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61245 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro NP.QAFA-TEA Ahadea Driftwood sp. (white on the inside)
Luangiua NP.QAFA-TEA Ahakeea Big tree, hard wood, used for canoes
Takuu NP.QAFA-TEA Afatea A tree that drifts to Takuu
Tikopia NP.QAFA-TEA Afatea Tree in hillside forest (Nauclea orientalis; Neonauclea forsteri)
East Futuna MP.QAFATO Afato Gros ver de bois
Fijian MP.QAFATO Y/avato/ Grub in a tree, develops into the Coleopterus called qou
New Zealand Maori MP.QAFATO Aawhato, aawheto Large caterpillar, larva of (Sphinx convolvuli)
Rennellese MP.QAFATO Ahato Larva of longicorn beetle (Olethrus tyrranus)
Samoan MP.QAFATO ʔAfato Large edible grub, found in dry trees
Waya MP.QAFATO Avato Wood-boring grubs of various kinds
Anuta MP.AFE.1A Paka/ape/ To bend something into hook shape
East Futuna MP.AFE.1A Afe Turn aside; deviate
East Uvea MP.AFE.1A Afe Deviate, turn aside
Kapingamarangi MP.AFE.1A Ahi Flee, escape Problematic
Emae MP.AFE.1A Faka/afe/ Deviate, turn aside v.i.
New Zealand Maori MP.AFE.1A Awhe-a Pass round, or behind v.i., v.t.; surround, beset; stir, disturb; a greenstone pendant with the end curved; scoop up, gather into a heap
New Zealand Maori MP.AFE.1A Hawhe = Awhe- [No examples given]
Niue MP.AFE.1A A/afe To branch off, turn aside
Nukuoro MP.AFE.1A Ahe Return, go back (singular)
Penrhyn MP.AFE.1A P/ahe/ To deviate, detour, turn
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.RAA A/la Postnuclear qualifier, usually indicating uncertainty, or softening of the preceding word; if Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QARO-FI Alohi/manava Womb; deepest feeling, whole heart, heart
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAFA.3 Afe/a To guide ; break a path through, clear the way through, open
Samoan MP.AFE.1A Afe Turn aside; lift, turn over (as mat)
Tikopia MP.AFE.1A Afe To curve, bend, arch, divert to visit, remember
Tokelau MP.AFE.1A Afe Turn, lift; turn to one side, call at a place
Tongan MP.AFE.1A Afe Deviate
Niue EO.QALU.B Alu To hurry; arrive empty-handed
New Zealand Maori NP.AFE.1B Awhe Stir, disturb (as by wind)
Nggela EO.QALU.B Alu/alu Go quickly, swinging arms; march, as troops
Tahitian NP.AFE.1B Ahe/ahe Emptiness; empty (as the stomach) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tokelau NP.AFE.1B Afe Gust of wind, draught
Rennellese PN.AFE.2 Ahe A thousand (pairs of yams etc.)
Tikopia PN.AFE.2 Afe Ten thousand, in occasional fish counts
Hawaiian PN.QAA-FEA Aahea When (in the future, interrogative)
New Zealand Maori PN.QAA-FEA Aawhea When (future interrogative)
Nukuoro PN.QAA-FEA Aahee. Ahea (Crn). When? (indefinite future)
Luangiua PN.QAA-FEA Avea Presently, in the future Problematic
Penrhyn PN.QAA-FEA Aahea When in the future
East Uvea PN.QAA-NEI Aanai Dans un instant, tout à l'heure
Samoan PN.QAA-FEA Aafea When (future interrogative)
Tahitian PN.QAA-FEA Aafea, aahea Quand interrogatif, interrogation sur un évènement non accompli
Tokelau PN.QAA-FEA Aafea Interrogative adverb referring to future time: when, at what time?
Tuamotu PN.QAA-FEA Ka heea When will?
West Futuna PN.QAA-FEA Afea, afia, aia When (future interrogative)
Anuta AN.AFI Api Fire
Easter Island AN.AFI Ahi Fire
East Futuna AN.AFI Afi Fire
East Uvea AN.AFI Afi Feu
Fijian AN.AFI V/avi/ Cook in earth oven Phonologically Irregular