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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas EO.HOKA.2 Oka To stab, pierce. Fourchette; saigner, pratiquer une saignée; percer, tuer, égorger (Lch). Causer une vive douleur, piquant (Ua Pou) (Lch).
Fijian PN.HOKO.1 Soko Sail or voyage Problematic
Hawaiian TA.HOOPARA Hoolapa Boil, rise up (as a blister); spread or blaze (as a fire, volcanic eruption. (Said to derive from %ho`olapa|) Borrowed
Rennellese EO.HUQI.1 ʔUi Take canoe out to sea; extract Pandanus keys; take off (e.g. shirt); unlash (e.g. sail); free oneself from
Tongan PN.HURU.B Ulu/isino To be in control of a person, as an obsession; said of a demon of hatred, etc. Problematic
Sikaiana MP.KAFA.1 Aha Sail guide rope Problematic
Takuu SO.KAFI K/kafi/ Able to sail directly to a point; skilful, knowledgeable Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MP.KAHA.1 Ka ka te ahi Said when war is declared
Anuta PN.KAINAGA Kainanga Certain social groups said to be descendants of early invaders; clan
Rarotongan CK.KAAKAA.1B Kaakaa Said to be a large heron-like bird...
Takuu EC.KA-KAFI Kkahi Sail direct to a location (depending on the wind direction)
Kapingamarangi PN.KA-KANO.1 Di kana di laa Form of the sail cloth
Marquesas CE.KARERE Keʔeʔe Messager, envoyé, député, émissaire
Tahitian FJ.KALOLO Aroro A rope used as a stay to the mast of a sailing canoe
Rarotongan PN.KANA.1 Kana Stool-type coconut grater; to grate with such. Said to be a borrowing from the northern group
Tikopia PN.KANA.1 Kana Marine material, probably sponge, said to drift to Tikopia
East Futuna PN.KAPA.1 Ka(ka)pa Saisir, empoigner; prendre avec la main, mettre la main sur, toucher avec la main
East Futuna PN.KAPA.1 Kapa Saisir, empoigner, toucher pour attraper
East Uvea PN.KAPA.1 Ka(ka)pa Saisir, empoigner; prendre, attraper
East Uvea PN.KAPA.1 Ka(ka)pa Saisir, empoigner; prendre, attraper
Tahitian OC.KAPA-KAPA.A Apaapa To flap as a sail, or as the wings of bird; birds of all sorts
East Uvea FJ.KAPO.1 Kapo Saisir vite un art, un métier
Samoan FJ.KAPU.2 ʔAʔapu Draw the wind (as of a sail)
Tokelau FJ.KAPU.2 Ka/kapu Bulge out, fill (of a sail)
Nukuoro AN.KAU.3 Gau/ dagodo Boom of sail
Tahitian NP.KAU-QALIKI Auarii/roa One of the trees said by tradition to be destined to hold up the sky; the leaves resemble those of the oak. Arbrisseau indigène (Jsn).
Kapingamarangi PN.KAU-I Gaui Put sail on boom
Luangiua PN.KAU-I Aui/ŋa Looped rope on bottom sail
Takuu PN.KAU-I Kaui/na Series of loops in the rope attached to the lower edge of a sail
Tongan PN.KAU-I Kaui Fasten sail to yard
Penrhyn NP.KAU-MATUA Haka/kaumatua/ Said of a precocious child
Hawaiian CE.KAU-MOANA ʔAu-moana Sailor
New Zealand Maori CE.KAU-MOANA Kau-moana Sailor; a member of a canoe crew
Tahitian FJ.KAUTE ʔAute Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), autrefois (Broussonetia papyrifera) dont on faisait un tapa brun
Niue PN.KAU-WAKA Kauvaka Sailor, crew
Mangareva OC.KAWA.1A Kava Boisson. Kava (Piper methysticum, Sapindacées); saison (Rch).
New Zealand Maori ??.KAWE-AU Kawe(kawe)au A large lizard said to be striped with red or brown; the Longtailed Cuckoo (Eurodynamis taitensis)
Fijian PN.KAWEI Kaweki Lash sail to yard Problematic
Takuu SO.KAAVEI Kaavei A constellation said to resemble a rope
Tuamotu PN.KEU.1 Keu To commence to move (said of a child in the womb, just as labor commences)
Rennellese PN.KEWA.1 Keba(keba) = gheogheo To stagger, take a weaving course; to walk with dangling limbs, said mockingly of lame persons
Pukapuka MP.KIE.A Kie Specially made mat sometimes used as sail Borrowed
Pukapuka PN.KIE.B Kie Specially made mat (sometimes used as sail
Penrhyn TA.KIE.C Kie Sail (n), canvas
Pukapuka TA.KIE.C Kie Specially made mat sometimes used as a sail
Rarotongan TA.KIE.C Kie Sail
Tuamotu TA.KIE.C Kie A sail, when in place
Tahitian AN.KOKO.1 ʔOoʔomi Froncer les sourcils (Dvs). Saisir, presser (Jsn).
Tikopia PN.KIU.3 Kiu Tapering, narrowed (said of a fish whose tail narrows to the rear) ; grimace, screw up the face
Rapa FJ.KOFE.A Koʔe Bamboo (said to be absent formerly)