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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro OC.TAPAKAU Dabagau Floormat variety
Luangiua OC.TAPAKAU Kapaʔau Mat (woven by hand, of coconut leaf)
Penrhyn OC.TAPAKAU Tapakau Coconut frond mat; sitting mat
Rotuman OC.TAPAKAU Tapakau Coconut frond floor mat Problematic
Samoan OC.TAPAKAU Tapaʔau Coconut leaf floor mat
Sikaiana OC.TAPAKAU Tapakau Mat made from coconut leaf, used for sitting and floor covering
Tahitian OC.TAPAKAU Tapâu A platted piece of cocoanut leaves used by the priests to direct their prayers, like the rosary of the Roman Catholics
Tikopia OC.TAPAKAU Tapakau Floormat of plaited coconut leaf
Tongan OC.TAPAKAU Tapakau Large coconut leaf suitable for making floor mat
Tuamotu OC.TAPAKAU Tapakau Coconut leaf, used for feasting mat
Waya OC.TAPAKAU Tabakau Mat, loosely woven from coconut fronds
Pukapuka MP.TAPA-SI Tapa/tapa Crack open a coconut, to smash
Fijian CP.TAPA-TAPA.1 Capacapa Edible sea-creature like small lobster (Vanua Levu)
Hawaiian CE.TAPA-TAPA.2* Kapakapa Human crotch
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TAPATUU.* Tapatuu A small fish
Sikaiana NP.TAPATUU.* Tapatuu A small barracuda
Fijian OC.TAPE.2 I/tabe Small shallow basket without handles
Rarotongan CE.TAA-PEKA Taapeka-a-rima Bracelet
Tahitian CE.TAA-PEKA Taapeʔa Agripper, tenir, retenir, maintenir; détenir, arrêter
Pukapuka NP.TAPERE Tapele Sleeping mat; lover's bed in bush Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MQ.TAAU-GA.A Tauka (MQN), tauna (MQS) Couple (manière de compter les fruits à pain, les cocos en prenant un fruit de chaque main et le jetant sur le tas, et après avoir ainsi jeté deux fois on dit: E tahi tauka une fois quatre).
Anuta SO.TAPI.1B Tapi For a woman to wash her genitals
Tuamotu TA.TA-POKI Taapoki To cover over loosely (as with a mat or covering laid out flat, but not as a cover or integral part of anything); a cover, covering; a ridge thatching
Pukapuka NP.TAA-POLA Taapola Coconut thatch made from whole frond
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TAPU Tapu/a Forbid, make sacred
Rarotongan OC.TAPU Tapu Formal ceremonial or religious interdiction
Rotuman OC.TAPU Fapu/i Marked by a taboo sign
Tuamotu OC.TAPU Tapu Formal ceremonial religious restrictions
Hawaiian CE.TAPUHI Kaapuhi Nurse or caretaker, master of an animal
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.TAA-PUI Tapui/a Mark, choose, reserve
Rennellese CP.TAA-PUI Taapui To make taboo
Rotuman CP.TAA-PUI Fapui Mark as reserved by tying coconut frond round
Mangareva CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Taputapuatea A marae in Magareva
Rarotongan CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Taputapuatea One of the main royal courts
Tahitian CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Taputapuatea A marae on Ra`iatea. Nom d'un "marae" célebre de Opoa. Il était considéré comme international
Tuamotu CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Taputapuaatea Name of a marae in many islands (but not, apparently, in Tuamotu islands Problematic
Niue PN.TAPU-TOKI Taputoki, tokitoki A small tree (Cryptocarya turbinata)
New Zealand Maori PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapuwae Footmark, footprint, sole of the foot
Rarotongan PN.TAPU-WAQE Tapuae Footmark, footprint, sole of the foot
Mangareva EP.TUQU.3B Tuu Piquer, entrer dans la peau; viser juste, et atteindre le but; gémissement, cris plaintifs d'un malade
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TASI.1 Tai [VAE,TAU], e/tai [NUP] Human being, people, person
Fijian PN.TATAU.1 Sau To cut reed, bamboos etc.; to prick, as in tattooing; tattoo marks
Nukuoro PN.TATAU.1 Tatau To mark, to tattoo
Tahitian PN.TATAU.1 Tatau The marks or points on the human skin; to mark or point on the skin
Tikopia PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattoo marks
Tuamotu PN.TATAU.1 Taatau Tattoo; make designs on, mark (obs.)
Sikaiana PN.TATAU.3 Ttau Squeeze and twist, as in wringing out a rag, or making coconut oil from grated coconut
East Uvea MQ.TATE Tate Masturber (Rch Problematic
New Zealand Maori MQ.TATE Tatetate Rattle, make sharp recurring noise Problematic
New Zealand Maori NP.TAA-TOU Taatau First person inclusive plural pronoun [Eastern Maori Dialect]