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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan AN.FUTU Futu (Barringtonia); (Barringtonia asiatica) (Whr)
Tahitian AN.FUTU Hutu Ancien nom de l'arbre appelé hotu (Barringtonia asiatica)
Tahitian AN.FUTU Hotu Arbre (Barringtonia asiatica); l'amande mélangée à la racine du hora servait à empoisonner les poissons du lagon Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia AN.FUTU Futu (Barringtonia asiatica)
Tokelau AN.FUTU Futu A tree (Barringtonia asiatica)
Tongan AN.FUTU Futu (Barringtonia asiatica)
Tuamotu AN.FUTU Hutu (Barringtonia)
Rapa OC.-GA -nga Participial suffix, present tense
Takuu EO.GAA.1 N/naa Action involving opening the mouth and making a noise (especially when sleeping) [snore, stammer] Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna PN.WELO.1 Uoro-sia To spear, pierce, stab; to butt into Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese SO.GAA-QUTA Ngaaʔuta Bush area, especially bush-garden not on main trail
Samoan PN.GAFI-GAFI Gafigafi An old siapo used as a wrapper for native property
Mangareva CE.GAGIE Gegie Arbrisseau (Suriana maritima) (Simurubacées) Phonologically Irregular
Rapa CE.GAGIE Mangie A bush (Styphelia oxycedrus) Borrowed Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan CE.GAGIE Ngangie Indigenous shrubs (Pemphis acidula) and (Suriana maritima)
Rarotongan CE.GAIO.2 Ngaio A small indigenous tree common in littoral vegetation on Mangaia and around the lake on Miti`aro (Myoporum sandwicense)
East Uvea PN.GALA Gala, galagala Fair du bruit, pleurer, criailler, brailler
Penrhyn EP.GAARARA Ngaarara Gecko spp. large lizard spp. which live mainly on coconut trees; mourning gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris), Polynesian gecko (Gehyra oceanica)
Niue FJ.GALI.2A Gali To look attractive. Becoming, appropriate, correct (Tgr).
Tahitian FJ.GALI.2A Ari The tribute paid to the king, or a principal chief; the advantages obtained by marriage, or otherwise, such as land, property, influence or government
Samoan OC.GALO.1 Galo/mia Perfective
New Zealand Maori CE.GARO Ngaro Housefly (western dialects)
Tikopia NP.GAALULU.B Ngaaruru Throb painfully. Especially associated with headache
Tongan PN.GANA.1 Ngana Fitting or appropriate or all right for the person specified, though not for others Problematic
Kapingamarangi PN.GAOFIE Ngoh/ia Easy, swiftly
Kapingamarangi PN.GAOFIE Ngooh/ia Easy, easily
Tikopia PN.GAOFIE Ngaofia Easily, softly
Tikopia PN.GAFUA Ngafua Licit, appropriate, usu. of food
Rennellese NP.GAAOQI Ngaoʔia To be tired, sore, sickly
Tahitian TA.GAPU.1 Apuapu Pliancy, flexibility; pliable, flexible; thin or slender as a cup, or the bottom of a canoe, or something that is hollow
Easter Island PN.GAQESE ŋaʔehe/ʔehe A plant (Crotolaria striata). Dry seeds in the shell produce a peculiar noise when the branches sway
West Futuna CE.GASERE Gahere/fere Entangled brush, difficult to negotiate Problematic
Takuu OC.GASU.2 Nasu Shrub sp. with small flowers (Scaevola sericia or Scaevola taccada)...
Kapingamarangi PN.FAI-GAOFIE Hai ngoohia Easy (to do), easily done
Penrhyn PN.GATALA Ngatara Speckled-finned rock cod (Epinephelus ongus). Surge Grouper (Epinephelus socialis) (McC).
Tahitian PN.GATALA ʔAtara (Epinephelus socialis). Loche marbrée (Epinephelus polyphekadion) (Bct).
Tuamotu CE.GAATI ŋaati Social grouping based on descent from named ancestor
Pukapuka PN.GAAWARI Ngaavali/vali Pliable, slack (of movements)
East Uvea PN.GATU.1 Gatu Espece d'etoffe faite avec l'ecorce de l'arbuste appele hiapo
Niue PN.GATU.1 Gatu-hiapo Worn out barkcloth
Samoan PN.GATU.1 Gatu Old siapo used as rags in sickness
New Zealand Maori EP.GATU.2 Ngatu Lower part of stem of Bulrush (Typha angustifolia)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.GAU Gu/sia Bite
Rarotongan OC.GAU Ngau-a, -ʔia Chew
Marquesas PN.GAAWARI Navai (MQS), kavai (MQN) Delicate, slender, pliable. Ployer, courber, rendre flexible.
Pukapuka PN.GAAWARI Ngavali Bend, be curved. Pliable, loose (Sby)
Rarotongan PN.GAAWARI Ngaavari Pliable, easily persuaded. Unstable, wobbly, loose
Penrhyn CE.GERE Ngere Have nothing, miss (especially in sharing out fish or coconuts)
Fijian MP.GIGIE Gigia Tree sp. (Suriana maritima)
Rotuman MP.GIGIE Giagia Tree with large red inedible fruit, very sappy wood, flowers white with five petals