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1651 Results matching "ala" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva NP.MAMAE.1 Mamae Mal, douleur, souffrance; souffrir d'un mal, souffrir dans une maladie
Mangaia CE.MAMAKU Maamaku The Silk Cotton tree, the kapok of Malaysia Problematic
Tikopia AN.MAMAWA Mava Yawn; inhalation of deep breath
Raga EO.MANA-UI Mala-usi Garuga floribunda
Mangareva PN.MANO Mano Thousand, (previously two thousand). Mille (ce nombre valait 2000 autrefois) (Rch).
Samoan FJ.MANOKO Manoʔo Small fishes belonging to genera (Periophthalmodon, Zonogobius, Chonophorus, Salarias, Cirripectes, Alticus) which include the Gobies and Mud Skippers
Rennellese MP.MASA.1 Maamala To dry or be dry Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MASAGA.1 Maga/iala Crossroad, side road
Arosi MP.MASAKI Mataʔi Malaria
Sa'a MP.MASAKI Mataʔi Malarial fever
Fijian FJ.MASALA Macala Be clear, intelligible, understood
Samoan FJ.MASALA Masala Great in any way Problematic
Sikaiana FJ.MASALA Masaala Know, understand, be clear about something
Niue TA.MASARA Mahala Think Borrowed
Pukapuka TA.MASARA Mayala Think of, remember
East Futuna PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Untied, open (as a flower)
East Uvea PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Untied, open (as a flower)
Hawaiian PN.MA-TALA.A Makala Untied, undone
Ifira-Mele PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Split open Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MA-TALA.A Matala To bloom, blossom, open up (as flowers)
Nukuoro PN.MA-TALA.A Madala Unfastened
Luangiua PN.MA-TALA.A Maakala Feeling good, free
Pukapuka PN.MA-TALA.A Maa/tala/tala Loose (of plaiting elements)
Samoan PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Untied, undone
Sikaiana PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Untied
Tokelau PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Be open, become open
Tongan PN.MA-TALA.A Matala Come off, come away, separated, to be; to flower, come out in full bloom, open; flower
Hawaiian PN.MATA-QARA Makaʔala Alert, vigilant, watchful, awake
Niue PN.MATA-QARA Mataala Be on watch, vigilant Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro PN.MATA-QARA Madaala Able to remain awake for a long time
Pukapuka PN.MATA-QARA Mataala Watchful, keep awake
Samoan PN.MATA-QARA Mataala Vigilant, watchful, alert
Luangiua NO.MATA-A-TALA Makaakala Front of house
Sikaiana NO.MATA-A-TALA Mataatala Front and back edges of roof
Marquesas AN.MATE.1A Mate Mort, la mort, mourir, souffrir, malade, malaise, maladie, mal
Mangareva AN.MATE.1A Mate Die. Mort; être malade. Malade, sick, ill (Atl).
West Uvea AN.MATE.1A Mate Malade, maladie; mourir. (With non-perfective particles) sick, sickness; (with perfective particles) dead; (with def. article) death, corpse
Tahitian PN.MATO Mato Falaise. A craggy rock or precipice (Dvs).
New Zealand Maori PN.MATUQA.B Matua Main, chief, important; hull or body of canoe, body of calabash to which paewa affixed
Samoan OC.MITI.2 Miti Cuckoo Shrike or trillers (Lalage spp.)
New Zealand Maori PN.MURI-FANUA Muri-whenua Northern end of the North Island of New Zealand
Mangareva CE.MUUNAA Muna Maladie de la peau, dartre farineuse; maladie de la derrière envoyée par les dieux pour avoir fait ses nécéssités près de la demeure
West Uvea RO.NANUE Nanue Poisson qui ressemble au palangi [chirurgien, Acanthuridé]
Kapingamarangi NP.NAPE.A Nepe Fastening turn of the outrigger shroud to the middle boom; make a slip knot, slip through; tuck in, as a lavalava
Kapingamarangi PN.MANEGA Melenge Fish sp., parrot fish (larger than balagia)
Marquesas EP.NINI.1 Nini/nini Malaise intérieure
Tokelau PN.OO.1 L/oo/tala Siganus sp. (juvenile)
Marquesas PN.OQI.A Oi Knead breadfruit paste. Pétrir, délayer. Pétrir, knead [Southeast Marquesan Dialect]; malaxer (une pâte) (Atl).
Tahitian PN.OQI.A Oi Pétrir à la main, malaxer une pâte. To knead, applied to dough, mahi, etc.; to mingle different substances, by working with the hand in a dish (Dvs).
Marquesas XE.OPATA Opata. O(o)pata (Atl). Précipice, lieu escarpé, élevé, abîme. Cliff (Mtu). Falaise, cliff (Atl).