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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta PN.MOSO.2 Mo Cooked, in any manner (baked, roasted, boiled)
Anuta NP.MOAGA Mooanga Fish sp. (= apuru)
Anuta CP.NOQA Noo/kapa A belt made from sennit cord
Anuta PN.MO-QI Ngo Prefix indicating that an object has in some way been altered in such a manner as to prepare it for use (e.g. ngo-ika 'piece of cooked fish', ngo-paka 'piece of tobacco ready for smoking') Problematic
Anuta PN.HOKA.1 Oka Transverse beams supporting roof of house
Anuta OC.PAA.3A Pa(a) Traditional fishing lure with pearl shell "spoon" and turtle shell or green snail hook; necklace made from same
Anuta MP.TIRO Paa/tio, paka/tio To look (in a direction)
Anuta MP.KAHA.1 Paka/ka-ti To burn, as in burning a piece of wood
Anuta AN.KASO.1 Paka/kato Thin transverse supporting strip for roof of house, made from betel nut [sc. betel palm?]
Anuta PN.KAO-KAO Paka/kaukau Longitudinal supporting beams for roof of house
Anuta FJ.MALU.B Paka/maru To keep one dry; an object which keeps one dry (such as a roof or an umbrella)
Anuta PN.PUSA.1 Paka/puta Spool around which fishing line is wound; dropline spool Problematic
Anuta CP.SISI.3 Tiiti To scoop out meat from *niu mata*
Anuta MP.PAKU.A Paku Pudding or *taki niu* which has been dried by over-cooking in oven
Anuta AN.FANA.1 Pana/pana Generally, to shoot...; specifically, to spear-fish
Niue PN.PALA.1D Pala/pala To be watery (mainly of food); to be wet and soggy (of weather condition)
Anuta MP.PIKO.A Piko(piko) Crooked, twisted
Anuta PN.FORE Poore To peel something
Anuta OC.POO.2 Popoo (popou?) To hold something (generally followed by *atu* or *mai*)
Anuta OC.FUGA.1 Punga pare Ceiling, roof
Anuta PN.PUKE.2 Pu/puke Water falling in large quantities (as from water supply aqueduct during monsoon season)
Anuta MP.PULA.1 Pura For a spark to ignite upon rubbing a stick on a wood platform or fire plow
Anuta FJ.PALE.3C Ra/pare/pare Afternoon
Anuta PN.LEQO.2 Reo To look after
Anuta PN.LOFA.1 Roopaa To groan (or convulse?) in sleep Problematic
Anuta PN.LOTO.B Roto A hole in the reef on the ocean floor; deep sea
Anuta NP.TAKALO Pai taakaro To fool around; to play at making string figures
Anuta CP.TAGI.B Tangi/karanga To shout, whoop, cry out, call out; to bark (of a dog)
Anuta OC.TAGO.A Tango/tango To hunt birds by grabbing them by hand or with a pole and noose
Anuta AN.TALI.3A Tari/matanga Loop for catching sharks and other large fish
Anuta AN.TALIGA Taringa/atua Mushroom
Anuta TO.TEGI-TEGI Te/tengi A small coconut leaf mat used to block doorways leading into a house, when the owner is asleep or not at home Problematic
Anuta PN.TOQA Toa Warrior; strong man; adversary in a fight or test of strength; to choose an opponent in a battle
Anuta AN.TOA Toa Ironwood (tree)
Anuta PN.TUQA.1B Tua/a/vae The upper surface of the foot
Tikopia AN.TUTU.3 Tu/nga Wooden slab on which bark cloth trad. beaten
Anuta PN.SUKE U(u)ke To uncover a canoe; uncover an object such as a canoe which has been covered with leaves while not in use; uncover or untie, as a food parcel.
Anuta MP.SULU.1A Uru To roof (replace rotted leaves on roof of house)
Anuta MP.QULUGA Urunga Wooden head-rest; to place one's head on a headrest
Anuta AN.AKA.A Vai/aka Root
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FORE Foore/a Defeated Uncertain Semantic Connection
Manihiki-Rakahanga XO.KAU.8 Kau A native fish hook used to catch *paru* [Ruvettus] with Problematic
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.KOO-MIRI Koomiro/miro Rub Phonologically Irregular
Manihiki-Rakahanga NP.KOO-LELO Koorero Speak
Pukapuka TA.KOO-UA Kooua Immature coconut
Pukapuka XO.KAU.8 Kau Wooden fishhook... Problematic
Penrhyn PN.MA-FOLA Maasora-hia To loosen [ex. hair] Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn EO.TAQO.1 Taw Cooked
Penrhyn NP.SUUMAALIE Su marè, sumarè/ng Very good, best
Penrhyn PN.PI-PIKI Mata pikè Crooked eyes, squint