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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Successful, fortunate
Tongan PN.MANUU-QIA Monuuʔia Successful, fortunate
Hawaiian OC.MANUKA.1 Manuʔa Piled, accumulated Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori CK.MANUKA.2 Kaanuka A tree (Leptospermum spp.) Eastern dialect
New Zealand Maori NP.MANU-MANU Manumanu Skate, ray sp Problematic
Marquesas NP.MANU-MANU Manumanu An insect. Moucherons (Lch). Insecte (Atl).
Mangareva NP.MANU-MANU Manumanu Insect seen clinging to branches or fermenting substances. Petit moustique qui ne pique pas; terme d'amitié envers les enfants
Tahitian NP.MANU-MANU Manumanu Insecte, microbe. Worms, insects, creeping things (Dvs).
Tongan PN.MANUNU.1 Manunu/a First lot of weeds to grow after clearing
East Futuna NP.MAANUNU Maanunu Deterioration (e.g. of a net, garment)
Tuamotu NP.MAANUNU Manunu Exhausted, worn out
East Uvea PN.MAO.1 Mao Intervalle de beau temps entre deux averses
Tikopia PN.MAO.1 Mao Interval of calm in a storm
West Futuna PN.MAO.1 Mao/mao Fair, dry after rain
East Uvea PN.MAO.2 Mao Etre à contretemps, mal à propos
East Futuna SO.MA-QOFA Maofa Qui se défait, qui se démonte, se déunit, détaché
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.MA-QOFA M(a)oha Scattered, separated
Rennellese SO.MA-QOFA Maʔoha/ʔoha Collapse, fall apart, scatter (as people)
Sikaiana SO.MA-QOFA Maofa Disintegrate, destroy, shredded, fallen apart
Tikopia SO.MA-QOFA Maofa Disperse, disintegrate, be broken down, in ruins
Easter Island PN.MAQOLI Maʔori Name of the native land of Hotu Matu`a and of his people who migrated, following a cataclysm on the continent of Hioa, to the island; expert, wise, intelligent; tangata maori rongorongo, literate person (who knows how to read the inscriptions of the kohau motu); maori-ika, surgeon [dead body-expert]; maori-hare, house-builder (Egt). (Of manual training) dexterity, handy, industry, artisan; (Of mental training), erudite, finesse, cleverness; (the resultant) memorable, renowned, of good reputation; tagata maori, carpenter; rima maori, left (sic) hand; tae maori incompetent; maori ke, judicious, sly; maori ke avai, adroit (Chl). Skilled, old (Fts)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQOLI Maaori Indigenous, ordinary, natural; mortal man as opposed to supernatural beings; indigenous (of people) as opposed to incomers; fresh (water) as opposed to salt
Marquesas PN.MAQOLI Maoʔi Indigenous. Naturel, tel que la nature le donne; ordinaire, commun (Lch).
Mangareva PN.MAQOLI Maori Right (not left). La droite, opposée à la gauche (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MAQOLI Faka/mooli To witness, give evidence, confirm; to tell the truth, be sincere
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAQOLI Maoli True, truth; tell the truth, be real
East Uvea PN.MAQONI.* Maʔoni/ʔoni Juste, vrai; sinc?re, sans d?faut; bien, comme il faut (a la fin des verbes)
Samoan PN.MAQONI.* Faʔa/m(a)oni Tell the truth, be certain
Tokelau PN.MAQONI.* Faka/maa/oni Be honest, be faithful; honesty, faithfulness, integrity
Tongan PN.MAQONI.* Maaʔoniʔoni Morally pure, sincere and upright; righteous (in the true sense); impeccable
Niue PN.MA-QOPO Maopo/opo To complete, round off, tidy
Pukapuka PN.MA-QOPO Maopo Neatly gathered together, tidily collected in a pile
Tongan PN.MA-QOPO Maʔopo Fitted closely together, packed (closely but not uncomfortably) of buildings, people, boat, cargo
Tongan PN.MA-QOPO Maʔopo/ʔopo Packed or fitted together very closely; compact, dense, solid
Tongan PN.MA-QOPO Maaʔopo/ʔopo Completely furnished and fitted out, tidy, neatly and properly arranged
East Futuna OC.MAQOTA Maaʔota A shrub (Dysoxylum forsteri)
Niue OC.MAQOTA Moota, maota Tree (Dysoxylum forsteri)
Tongan OC.MAQOTA Moʔota Bush with a strong scent (Dysoxylum richii) (Cwd) (Dysoxylum forsteri) (Whr)
Fijian PN.MAPA Maba A shrub, Diospyros lateriflora
Rapa EO.MAPE.A Mape Small shrub of the cranberry family (Vaccinium rapae), fruit of which is eaten Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva PN.MAPU Mapu. Maapu (Rch). Sigh of fatigue. Haleter, ahaner, pousser un soupir (en parlant d'un homme fatigué et essoufflé) (Rch).
Tahitian PN.MAPU Mapu Souffler pendant une pause ou en revenant en surface comme les plongeurs qui expirent bruyamment. A whistle or native flute; palpitation of the heart through running or carrying a burden; to blow as a person out of breath; to whistle (Dvs).
East Futuna PN.MAA-PUNA Mapuna Emerge (after being submerged), surface; spurt out (as blood or water); start up from sleep; take off (of a plane); explode, fly into pieces
Samoan PN.MAA-PUNA Mapuna To strain as the back; start out, as a splinter from a falling tree ; raise (as dust)
Tikopia PN.MAA-PUNA Mapuna/ga Spring of water
Nuguria MP.MASA.1 Maha (pl. mmaha) Empty (container, of water); low (of tide)
Niue MP.MASA.1 Maha Empty [ex. of water container]; calm (of sea)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.MASA.1 Maa Empty (of water), finished (of rain), low (of tide)
West Futuna MP.MASA.1 Masa To dry up, evaporate completely. To be finished; to fail (Cpl).
Rarotongan MP.MASA.2 Maʔa/maʔa Bitter (Biblical)