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16724 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Ifira-Mele NP.T-OO.5 Too Your, sing. intimate
Nuguria PN.TOQO.1 Too/mai Bring, fetch, get (generic)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TOQO.1 To/a Take, marry, take and (initiating the action signified by the following verb), gather, get
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TOQO.1 Too Hold, carry in hand, give, take, maintain
West Uvea PN.TOQO.1 Too-a Prendre; porter; apporter, amener (tooa mai)
Samoan SO.TOQO.2 Too/too/mamala To belch
New Zealand Maori AN.TOA Toa/toa Phyllocladus trichomanoides)
Marquesas PN.TOQA Toʔa, toʔah Male animal; champion
Pukapuka PN.TOQA Toa Warrior, champion; male animal
Rarotongan PN.TOQA Toa Hero; manly, heroic, brave
Tahitian PN.TOQA Toa Guerrier (arch.). A warrior, a valiant man; courageous, valiant; mischievous, savage (Dvs).
Tikopia PN.TOQA Toa Strong man; warrior
Anuta EO.TOE.1A Toe Remainder. To remain, be left (over), be excluded... (Fbg).
Easter Island EO.TOE.1A Toe Be left over, remain
East Futuna EO.TOE.1A Toe Remainder; still, yet; child
Hawaiian EO.TOE.1A Koe Remainder, surplus, excess
Kwara'ae EO.TOE.1A Ore Remainder
Moriori EO.TOE.1A Toe Remain
Mangareva EO.TOE.1A Toe Reste; être de reste (se dit de tout ce qui reste). To remain, be in surplus; overplus (Tgr).
Niue EO.TOE.1A Toe To be left over, remain
Nukuoro EO.TOE.1A Doe Left over, remain
Luangiua EO.TOE.1A Koe Remainder
Penrhyn EO.TOE.1A Toe Remain
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.TOE.1A Tole Remain, be left Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka EO.TOE.1A Toe Other, next, remaining, another
Rarotongan EO.TOE.1A Toe To remain or be left over
Rennellese EO.TOE.1A Toe Be remaining, left, left over, omitted
Rotuman EO.TOE.1A Tore To remain, be left over or behind Problematic
Sa'a EO.TOE.1A Ore Remain behind, be omitted
Samoan EO.TOE.1A Toe Remain, be left, again
Sikaiana EO.TOE.1A Toe Left over, remaining
Takuu EO.TOE.1A Toe In excess, remain, more than, left over (as after a distribution); woman who has passed a marriageable age but is still unmarried
Tokelau EO.TOE.1A To/toe Remain, be left over
Tuamotu EO.TOE.1A Toe Remain, be left over
Hawaiian EC.TOE.2 Koe Scratch, claw, scrape; strip pandanus leaves; strike match; card wool etc
Hawaiian EC.TOE.2 Maa/koe/ To rake, strip, scrape away
New Zealand Maori EC.TOE.2 Ma/toe/ Split, crack, open in fissures
Tahitian EC.TOE.2 Ti/toe An instrument to make a groove; any kind of beading or grooving plane; to form any kind of grooves
Tahitian EC.TOE.2 Matoe A crack or split; to crack or split, as wood in the sun
Tuamotu EC.TOE.2 Kii/toe/toe To split with a pointed instrument into many strips suitable for plaiting
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.FULA.1 Tua/hula Be inflated, expand (used about many kinds of objects, like human beings, puddings, balls ,etc.)
Tongan PN.WAO.B Kai/vao Wild, living in the wilds; (of animals) not domesticated; (of people) not civilized, savage
Tikopia FJ.TOFA.1A Tofa/a Make calm, smooth, level (sea, house site)
East Uvea PN.TOFA.2 Tofa Percer, ouvrir, frayer; ouvrir (une route nouvelle); faire (le terrassement d'une maison)
Tongan PN.TOFA.2 Tofa Make or open up something (road, sea route, earth oven)
New Zealand Maori CP.TOFE.1 Tohe/manga Longimactra elongata
New Zealand Maori CP.TOFE.1 Tohe/roa A bivalve mollusc (Amphidesma ventriculosa)
Rennellese CP.TOFE.1 Tohe Small, edible, white bivalve or barnacle, as on floating logs
Mangareva AN.TOFI Toʔi Couper dans le siolo de fermentation de grands morceaux de nourriture (ma); couper en morceaux des vivres, des fruits
Tongan AN.TOFI Tofi Cut up or cut off, with a pressing movement; knife made of ironwood (toa)