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16724 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan PN.MANAKO Manaco To love, to esteem; beloved
Tongan PN.MANATU Manatoo(natoo) To recollect, to muse; thoughtful, serious, sad
Tongan AN.MAANAWA.1 Manava Breath
Tongan PN.MANAWA-SEE Manavahee To fear, be afraid
East Uvea PN.MANAWA-SEE Manavahe Perdre la tête par peur, craindre
East Futuna PN.MANAWA-SEE Manavasee Etre anxieux; appréhender; anxiété, appréhension
Samoan PN.MANAWA-SEE Manavasee Fearful
New Zealand Maori PN.MANAWA-SEE Ka hee te manawa Be out of breath, or out of heart
Tongan AN.MAGA.1 Manga The barb of an arrow or spear, any thing open, diverging, or fork-shaped
Tongan AN.MA-NIFI Manifi(-nifi) Thin, slender
Tongan PN.MANO Mano Ten thousand
Tongan AN.MANU.1A Manoo A bird (of any kind)
Tongan PN.MATA-A-PULE Mataboole A rank below chiefs
Tongan OC.MATAGI Matangi The wind, windy
Tongan AN.MATE.1A Mate Death, carnage, a corpse, an eclipse; to die, to wither
Tongan PN.MATE.2 Mate To guess, to conjecture
Tongan OC.MAATOLU Matoloo Thick in respect of bulk, or extension (not as to fluidity)
Tongan AN.MATA.1A Matta The eyes, countenance, complexion, look, appearance
Tongan EO.MATA.1C Matta Edge of any thing, brink, boundary
Tongan PN.MATA-FENUA Matta fonnooa Coast, or shore
Tongan PN.MATA-A-FALE Matta falle The threshold
Tongan PN.MOLE.1 Mawle To vanish, to disappear
Tongan MP.MIMI Mimi To make water; urine
Tongan PN.MOHE-GA Mohenga A bed, a mat
Tongan PN.MOMO.B Momo/e. Momó/ë. A scrap, a crumb. Petty, small.
Tahitian AN.MAQOHA Maoa To be sufficiently baked, applied to food
Niue TO.MO-MOHO Momoho Ripe, mature; very old (of people), worn (with age)
East Futuna PN.MATA-FENUA Mataa fenua Côte habitée
East Uvea PN.MATA-FENUA Matafenua Côté, bord de mer
Tongan PN.MATA-FENUA Matafonua Coast on the front side of an island (the side where the main settlement is)
Tongan PN.MATA-FENUA Mataafonua Coast, shore, from the standpoint of the sea
Tongan PN.MATA-A-FALE Mata fale House front, front of the house
Tongan PN.MATUQA.B Motooa nima, motooa váe. The thumb, the great toe.
Tongan AN.NAMU.1A Namoo. Na/namoo. Odour (either good or bad). To smell, aromatic.
Tongan MP.LIMA.B Nima The arm, the hand
Tongan PN.GAQATI Ngeʔesi-nima Fingernail; thimble
Tongan AN.LIMA.A Nima The number five
Tongan OC.NOFO (No)nofo To dwell, remain, pass one's time
Tongan PN.NOU.3 Nou Abnormally short; to crouch down, to cringe
Tongan TO.QUAGA ʔUanga Maggot
Tongan TO.QUAGA Ooanga A maggot
Niue TO.QUAGA Uanga Worm, maggot, parasite
Tongan PN.QUHIKI Oohigi Small, diminutive; young of any animal
Tongan XW.QUMA Ooma A kiss
Tongan PN.UMA.B Ooma The shoulder
Tongan MP.QATULE Otooli A fish, resembling mackerel
Tongan OC.PAA.3A Pa A certain kind of fish-hook, made of tortoise shell and mother of pearl shell, on which no bait is put...
Marquesas CE.GAHAU Kahau, ʔahau (MQS) Cris d'invitation à un repas en nommant tous les convives par leur nom
Tongan PN.PATU.2 Pátoo A mark of a wound not gained in battle
Tongan XW.PETE Pete-pete Rough, rugged (a face marked with the small pox they would call thus)