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2396 Results matching "ake" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese PN.TAQOKETE.A Taʔokete Son of male speaker's *tamana* older than speaker (classificatory brother); daughter of female speaker's *tamana* older than speaker (classificatory sister).
Rennellese EP.TAQOKETE.B Taʔokete Wife of male speaker's *ta'okete* and *taina (classificatory sister-in-law of a male); husband of female speaker's *ta'okete* and *taina* (classificatory brother-in-law of a female). Sometimes used for spouse of older same-sex sibling (ta`aokete) (Elbert 1965:13).
Marquesas PN.TAPA.1A Tapa Etoffe kanake. Etoffe, tissus divers (Lch). Vêtement, item of clothing [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Rennellese CP.TAAPEA. Taapea A parti-coloured sea-snake (Pelamis platurus)
Rotuman CP.TAAPEA. ʔApea A very long sea-snake
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TAPU Tapu/a Forbid, make sacred
Hawaiian CE.TAPUHI Kaapuhi Nurse or caretaker, master of an animal
Marquesas CE.TAPUHI Tapui Take care of Problematic
Rennellese CP.TAA-PUI Taapui To make taboo
Hawaiian CE.TAPUTAPU-ATEA Kapukapuahakea A land area on Moloka`i, associated with a heiau.(pronunciation uncertain) (Pem)
Tuamotu PN.TATAU.1 Taatau Tattoo; make designs on, mark (obs.)
Hawaiian MQ.TATE Kake Chants with mixed or garbled words
New Zealand Maori MQ.TATE Tatetate Rattle, make sharp recurring noise Problematic
Tongan PN.TATUU Tatuu Rock, shake, move about excitedly
West Futuna FJ.TAU.1 Tau Follow in the ways of, take after, learn from
Hawaiian PN.TAU-QA Kaua War, battle, army; make war
Rennellese PN.TAU-QA Tauʔa Warparty; war, make war, fight; warrior
New Zealand Maori PN.TAU-LEKALEKA.A Tau(re(ka))reka Captive taken in war, slave; scoundrel
Tokelau PN.TAU-LEKALEKA.A Taulealea (pl. taaulelea) Married man, mature man (NB These men make up the aaumaaga or the group of able-bodied men of the village) Borrowed
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAUMAFA Taumafa A sacrifice, to make an offering
Mangareva CP.TAUME Toume Dry envelope of a young coconut cut into slices and put into water to make it flexible Problematic
Rarotongan PN.TAAU-NOA Taanoanoa Make profane
Anuta PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic Bird
Anuta PN.TAWAKE Toake Tropic Bird
Easter Island PN.TAWAKE Tavake Ave el trópico (Phaeton rubricauda)
East Futuna PN.TAWAKE Tavake Phaeton species, White-tailed Tropic Bird
East Uvea PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic Bird (Phaeton aethereus)
Fijian PN.TAWAKE Tawake Banner Problematic
Emae PN.TAWAKE Manu tavake Tropic Bird (Phaeton sp.)
New Zealand Maori PN.TAWAKE Tawake Bird species
Mangaia PN.TAWAKE Tavake Red-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaeton rubricauda)
Marquesas PN.TAWAKE To(v)ake (MQN), toaʔe (MQS), tavaʔe (Hiva Oa) (Atl). Tropic Bird (Phaeton sp.).
Mangareva PN.TAWAKE Tavake Oiseau de mer: Paille-en-cul à brins rouges (Phaethon rubricauda). A sea-bird that has a long red-and-white tail (Tgr).
Niue PN.TAWAKE Tuaki, tavake (obs.) White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaethon lepturus)
Penrhyn PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic Bird (Phaeton sp.)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic bird with long white tail
Pukapuka PN.TAWAKE Tavake mokomoko White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaeton lepturus)
Pukapuka PN.TAWAKE Tavake toto Red-tailed Tropicbird
Rapa PN.TAWAKE Tavake The tropic bird
Rarotongan PN.TAWAKE Tavake Red-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaethon rubricauda)
Rennellese PN.TAWAKE Tabake Pacific golden plover, (Pluvialis dominica fulvis)
Rotuman PN.TAWAKE Tavake White-tailed Tropic Bird Problematic
Sikaiana PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic bird
Takuu PN.TAWAKE Tavake White-tailed Tropic Bird [Phaethon lepturus]
Tikopia PN.TAWAKE Tavake White-tailed Tropic bird, (Phaethon lepturus)
Tokelau PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic Bird (Phaeton spp.)
Tongan PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic Bird
Tuamotu PN.TAWAKE Tavake Red-tailed Tropic Bird
West Futuna PN.TAWAKE Tavake Bird sp. Tropic Bird (Clk).
Tahitian CE.TAA-WERE Tavere A thing taken in tow, as a boat behind a ship; to tow, or drag a thing in the water