Tuamotu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.WALI.2 Vari/ŋa A marsh (Stn)
EP.WARI Vari Menstrual blood (Stn)
EP.WARI Vari/ia Soiled with blood or mire (Stn)
PN.WALO.1 Varo Murmur, indistinct sound (Stn)
PN.WALO.2 Vaaro (Lysiosquilla maculata) (Stn)
TA.WARO Varo Deep hole, pit, abyss; silt (Stn)
AN.WALU.1 Varu Eight (Stn)
OC.WALU.2 Varu (Sarda chilensis) (Stn)
OC.WALU.2 Vau (Gymnosard unicolor) (Conte 1988:319) (Stn)
PN.WARU Varu Scrape v (Stn)
CP.WANA Vana Very sharp-spined variety of sea-urchin (Stn)
PN.WANA-WANA Vanavana Spiny, bristling; quiver, thrill, shiver as from cold, quaver, as voice (Stn)
MP.WAO.A Vao Forest (Stn)
NP.WATA Puu/vata/ An opening, hole, interstice (Stn)
CE.WAAWAA.1 Vaavaa Grasshopper, Stick Insect (Stn)
EP.WAWAI Vava(a)i Vine (Triumfetta procumbens) whose fibres used to make cordage and clothing (Stn)
OC.WAWE Vave Quick (Stn)
CC.WEKE-WEKE Vekeveke Dried leaves of Pandanus (Stn)
NP.WEKU.1 Veku Frayed; hair of armpit (Stn)
OC.WELA.B Vera Hot, heat (Stn)
FJ.WELE Vere To clear-, cultivate- land (Stn) Problematic (Stn)
EP.WERE-WERE.A* Vere Membrane, soft ligament, fold of body flesh; ligamentous lip of bivalve molluscs (Stn)
TA.WERE-WERE.B* Verevere Pudenda muliebria (Stn)
TA.WERE-WERE.B* Tii/verevere A part of the vagina near the orifice (Stn)
EP.WERI Veri Variety of land centipede (Stn)
NP.WELI.2 Veriveri Disgusting, offensive, unpleasant (Stn)
NP.WELI.2 Veriveri Cunnus (Stn)
PN.WELO.1 Vero Throw or hurl a spear or dart; pierce, transfix (Stn)
CE.WERU Veru/veru Rags, tatters, shabby, worn garments; stinking, filthy (Stn)
EP.WEO Veo Copper, frly. brass (Stn)
CE.WESE.* Vehe Open, separate, divide, push apart... (Stn)
PN.WETE.1 Vete Separate, slip off- one leaf; be apportioned out (as food) (Stn)
PN.WETE.2 Vete A whitish fish (Stn)
EP.WEWE.B Veve Poor, poverty stricken (Stn)
OC.WILI.1A Viri Twist (Stn)
CE.WITI Viti/viti Swift, speedy, quick (Stn)
NP.WIIWII Viivii Dragonfly, grasshopper (Stn)
CE.WIWO Viivoo The nose flute (Stn)
PN.KULA.1B Kura Red-plumaged bird (???)
FJ.KUTA Kutu, kuru A variety of shrub (Stn)
PN.FAKA-QILO Hakairo To punish severely, chastise, reprimand Uncertain Semantic Connection (Stn)
PN.FIA-KAI Hiakai To suffer with hunger, hanker for food (Stn)
PN.FUA.3D Hua Roe (Stn)
FJ.OLO.3 Oro Rub (Stn)
EC.FAKA-MATE Hakamate To put to death for a grave offense or misdeed; to slay, kill (Stn)
PN.PALE-PALE Parepare An artificially constructed platform or eminence...made of earth or stone; a raised house foundation; the breast-works of a fortification (Stn)
NP.PALE.3B Pare Turn the front or back in any direction; face (toward); turn, veer, swing, as the eyes (Stn)
PN.HEKE-GA Ekeeŋa A voyage, journey (Stn)
PN.PILO Piro A foul smell, offensive odor; putridity, offensive matter, corruption (Stn)
PN.TAFOLA.2 Tahora A smooth flat beach having no large stones; a shallow flat just under water (Stn)

2308 entries found