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16732 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.MATA-QARA Matavaʔa Qui veille et dort pas
Marquesas OC.PEQE Pee (MQS) Méchant; nasty, malicious
Marquesas CE.MANU-FIRI Manihiʔi (MQS) Convive, guest
Marquesas EO.SELE.2 Pa/heʔe Inciser, partager, diviser, rompre en plusieurs parties; tailler un habit; couper un animal, le châtrer
Marquesas EO.SELE.2 Pa/heʔe/ka (MQN), pa/heʔe/na (MQS) Limite, boundary mark
Marquesas OC.MAQALA Maʔa (ʔe)ʔehi Cocoteraie, coconut grove
Marquesas OC.MAQALA Maʔa taʔo (Ua Pou, Fatu Hiva) Tarodière, taro plantation
Marquesas EP.KATO.2 Kato (i te pua) Casser à la main (fleur); pick (flower)
Marquesas CE.TII-KARO Tikaʔo (MQN) Attraper les poissons à la main dans les trous de roches; catch fish with the hand in holes in rocks. Entailler (le bois); notch (wood).
Marquesas NP.OKO.2A ʔIma oko Main droite Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas AN.MATA.1A Mata/mata ahi (MQS) Gerbe d'étincelles; shower of sparks
Marquesas CE.KAI-UU Kaiuu Small
Marquesas PN.QA A Case marker: dominant possession
Marquesas EP.I.2B I Case marker: direct comment
Marquesas CE.AO-MARAMA Aomaʔama Monde, univers. World of light (Mtu).
Tuamotu CE.AO-MARAMA Ao-maarama The World-of-light, Earth-world, World of man
New Zealand Maori CE.AO-MARAMA Ao-maarama World of life and light, as opposed to reinga [abode of departed spirits], or merely to seclusion
Mangareva EP.E-IA Eia Démonstratif: voici; exclamation: regarde!
Marquesas PN.MAQOLI Vai maoʔi Eau douce; fresh water
Marquesas PN.MAE.1B Mae/mae (MQN) Mou (qui tend vers la pourriture); soft (on the verge of rottenness)
New Zealand Maori CE.PUA-PUA.3 Puapua Break of a wave; Clematis paniculata, wreath
Penrhyn CE.PUA-PUA.3 Puapua (Whitish) inflammation of lip skin
New Zealand Maori PN.MATE.1E Mate Calmed down, subsided [ex. moana]
Emae PN.MATE.1E Mate Calm (of sea)
Rarotongan PN.MATE.1E Tai mate Low tide
Mangaia PN.MATE.1E Tai mate Very calm sea
Marquesas PN.MATE.1E Tai mate Mer morte, calme plat. Mer (calme), quiet (sea) (Atl).
Hawaiian PN.MATE.1E Kai make Low tide
Hawaiian PN.MATE.1E Make/na Calm (of sea, atmosphere)
Sikaiana PN.MATE.1E Tai m/mate A time when the tide is very low. Fish are trapped in shallow pools in the reef and some die.
Nuguria PN.MATE.1E Mate Calm down (of wind)
Rennellese PN.MATE.1E Mate To be low tide
Tikopia PN.MATE.1E Te ngaru ku mate The waves have died down
Tongan PN.MATE.1E Mate (of wind) To die down, cease
Samoan PN.MATE.1E Mate To die away, of wind
Emae XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mategugu Numbness from drinking kava
Marquesas CC.PII.2B Tai pi Marée montante; rising tide
Marquesas EC.SEKE.1B Tai heke, tai heʔe atu (Fatu Hiva) Marée basse; low tide
Marquesas NP.MAQI-KUKU Maikuku (NKH, Ua Huka), maʔikuku (Ua Pou), maiʔuʔu (Hiva Oa) (Oiseau) serre; (bird) claw
Marquesas CE.PAA-TIA Manu pa(a)tia, (pu(u)) pa(a)tia Guêpe, wasp
Mangareva CE.MAGA-GA Magaga Enfourchure du corps près de l'anus
Hawaiian CE.MAGA-GA Manana To stretch out, as arms, fingers, feet; to spread out, as the tentacles of an octopus...
New Zealand Maori CE.MAGA-GA Manganga Confusing, perplexing; confused, unintelligible Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangaia CE.MA-REKA Mareka Satisfied, happy
Tuamotu CE.MA-REKA Maareka To sense the approaching, first thrills of the sexual culmination
Pukapuka CE.MA-REKA Maaleka Gentle, soothed
Marquesas CE.MA-REKA Maʔeka (MQN), maeʔa (MQS) Facile, faible... Peu de chose, de peu de valeur, peu important (Lch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas AN.QILO Iʔo(iʔo) (MQN), iko (MQS) Asticot, ver; maggot, worm
Marquesas EP.POTI.2 Po/poti Petit crabe des plages; small sand beach crab
Marquesas PN.NAIUFI Mauhi Requin gris de récif; grey reef shark Problematic