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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas CE.KOOFAI Kohai. Ko(o)hai (Ua Huka, Hiva Oa) (Atl). A podded plant (Caesalpinnia pulcherrima) [Swartz]; espèce de plante (Dln). Sesbania speciosa (Atl).
Mangareva CE.KOOFAI Koai Nom d'une herbe. Arbre: le badamier (Terminalia catappa) (Combretacées); espèce de banane (noire à l'intérieur) (Rch).
Tahitian CE.KOOFAI Ofai (Sesbania grandiflora) ; (Agati tomentosa)
Fijian EO.MILO.1 Mulomulo Tree sp. (Thespesia populnea); top
Tuamotu CE.KOOFAI Koohai Pod-bearing tree (Sesbania speciosa)
Hawaiian CE.KOOFAI-KURA ʔOohai-ʔula Royal Poinciana (Delonix regia)
Mangareva CE.KOOFAO Kohao. Koaʔo (Rch). Diarrhoea; a watery evacuation of the bowels. Selles liquides, diarrhée (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.KOOFAO Kohai Diarrhoea Problematic
Rarotongan CE.KOOFAO Kooʔao Bloated, distended, especially of the stomach
New Zealand Maori CK.KOO-FATU.* Koo(w)hatu Stone. General term, except in eastern dialects which retain poo(w)hatu
Fijian FJ.KOFE.A Kove/kove A grass and a plant (Wollastonia stringulosa)
West Uvea FJ.KOFE.A Kofe Bambou (Greslania sp.)
Tahitian CE.KOFE-KOFE ʔOheʔohe A grass (Centotheca lappacea) ; like miniature bamboo. Plante (Centothea lappacea) (Lmt).
East Futuna XW.KOFU.1B Kofu Garment (especially a shirt or a smock)
Rarotongan CE.KOO-FURE Kooʔure-a/-ʔia Evert, invert, turn inside-out or outside-in
Rarotongan CE.KOO-FURE Kooʔure Backside (Ngaa-puu-toru dial.) . Uncertain Semantic Connection
Moriori OC.KOHO Koo/ia Dug out
Penrhyn OC.KOHO Koo-hia To husk, thrust; husking stick, husker
Tahitian OC.KOHO O A spade, a stick used by the Tahitians to dig with
East Futuna EO.KOKA Koka A tree (Bischofia javanica)
East Uvea EO.KOKA Koka A tree Bischofia javanica)
Fijian EO.KOKA Koka A tree (Bishofia javanica)
Emae EO.KOKA Koka A tree (Bishofia javanica)
Ifira-Mele EO.KOKA Koka A tree (Bischofia javanica)
Niue EO.KOKA Koka Tree sp. (Baccaurea seemannii); shrub sp. (Acalypha wilkesiana)
Rarotongan EO.KOKA Koka A forest tree (Bischofia javanica)
Samoan EO.KOKA ʔOʔa A tree (Bischofia sp.) (Bischofia javanica) (Whr)
Tongan EO.KOKA Koka A tree with reddish wood (Bischofia javanica)
New Zealand Maori CK.KOO-KISI Kookihi New Zealand Spinach (Tetragonia expansa)
New Zealand Maori EC.KOOKOO.1 Kookoo Parson Bird (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) [Eastern Maori Dialect]
Moriori EC.KOOKOO.1 Kookoo Parson Bird (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) (GNZMMSS18)
New Zealand Maori CE.KOOKOPU Kookopu Cockabully, a small, freshwater fish (Galaxias fasciatus)
New Zealand Maori TA.KOO-KOTA Kookota (Amphidesma australe) and (Paphies novaezealandiae)
Easter Island EP.KOO-KURU. Mareekooroo Fraxinifolia, a small shrub with ash leaves (J.R.Forster quoted by Langdon JPS 105:185)
Easter Island EP.KOO-KURU. Marikuru Ashwood . (Sapindus saponaria) . White clay
Easter Island EP.KOO-KURU. Marikuku The Sapindus saponaria tree; a white kind of clay Problematic
Mangareva EP.KOO-KURU. Kokuru Nom d'un arbre (Suriana maritima).
Tuamotu EP.KOO-KURU. Kookuru (Suriana maritima)
New Zealand Maori EP.KORE Kore Negative used in verbal constructions with the verbal particles ka, kua, e. Not used as an existential negative
Tahitian EP.KORE-KORE Oreore The name of three different nights of the Tahitian moon, viz.; first oreore, middle oreore, and last oreore. Nights 6-8 of lunar cycle (Aud).
New Zealand Maori NP.KOO-LELO Koorero-tia Talk, speak, say; tale, story
Hawaiian TA.KOORIGO ʔOolino Bright, brilliant, dazzling Problematic
Nukuoro PN.TAWA-TAWA Dawa/ia The largest kind of tuna
Pukapuka NP.KOLO-MATUA Wolomatua Pastor, priest (post-contact from TAH via RAR) Problematic
Hawaiian NP.KOLO-MEA Olomea A shrub (Perrotetia sandwicensis)
New Zealand Maori NP.KOLO-PUKA Koropuka A shrub (Gaultheria antipoda)
Tongan PN.HAKE.A Hake To go up, especially from the sea to the land; to go or come ashore; (esp. of fish) to be washed ashore; (of river) to rise
Tahitian CE.KOO-MAKO O/ma/maʔo Tahitian Flycatcher (Pomarea nigra)
Ifira-Mele EO.KOMO.2 Koom/ia Suck on something in the mouth
Pukapuka NP.KOOMULI Koomuli (Caranx sexfasciatus)