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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas MQ.AO.5 Wáo ta vakka The canoe, or ship, is gone
Marquesas PN.QAPA Apa e! Formule d'adieu; adieu Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.QAPA Uppáue Adieu (addressed to a person going away, and answered by *ai* or *yoní*) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.QATAA Phinnew aʔtackʔa Waste land
Marquesas CE.ATA.2 Ate noho Rester tranquille, être posé
Marquesas AN.TULU.1 Ka/tuú Donner à boire goutte à goutte à un mourant
Mangareva AN.TULU.1 ʔAka/turu Faire manger à grande bouchée; conduire l'eau au moyen d'un canal Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.NAA.1 E/na Voici, voilà
Tongan PN.E.1B (ʔ)E Untranslatable particle used before numerals
Samoan PN.E.1B E Particle placed before numerals and certain other words referring to things which can be counted
Tahitian PN.E.1B E Article pluriel devant les noms de nombres; ligatif dans les noms de nombres, devant les dizaines, les centaines...
Hawaiian PN.E.1B ʔEe- Prefix to numerals, inanimate
Pukapuka PN.E.1B E Particle used before numbers and numerical compounds meaning how man of the people or things in question
New Zealand Maori PN.E.1B E Particle used before the interrogative *hia* and the cardinal numbers from two to nine, in a statement regarding the number of articles
Rarotongan PN.E.1B E, ee, ʔee Marks imperfect aspect...4. Before numerals and *'ia*....
Easter Island PN.E.1B E Prefijo de los numerales cardinales (adjetivos)
Takuu PN.E.1B E, ee Particle placed before numerals and certain other words referring to things that can be counted
Marquesas NP.NEI É/nei Ce, cet, cette, ceci...
Marquesas SO.KI-NEI ʔInei Ici Problematic
Marquesas MP.QATUA Atua, etua Très habile; artiste
Mangareva PN.TOQA ʔAre/toa Être actif; fort, robuste; courageux, brave
Marquesas PN.TOQA Faé/toa, haé/toa (MQN) Gens, peuple, famille, peuplade, personnes, sujets, serviteurs Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.FAQI Faí/na Battre des mains
Marquesas CC.SALI.3 Haí/ka, haí/na (MQS) Richesses, effets, bagages; meubles; fardeau, charge
Marquesas PN.FAALIKI Hieke Grass sp....fine...strewed for bedding, over which the principal people lay a mat.
Marquesas NP.SAE.2 Hoie To growl, as a beast
Mangareva EP.SEWA.B ʔAka/eva Se peindre le visage et le corps
Marquesas NP.MAMA.5 Hakamama (NKH), hamama (te haha) (Ua Huka), haʔamama (i te fafa) (Fatu Hiva) Bâiller, yawn
Mangareva EO.SAQU.2 ʔAu Construire, ériger
Marquesas AN.LAGI.2 Hau/ʔani Cime; lieux très élevés
Marquesas PN.SUA.1 Hua Recommencer; revenir; repliquer
Marquesas PN.FUA.5A Kai hua Manger des mets sans apprêt, à l'état naturel, simplement
Marquesas NP.SUE.1 Hue/hue Fish sp....avoided as poisonous
Luangiua PN.FUAFUA.2B Vae/hua Elephantiasis
Marquesas PN.FUAFUA.2B Huhua.. Huhuʔa (Atl). Swelling. Fluxion, inflammation, enflure, tumeur; enflé, bouffi, gonflé
Sikaiana PN.PANE.A Pane mua Front piece of an outrigger canoe
Sikaiana PN.PANE.A Pane muli Rear part of the washstrake {hono} of an outrigger canoe...used for sitting.
Nuguria NO.PALALAMA Balama Flache schmale Reling...geht entlang dem Bootsrande...von *pane* zu *pane*
Sikaiana NO.PALALAMA Pallama Upper part of the body of an outrigger canoe that is lashed on top the main body. The boom rods {kiato} are lashed in between.
Takuu NO.PALALAMA Pama Storage platform above the outrigger on the ancient sailing canoe (Obs). Problematic
Rennellese NO.PALALAMA Paagaba Side of a canoe Problematic
Nuguria AN.TAQUFUFU Huhu Giebelholz Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas NP.TAALAWA Kaʔava, kaʔavao Filière d'une maison Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.KAI-UU Manu kaiu Sauterelle
Marquesas PN.EQA.A Ea/ea Matière visqueuse que l'on trouve sur mer et qui semble jouir de la vie
Mangareva PN.EQA.A Eea/eea Matière marine dont se nourrit le petit poisson *eve*
Marquesas PN.KAFA.2 Afa/óa Infatigable à la marche, très bon marcheur
Rapa MQ.KIRI-GUTU Kirinutu (-ngutu?) Palate Problematic
New Zealand Maori MQ.KIRI-GUTU Kiringutu Discuss continuously with sinister meaning Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukuoro PN.LAU-GUTU Ma/lau ngudu Lips Phonologically Irregular