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66781 Results matching "e" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas EP.TUTU.1 Tutú A hoop made of the wood
Marquesas NP.TULU-TULU.1 Tutú The short round pillars which support the fronts of houses
Marquesas PN.TUTU-A Tutúa A log of wood upon which cloth is beaten; also the act of beating it
Marquesas FJ.WELE Tu/veʔe, tu/veve Gratter, se gratter; racler, égratigner Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas AN.TULI.1 Túwe Obstinate
Marquesas NP.QUFA.1 Úhwa The female of beasts; a sow
Marquesas EP.KUHANE Uhwánne, guhwanne (NKH) The soul or spirit of animal beings
Marquesas PN.KUMALA.1 Umáu-a The tops of the sweet potatoe
Marquesas PN.KUMALA.1 Gumáu-a The sweet potatoe (Convolvulus chrysorizus parkinsoni)
Marquesas OC.KUPEGA Upéina A large net; a web
Marquesas OC.KUPEGA Upéina bunavaieváie A spider's web
Marquesas NP.PAU.1C Uppáou (An interjection) to set off, to be quick
Marquesas NP.PAU.1C Apau aé Laissez-moi passer, faites place
Marquesas NP.PAU.1C Apau oé Ôte-toi de là
Marquesas TA.UUTEE Uta Chant, chanson; chanter Problematic
Marquesas MP.LUA.1 Úwa A pit, especially to ferment bread fruit
Marquesas EO.ULA.1A Úwa A flame; to kindle
Marquesas MP.LUA.1 Úa kaáke Aisselle
Marquesas OC.WILI.1A Vií/pú Tour, circuit, circonférence; autour
Marquesas PN.KUI.2 Vàhéine kúe A woman, in distinction from a girl
Marquesas OC.WELA.A Vai-a kíkke Red, except of the kinds termed *kúwa*
Marquesas OC.WELA.A Veá/ki, veá/kikauá, veá/kiki Rouge écarlate, très rouge
Marquesas CC.WEKE-WEKE Váike, vaike vaike To entangle
Marquesas NP.WEKU.1 Vái-u Wet
Marquesas NP.WAANAGA Vanánna A religious ceremony
Marquesas OC.WAWE Váve Welcome! (an interjection); boisterous, heavy (sea)
Marquesas OC.WAWE Tai vave Mer forte dont le courant est très rapide
Marquesas XE.WILI.1C Ve To fall, or stumble
Marquesas CE.FAA-INU Víeinu To give water to drink; to give holding it to the person's mouth Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.RAWA-IKA Víeka A fisherman
Marquesas AN.FUNA.1A Vwaná To conceal or hide anything Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.NAQA.3 Hekka/ná, vwa/ná To conceal or hide anything
Marquesas NP.FAAGAI.A Vwaní (THT) To feed
Marquesas NP.FAANAU.B Vwanóu To bring forth young (applied to women and beasts)
Marquesas EP.FAAITO Waedo To take aim Problematic
Marquesas PN.OLA.1 Wáu-a Alive, well
Marquesas OC.WAWE Ave/ave Vite! vite! Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.KETU.2 A tu To leap
Marquesas PN.KO-IA Oye/nʔnah That same
Marquesas CE.RIO.1 Oiʔoi Faded in colour Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas MP.MAKA-LILI Mahʔrilʔie Cold
Marquesas EP.KUHANE Eoʔphar may Soul
Marquesas PN.QARIKI Ea, aree, ke A chief
Marquesas PN.QAUA.2 Ow, maʔahʔha Don't by any means
Marquesas PN.QAUA.2 Au/ma Non, ne pas, nullement
Marquesas NP.FAQI Phoi eng Worship
Marquesas NP.FAQI Hié/ka (NKH) A religious ceremony
Marquesas CE.FAA-INU Phaʔeʔnu A medicine
Marquesas PN.FAA-QITI Hapiti Serré, étroit, rétréci Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.FAA-QITI Fau bee te Narrow Phonologically Irregular