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16724 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau PN.TAKI-.2 Taki- Numeral prefix with distributive meaning: each, so many at one time
Tokelau FJ.TAKUPU Takupu Mature Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Tokelau OC.TALAI (Tala)talai Chip, adze, cut; make something out of wood by hewing and chipping with an adze
Tokelau OC.TAMA.1A Tama Child of both parents (i.e. father and mother who produced him); child of a woman (i.e. son or daughter); boy(s)
Tokelau AN.TAQANE Taane Male, man; husband
Tokelau OC.TIFA.1A Tifa Pearl Oyster (Meleagrina sp.), which produces mother of pearl; mother of pearl shell, highly valued for making skipjack lures
Waya CC.PII.2B Bii Many, numerous, much, a lot
Tokelau PN.TILA Tila Mast
Tokelau MP.TIO.2 Tio Mollusc (Vermetus sp.); hard coral-like material or shell of the mollusc, found in brain coral....
Tokelau PN.TOQO.1 Too Make something come loose from its place (pull out nail, cut out back portion of skipjack)
Tokelau PN.TOE-GA Toega Remainder, things left over, bits and pieces
Tokelau PN.TOKO.1C Toko The pole of which the top end is tied to the tilatuu (main sprit) to support the sail when sailing; to support something with something
Tokelau AN.TOSI.1 Tohi Slit (pandanus leaves) into even strips, for mat weaving
Tokelau AN.TUA-GAQANE.A Tuagaane Brother (of a woman)
Tokelau PN.TUULOU Tulou An archaic expression of great reverence addressed addressed to the traditional stone god; expression to show respect and courtesy before addressing a formal gathering; expression of deference used when one has to do something that is contrary to tradition or good manners, such as walking in front of someone
Tongan PN.TUQU-GA.2 Toonga A pile, or heap; a row of plantain or banana trees; a sign of the plural number of animated beings
Tokelau OC.TUPA Tupa The large beach-crab (Cardisoma sp.)
Tokelau PN.QULU-MATUQA Ulumatua Eldest child
Tokelau OC.UMA.A Uma The front part or breast of a bird
Tokelau OC.USU.1 Uhu (of a man) Pay one's court, woo, solicit in love; start (a fight or quarrel)
Tokelau XW.VAVAE.* Vavae Kapok tree (Ceiba sp.)...; cotton wool; wick, mantle, fuse
Tokelau OC.WELI.1 Veli A small greyish species of sea cucumber (Holothuria sp.)
Pukapuka PN.QA A Possessive marker
Tokelau PN.TINO.C Tino mai To be fulfilled, come true, take shape
Pukapuka PN.FAKA-QETEQETE Wakaete To get out of the way to make room
Pukapuka EC.FINA.1 Wina/ko Cheeky, brazen [in making advances towards opposite sex (Sby)] Problematic
Pukapuka PN.MA-FITI Maawiti/witi Agile; to escape. Vigorous, energetic.
Pukapuka SO.KAU-LAMA Kaulama Dried coconut leaves used as torch
Pukapuka NP.MAQI-KUKU Mai(ti)kuku Fingernail, toenail
Pukapuka PN.RAQA-RAQA Laalaa Having many branches
Tokelau OC.FOA.A Foa Make, carve or shape something out of rock, coral, etc. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.MIO.1A Ma/mio Twisted; twist or wriggle about; try to wriggle out of one's duty
East Futuna PN.MIO.1A Ma/mio Tourner en rond (une fois); faire un tour sur soi-même; se tortiller
Tokelau PN.MIO.1A Ma/mio Warped, bent, askew; sprained, twisted
Tokelau PN.TAMA.1B Tama/aki Very small, tiny, wee; barely (precedes noun or verb)
Takuu PN.TAMA.1B Tama/a- Diminutive prefix: small, little, tiny
Luangiua PN.TAMA.1B Kama/a-, maka/a- Diminutive prefix
Samoan PN.TAMA.1B Tama/ʔi The young of animals or plants
Niue PN.TAMA.1B Tama Anything small (forms compound with following noun)
Tongan PN.TAMA.1B Tama/ʔaki To be related to in a parent-and-child-like way...
Kapingamarangi PN.TAMA.1B Dama Small or miniature
Rennellese PN.TAMA.1B Tama/ʔaki Small, insignificant, or pitiful person
Pukapuka EC.LALI.3 Lalii tua Grouper (Cephalopholis sexmaculata)
Pukapuka EO.MA-.1 Ma- Stativiser
Pukapuka PN.MALA.4 Mala Unidentified fish sp.
Pukapuka PN.MAALIE.A Malie Good, pleasant
Pukapuka OC.MATUQU.A Matuu To dry (from a wet state)
Pukapuka PN.MAQU-LALO Maolalo Deep Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka OC.MISI.B Mii/kia Smack the lips in admiration
Pukapuka CE.NONE Ngini ma/ngone Abundant, countless