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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu AN.QATA Ata Reflection, image, shadow; style, personal characteristic
Tikopia PN.QATAA Aataa White, as plumage of a bird Problematic
Tongan PN.QATAA ʔAtaa Free, spacious, vacant; absolute, nothing but, sheer, veritable
Easter Island NP.ATA-LIKI ʔAtariki Elder son; the first-born. Eldest son/daughter (Wbr).
Mangareva CE.TA-ITI Teiti Enfant
Kwaio NP.ATA-LIKI Laaliʔi Unmarried girl, daughter...
Rarotongan NP.ATA-LIKI Taariki The young, or the children. A term of affection or endearment sometimes used for adults
Tuamotu NP.ATA-LIKI Taariki Set apart for-, acted upon by- the nobles; hence noble, chiefly, princely Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna EO.QATAMAI.A ʔAtamai Intelligent, expert, clever
New Zealand Maori EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Knowing, quick-witted; malicious
Pukapuka EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Wish, desire ; intelligent, having common sense
Rotuman EO.QATAMAI.A ʔAtmai Sensible, intelligent, wise Borrowed
Samoan EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Intelligent, clever
Tahitian EO.QATAMAI.A Atama Wisdom, intelligence, wise, intelligent Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge
Tongan EO.QATAMAI.A ʔAtamai Intelligent, intelligence
East Futuna PN.A-TE-.1 -Ate Marque personnelle devant pronoms singuliers apres les prépositions i, mei et ki
East Uvea PN.A-TE-.1 I/a te S'emploie avec 'au, koe, ia...
Samoan PN.A-TE-.1 Ia - te Form of i 'to' before pronouns. Particle used with oblique cases of pronouns
Tongan PN.A-TE-.1 ʔI/ate At, on, in...
West Futuna PN.A-TE-.1 Ate
East Uvea MP.ATE.2 Aate Plante (Wollastonia stringulosa)
Samoan MP.ATE.2 Ate. Ate/ate A shrub (Wedelia sp.), Beach Sunflower
Tongan MP.ATE.2 Ate Shrub sp. (Wollastonia biflora)
West Uvea MP.ATE.2 Ate Herbe significative (Rougeyron 1860)
Anuta AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
Easter Island AN.QATE.1 ʔAte Higado
Easter Island AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
Easter Island AN.QATE.1 ʔAte ʔanuʔanu Lungs
Easter Island AN.QATE.1 ʔAte reherehe Lungs
East Futuna AN.QATE.1 ʔAte Liver
East Uvea AN.QATE.1 ʔAte Foie
Fijian AN.QATE.1 Yate Liver
Fijian AN.QATE.1 Yate/vuso Lungs
Fijian AN.QATE.1 Yate/mawa Lungs
Kapingamarangi AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
Emae AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
New Zealand Maori AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
New Zealand Maori AN.QATE.1 Ate/wharowharo Lungs
Ifira-Mele AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
Moriori AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
Marquesas AN.QATE.1 Ate Foie
Mangareva AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver. Foie.
Nuguria AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver
Tuvalu MP.AFE.1A Afe Deviate; Call in on while passing
Tuvalu AN.QAHAWA-NA Aava Polite, respectful ; honour, respect
Tuvalu PN.-QAKI.1 -aki Reciprocal intensive indicating repeated or alternating action
Tuvalu PN.AKIAKI Akiaki Fairy Tern. White Tern (Jsn).
Tuvalu MP.QALOGO Alogo Fish sp. (Acanthurus pyroferus, Ctenochaetus striatus)
Tuvalu PN.AMO.1B Amo Coconut fibre twisted ready for string-making