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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua SO.NI.2 ŋii Indefinite article plural
Samoan SO.NI.2 Ni Plural form of indefinite article se
Tikopia SO.NI.2 Ni Part. indefinite pl., some, any
Tokelau SO.NI.2 Ni Plural indefinite article
Takuu SO.NI.2 Ni Indefinite article: some, any
New Zealand Maori CE.NIFA.1 Niwha Resolute, bold, fierce, trucculent
Rarotongan CE.NIFA.1 Niʔaniʔa Exalted, of high renown Problematic
Tahitian CP.NIFA.2 Nifa The name of a spotted fish
New Zealand Maori AN.NIFI.1 Ni/nihi/ Steep; neap (of tide)
Marquesas AN.NIFI.1 Nihi/nihi Sharp, pointed, peaked. En pointe, pointu, à pic (Lch). Pointu, pointed [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Tuamotu AN.NIFI.1 Nihi High, steep
Hawaiian CE.NIFI.2 Nihi Move stealthily
New Zealand Maori CE.NIFI.2 Ni/nihi/ Move stealthily
New Zealand Maori CE.NIFI.2 Nihi/nihi Steal past, glide by
New Zealand Maori ??.NIFI.3 Nihi/nihi Some internal part of female genitalia
Moriori AN.NIFO Niho Teeth
Marquesas AN.NIFO Niho Dent. Tentacule, corne (Lch).
Niue AN.NIFO Nifo Tooth; scissors; tenon
Rapa AN.NIFO Nio Teeth (Green J.L.)
Takuu AN.NIFO Niho Tooth, teeth; horn (of goat, cow); whale tooth; cog (of a wheel)
New Zealand Maori PN.NIKO Taa/niko/ Finger-weaving in patterns
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.NIMO.1 Nimo/nimo/ilo Clever, intelligent Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu PN.NIMO.1 Nim/a Hide, conceal, secrete Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan TA.NINA Nina Devastate (e.g. of a flood); ravage, lay waste, sack
Tahitian TA.NINA Nina To cover with earth or water; to heap up earth about the stems of plants; to bury some unpleasant report
Luangiua NP.NITI ŋiki Close; intensifier
Rennellese NP.NITI Niti Tight, crowded, tightly fastened
Tahitian NP.NITI Niti/niti Niggardly, close-fisted
Tikopia NP.NITI Ngiti Tight; firm . Tense (of skin from an insect bite), stuffed (of nose with catarrh)
Niue PN.AGI.2 Agi To wander, to be a vagabond; non-playing member of a cricket team, marshall (someone who rounds the field to encourage poor fielders)
Tahitian EC.NIWA.* Niva/niva Unsteady
Marquesas EP.NO No De, pour. Adverbe indiquant l'origine; préposition: pour, à cause de; exprime une possession forte, une attribution durable (Lch). Of, belonging to (Crk).
Mangareva EP.NO No Belonging to, of, from. Particule possessive qui marque la possession dominante [sic] ou inaliénable
Penrhyn EP.NO Noo Prep. marking realized subordinate possession: of, from
Tahitian EP.NO Noo (devant les formes nominales) Indique la possession forte dans un prédicat; indique l'origine
Tuamotu EP.NO Noo Particle of emphatic intrinsic identification: Of, for, belonging to, intended for, from (as from a land of origin or a permanent abode); on account of, because of, for the purpose of
Tokelau EO.NOA.1 Faka/noanoa/ Be sad, disappointed; sadness, bereavement, mourning Problematic
Easter Island PN.NOA.2 Solamente, no más; todavía; siempre. Always (Wbr).
New Zealand Maori PN.NOA.2 Noa A particle postposed to nouns (only, ordinary, just) and verbs (without restraint, without avail, unlimited, unrestricted, just)
Rarotongan PN.NOA.2 Noa atu In spite of, notwithstanding, no matter
Tahitian PN.NOA.2 Noa (Après les formes verbales) Spontanément, sans raison, de soi-même; (après les formes nominales) exprime l'idée de restriction: seul, juste, seulement
Tokelau PN.NOA.2 Noa Just, mere, of no importance. Postposed particle mainly in nominal sentences
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.NOQA Te e/noa String
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.NOQA Noo-hia Snare (about sharks), fasten a rope to the leg (about pigs)
West Uvea CP.NOQA Noa Nerf, veine, tendon; corde; cordage (du bateau)
Marquesas CE.NOFA Noha Petrel or shearwater [Southeast Marquesan Dialect]
Pukapuka CE.NOFA Noa Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) Problematic
Tahitian CE.NOFA Noha Oiseau (Pterodroma rostrata)
Tokelau NP.NUAFINE Nuafine An old term for an old woman
Marquesas CE.NOHINOHI Noʔi (MQS), noki Nain, qui ne grandit pas, qui ne pousse pas vite, rabougri