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16732 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori CE.WESE.* Ma/wehe/ Be separated, be apart
Niue CE.WESE.* Ma/vehe To part, say goodbye; to promise Problematic
Niue CE.WESE.* Ma/vehe/vehe Scattered; separated; in pieces, fallen apart Problematic
Nukuoro PN.WETE.1 V/vede/ Massage Problematic
Samoan PN.WETE.1 Vete Split, smash open
Tokelau PN.WETE.1 Vete Break open, open up, split; dismantle, demolish, take apart; burgle, loot, vandalise; plunder, loot, spoil
Tahitian PN.WETE.2 Vete Barbillon, poisson de la famille des Mullidae (Mulloidichthys samoensis) quand il atteint une grande taille après être passé par le stade `oouma
Pukapuka AN.QUGA Unga/unga Small size of coconut crab (kaveu)
Pukapuka EO.WAA.1 Vaa/vaa To speak, make a noise
Easter Island CE.WEU.1 Veu Roots of certain plants (kuumara, yam) Problematic
East Futuna CE.WEU.1 Veuveu To fringe, make a fringe on material Problematic
East Futuna SO.VEVE Veve Mat placed over food in oven.
Rennellese SO.VEVE Bebe Torn, tattered, old and dirty (as clothes or mats); tattered fragment, rubbish, trash, decayed matter (aas leaves)
East Futuna PN.WEWE.A Veve Mats covering food in earth oven
East Uvea PN.WEWE.A Veve Dust, sweepings, small fragments, remains
Pukapuka PN.WEWE.A Lau/veve Scraps of Pandanus left over from mat-making
Rennellese PN.WEWE.A Bebe Torn, tattered, old and dirty (clothes, mats), rubbish, trash, decayed matter
Tongan OC.WE-WELA Vevela Hot (of the sun); sting (as from being smacked or bitten by wasp)
Anuta PN.WII.B Vii Sour or bitter (as *ma* or beer)
Easter Island OC.WII.A Vii The Indian Mango tree (Mangifera indica) Borrowed
Hawaiian OC.WII.A Wii (Spondias dulcis), Tamarind
Mangareva OC.WII.A Vii Mango (I). Fruit tree sp. Manguier (Mangifera indica, Anacardiacées) (Rch).
Penrhyn OC.WII.A Vii Mango (Mangifera indica)
Rarotongan OC.WII.A Vii Mango (Mangifera indica), formerly (Spondias dulcis)
Tahitian OC.WII.A Vii Mangue (Mangifera indica). Pomme cythère (Spondias cytherea, S.dulcis) (Vii tahiti)
Tokelau OC.WII.A Vii Kind of mango found in Samoa only
Mangareva CE.WIKI.1 Viki Courir, marcher vite
East Futuna PN.WIKI.2 Viki Rendre hommage; louer (intransitif); louange
Rarotongan PN.WIKI.2 Viki Blazed, marked out, made (of a track or trail) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Luangiua XO.VILI.1 ʔAli vili Masturbation of men
Takuu XO.VILI.1 V/viri (of a male) Masturbate
Takuu OC.WISI Visi Entangle, (during weaving) merge two sets of cordage; entangled; mixed up, in a confused state; closely related (and therefore unable to marry)
Kapingamarangi PN.MA-FAKI Mahagi Broken off, twisted off
Tokelau PN.MANATU Manatu/a Remember
Sa'a EO.LAU.3 Maa/lau Air, firmament (Ivs)
Tuamotu PN.KULA.1B Kura Red-plumaged bird
Nggela EO.MAGA.2 Manga Mouth
Niue OC.PULAKA Pulaka Xanthosoma violaceum, a plant similar to taro, with thick tuberous edible rhizome (Sph)
Rennellese PN.TUTUNA Tutunu Dead portion of black pamulo or magei trees used as central portions of arrows, spears, fighting clubs
Waya PN.MAPA Baba Tree sp. (Diospyros major)
East Futuna OC.MAQOTA Maʔota Plante (Pongamia pinnata), Légumineuse
Tongan PN.MAQA-LAWA Maʔamaʔalava Tree sp. (Elaeocarpus tonganus)
East Futuna PN.MAQA-LAWA Maʔalava, maalava Plant (Planchonella torricellensis)
Samoan PN.MAQA-LAWA Maamaalava Tree sp. including possibly Macaranga, Sideroxylon, Buchanania
Samoan PN.MAQA-LAWA Maamaalava Tree sp. (Planchonella samoensis)
Niue PN.MAQA-LAWA Mamalava A tree (Elaeocarpus tonganus)
Tongan PN.KUMALA.1 Kumala Sweet potato
East Uvea PN.KAWA-KAWA Kavakava a kuma Nom d'une plante de brousse (Macropiper latifolium)
New Zealand Maori PN.KAWA-KAWA Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum)
Fijian CP.SAGALE Sagale A variety of mangrove (Lumnitzera littorea)