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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori CP.KAALEWA Kaare(w)are(w)a New Zealand Falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae)
New Zealand Maori CP.KAALEWA Kaaiaia New Zealand Falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori CP.KAALEWA Kaaeaea New Zealand Falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae)
Rarotongan CP.KAALEWA Karavia Long-tailed New Zealand Cuckoo, (Eudynamis taitensis)
Hawaiian AN.KALI.2 ʔAli Variant of `eli to dig
Rotuman AN.KALI.2 Kari To scrape, especially so as to roughen or damage Borrowed
Tahitian AN.KALI.2 ʔAri/ʔari Mince par endroit, de diamètre irregulier
East Uvea FJ.KALIA Kalia Grande pirogue double
Fijian FJ.KALIA Kalia The double canoe of the Tongans; fish sp. called ulu rua, from the peculiar formation of its forehead. Double-headed wrasse (Bolbometopon) (Gty).
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.KALIA Kalia/kai Dinghy, lifeboat
Samoan FJ.KALIA ʔAlia Double canoe
Tongan FJ.KALIA Kalia Double canoe
Anuta NP.KALI-KAO Karikau Trochus shell (found in Tikopia, but not Anuta); trochus shell armlet
New Zealand Maori NP.KALI-KAO Karikawa (Cookia sulcata) a univalve mollusc Problematic
Ifira-Mele NP.KALI-KAO Kariao Trochus shell
Luangiua NP.KALI-KAO Aleʔiia Trochus Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian CE.KARIOI Arioi A certain fraternity of players, that travelled thru the islands, and observed peculiar customs
Tuamotu CE.KARIOI Karioi Young man/woman prior to permanent the period of free sexual intercourse
Rennellese EO.KALISI.1A Ka(n)gisi Kind of small skink (Emoia cyanura)
Rennellese PN.KALO.1 Kago-hia To punish Uncertain Semantic Connection
Fijian ??.KALO.2 Qalo A tree (Weinmannia richii)
Emae FJ.KALOLO Kalo/tia String (a bow); bind (a person) hand and foot Phonologically Irregular
Samoan NP.KALO-(QI)-AFI ʔAloiafi Spark
Samoan PN.KALU-KALU ʔAluʔalu Edible jellyfish sp., (Rhizostoma sp.) ; upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopoeia sp.)
East Futuna PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 Kamakama Crab sp. ; (Portinus gladiator) and some Grapsidae (I)
Ra'ivavae MP.KAMI.1 Amiami Interior folds of the vagina. To move the vagina with a circular motion (Stn). Problematic
Pukapuka PN.KAMO.1 Kemo/tia Signal with eyes
Tikopia PN.KANA.1 Kana Marine material, probably sponge, said to drift to Tikopia
New Zealand Maori CE.KANA.2 Kana/kanaia Witchcraft
Rarotongan CE.KANA.2 Kana-ʔia Cast in eye; stare at
Rarotongan CE.KANA.2 Kana/kana-ʔia Staring, glaring, watchful; roll or swivel the eyes
Mangareva CE.KA-NAPA Kanapa Scintiller, étinceller; être brillant, éclatant. Brilliant, sparkling (Tgr).
Rarotongan CE.KA-NAPA Kanapa Flash, glitter, sparkle brilliantly
East Uvea MP.KANAWA Kanava Nom d'un arbre (Cordia subcordata)
Fijian MP.KANAWA Nawanawa A tree (Cordia subcordata)
Mota MP.KANAWA Ganawa/sia A tree
Nukuoro MP.KANAWA Ganava A tree (Cordia subcordata)
East Uvea PN.TALO-TALO Talotalo (Crinum asiaticum)
Motu PN.TALO-TALO Talotalo Plante (Celosia argentea) (sa feuille contient une gomme cicatrisante)
Samoan MP.KANAWA Tau/anave/ A tree (Cordia subcordata)
Tokelau MP.KANAWA Kaanava A tree (Cordia subcordata)
East Uvea OC.KANO.1A Kano Chair, viande, matière constituante d’un corps
Pukapuka OC.KANO.1A Kano That which is regarded as the real or essential part of something (e.g. kano toki, head of an axe, kano moana, deep, dark ocean) (???); inside, centre, core of something
Rennellese OC.KANO.1A Kano (+ qual.) Kernel, as of a nut; flesh, as of a coconut, fish or bivalve; genitalia, labia
Vaeakau-Taumako EC.UKAU Kau Pneumonia Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.KANU Kanu/kanu/ia Decorate with painting
Marquesas EP.KAO.1 Kao Feuilles de bananier, de cocotier, de latanier non épanouies; fleur de tia'e non épanouie, bouton de fleur; nouvelle pousse, jeunes pousses des arbres. Poindre, come out (Atl).
New Zealand Maori OC.KAO.3 Kao/riki Little bittern (ixobrychus novaezelandiae)
Tahitian OC.KAO.3 ʔAo Butorides striatus, Little Mangrove Heron
Easter Island FJ.KAPA-TIKO Kapatiko A fish (Lethrinus miniatus) (Rsr)