Tongan entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
XW.WANU | Vanu | Very deep gully or valley, ravine (obs.) | (Cwd) |
XW.WANU | Vanu/too | (of land) Go down steeply so as to form deep valley or ravine | (Cwd) |
PN.WEU.2 | Veu(veu)-ki | To disturb, disarrange, upset, ruffle, shuffle about, muddle, jumble, confuse... | (Cwd) |
XW.FESI-QA | Fehiʔa | To hate or dislike (vi) | (Cwd) |
XW.FESI-QA | Féhia | To hate, abhor, dislike, hatred | (Mar) |
PN.FE-QILO-AKI | Feʔiloaki | To meet one another, see and speak to one another, greet one another, say goodbye to one another (according to context) | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-SAA | Fakahaa | To cause to appear; to show, disclose, reveal... | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-OLO | Fakaolo/olo | To go or move along or proceed quietly or stealthily; to sneak along or sneak in; to speak smoothly, coaxingly or persuasively | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-PULU-PULU | Fakapulupulu | To wrap (a person) in a shawl or blanket... | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-.4 | Faka/ʔikai | To say no, to give a negative answer, to deny what has been asked or stated | (Cwd) |
TO.FAKA-TUU | Fakatuu/tuu | To liven up; lively, brisk | (Cwd) |
XW.FAKA-QUGA-QUGA | Fakaʔungo/ʔunga | To cut notches in for ornamentation | (Cwd) |
XW.QUGA-QUGA | ʔUngoʔunga | Full of holes, made by insects, worms, grubs, etc. | (Cwd) |
XW.QUGA-QUGA | ʔUnga/a | (of teeth) Hollow or decayed; (of coconuts) withered or imperfectly formed inside | (Cwd) |
PN.FAKA-HURU | Fakahuu | Cause or allow to enter: admit, insert, import.... | (Cwd) |
XW.FAKA-UMI-UMI | Fakaumiumi/noa | To mope; to be gloomy or sombre | (Cwd) |
FJ.HILI | Hili/faki | To place, lay upon; lay, impose or inflict (duties, responsibilities, punishment) | (Cwd) |
FJ.HILI | Hili/fakia | To be caught or stranded on top of something (e.g. ball in roof-gutter, falling fruit caught in branches) | (Cwd) |
TO.LEFIO | Liifio | Kind of large brown moth | (Cwd) |
XW.MAALIE.C | Maalie | Well done! (Eng-Ton) | (Cwd) |
PN.FARO.2B | Fa/fao | To stretch oneself out (e.g. on the beach) | (Cwd) |
PN.QARO.B | ʔO/ʔao/ʔi-ngutu | The roof of the mouth | (Cwd) |
PN.ENE.1 | (Ene)ene | To be on the point of doing something but to refrain from actually doing it | (Cwd) |
PN.ENE.1 | Faka/ene/ene | To deal with in a hesitating way, not acting firmly lest some harm or damage might be done thereby | (Cwd) |
OC.SAQO | Haʔo/fia | To surround or sit round | (Cwd) |
PN.MOKO.1B | Moko/hula | Earwig | (Cwd) |
PN.MOKO.1B | Moko/moko/tuʔaniu | Mantis | (Cwd) |
PN.MOKO.1B | Moko/tola | Shellfish sp. | (Cwd) |
PN.MOKO.1B | Moko/hunu | Sea-slug sp. | (Cwd) |
PN.LEA | Lea/ʔi | To speak to by way of reproof, admonition, encouragement or exhortation | (Cwd) |
PN.LAU.2A | Lau/ʔi | Talk or gossip about (esp. in derogatory or critical way), say things about | (Cwd) |
CP.QOLA | ʔOla | Gnaw, scrape off with teeth | (Cwd) |
AN.TINA-NA.A | Tina/amanu | Breeding animal | (Cwd) |
AN.TINA-NA.A | China/manoo | A sow after she has had a litter | (Mar) |
CP.AO.1 | Ao/faki | Comprehensive, all-inclusive... Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Cwd) |
TO.KIA.2 | Lalo/kia | Front of neck, throat (exterior) | (Cwd) |
PN.TAU.12 | Tau | Green leaves...for covering food in a native oven | (Cwd) |
TO.LITI | Lisi | To throw or throw at with force (obj. stone or dog etc.) | (Cwd) |
PN.MAGA-MAGA.A | Mangamanga | Having several or many forks or branches; branching or forking in various directions | (Cwd) |
EC.LE-LEA.1 | Leelea | Talking a lot, talkative... Problematic | (Cwd) |
TO.FIGO | Fingo | To frown | (Cwd) |
MP.SALA.3 | Ma/hala | Slit forcefully, ripped | (Cwd) |
PN.HOKA.1 | Toka | Cross-pieces laid on long longitudinal beams in house Borrowed | (Cwd) |
PN.HUQA | Na/ua | Very big wave Borrowed | (Cwd) |
PN.PANI.4 | Paa/pani | To maraud, pillage, plunder, forage | (Cwd) |
PN.PANI.4 | Pa/pani | To forage, foraging party | (Mar) |
PN.PANI.4 | Faka/pa/pani | Act as forager, destroy produce | (Gty) |
XW.FASU | Fahu | (Man's) sister's son or grandson | (Cwd) |
PN.MASA-IA | Mahaia | To be left stranded by the outgoing tide (e.g. fish or dolphin); to be no longer floating, to run aground (of a boat or canoe approaching the shore) | (Cwd) |
PN.KELE-A | Kelekelea | Dirty (with earth, soil, mud) | (Cwd) |
4323 entries found