [sic]; la fête d'un *koka* général., | (Btn) |
PN.KISI.1 | Kihi/ʔi, hikiʔi | Small, insignificant (preposed to noun) | (Cwd) |
PN.KISI.1 | Kiʔi | Small, little, tiny, young (preposed to noun) | (Cwd) |
NP.KIINAKI.* | Kataki | To eat two different kinds of vegetable food together (instead of vegetable and *kiki*). Manger qc. avec la noix de cocos (Btn). | (Cwd) |
FJ.LEMO.1 | Lemo/haki | Noyer, tenir dans l'eau pour faire noyer | (Btn) |
PN.RAGI | Angi | To exercise leadership or control; to issue instructions (habitually); to preside over, lead, direct... | (Cwd) |
PN.RAGI | Engi/naki | To exhort, to urge to greater zeal or diligence.... Présider à un ouvrage (Btn). | (Cwd) |
PN.MAFA-TIA | Mafasia | To be weighed down, burdened (lit. or fig.) | (Cwd) |
PN.TAKA-MILO | Maakamio | To sit or lie about, or just stroll round, doing nothing, when one ought to be up and doing one's duty Problematic | (Cwd) |
4323 entries found