Tuvalu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.LIGO Ligo/ligoa Very calm (Rby)
PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Cricket (Rby)
AN.LIHA Lia Nit (Rby)
FJ.LIKA Li/lika Fear of falling from a height (Rby)
FJ.LIKA Faka/lika Feeling in stomach when swinging on a swing (Rby)
AN.RIKI Liki Small (of person or chicken) (Rby)
PN.LILI.1 Lili Shake with anger or other emotion (Rby)
PN.LILO Lilo Hidden (Rby)
AN.LIMA.A Lima Five (Rby)
MP.LIMA.B Lima Hand-arm (Rby)
MP.LIMU Limu Seaweed, moss, fungus on trees (Rby)
PN.LIU.1 Liu Bilge of vessel, bilgewater (Rby)
OC.LOO Roo Ant (Rby)
OC.LOA.1 Loa Long, tall, high (Rby)
PN.LOO-QATA Loata Large ant (Rby)
PN.LOFA.1 Lo/lofa/ Crumple and fall slowly (of people), stagger, faint (Rby)
PN.LOFI Loofi/a To be flooded, covered with water (Jsn)
AN.ROGO.1A Logo Feel pain or emotion (Rby)
AN.ROGO.1B Logo News, tell news (Rby)
PN.LOHOLOHO Looloo Bunch of green coconuts (Rby)
PN.LOHU Rou Move something with a stick (Rby)
PN.LOHI Loi A lie; tell a lie (Rby)
PN.LOQI Loi Fish (Cephalopolis argus) (Rby)
OC.LOKI Loki/loki Part of cooking-shed fenced off for firewood (Rby)
MP.LOKU Loku Bend or bend straight (a stick or piece of pipe) (Rby)
CP.LOLI Loli Black-coloured sea-cucumber (Rby)
PN.LOLO.1A Lolo Coconut cream for making oil (Rby)
MP.LOLO.2 Loo/lolo (Of neap tide) to be high (Jsn)
MP.LOLO.2 Lolo Flood (n) (Jsn)
NP.LOMA.1 Loma Overflow, rise up (of water) (Rby)
PN.LOMI Lomi Press upon, massage (Rby)
PN.LOTU.1 Lotu Church, denomination; worship (Rby)
AN.KITE Kite To see (of eyes), to have sharp vision (Jsn)
OC.LUU.3 Luu Shake (Rby)
OC.LUU.3 Luu/luu Shake (pl. subj. or obj.) (Rby)
MP.LUA.1 Lua Hole, pit (Rby)
OC.LUA.2 Lua Vomit (Rby)
PN.TOLI.2 Toli Enlarge a pit by digging at the sides (Rby)
NP.LUA-KI Luaki To vomit (of a fish) (Rby)
SO.LUATUQU Maatuu North Problematic (Rby)
PN.LUE.1 Lue Shake, rock to and fro. To shake off (Jsn). (Rby)
PN.LUE.1 Lue/lue Earthquake. To sway backwards and forwards, sidewards continuously (Jsn). (Rby)
PN.LUGA Luga Up (Rby)
FJ.LUKU.A Lu/luku/ Assemble (of11people); gather, collect (Rby)
??.LULU.1B Lulu Phoenix Petrel (Pterodroma alba) (Clk)
PN.LULU.2 Lulu Tie sticks to posts for fence (Rby)
PN.LUMA Faka/luma/ Do something others may tease you for (Rby)
FJ.LUNA Luna A herb (Laportea ruderalis) (Rby)
PN.LUPO Lupo Very small fish sp (Rby)
EO.MA-.1 Ma- Stativiser, semi-productive (Rby)

1930 entries found