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1651 Results matching "ala" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.GAGAU Gagau Mal de tête, migraine, céphalalgie
Rennellese PN.TUA.4 Tua A kind of ancient cultivated yam (Dioscorea alata or perhaps D. nummularia)
Tongan PN.TAUALA Tauala To luff, to sail close or closer to the wind
East Uvea PN.TAUALA Tauala Lofer; aller au plus près du vent (en parlant d'une embarcation)
East Futuna PN.TAUALA Tauala Se diriger au plus près du but; languir
Samoan PN.TAUALA Tauala To luff, to keep close to the wind
Tokelau PN.TAUALA (Tau)ala (of canoes or sailboats) Be close to the wind
Luangiua NP.MALALI ʔAlali Parrot fish (Thalassoma trilobatum) Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.WALE.2 Vare Foolish, stupid, mentally unbalanced (person)
Niue PN.QARA-FIA Alafia Sleepless Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.SAWALA Havala Grasping, never satisfied, always wanting more; to crave after
Niue PN.SAWALA Havala To be cheeky, to be a nuisance
Niue PN.SAWALA Mata/havala Mischievous
East Uvea PN.SAWALA Havala Envie de manger (une chose déterminée); avoir sans cesse envie de manger, manger en glouton sans pouvoir se rassasier
Samoan PN.SAWALA Savala To long for, to desire to eat particular articles, such as fish, masi, &c.
Nukuoro PN.SAWALA Savala Interested in, enjoys
Niue PN.TOKIA Toki/hala To repent
Samoan PN.TOKIA Toʔiia To be struck, as by a falling tree, lightning (the natives think by thunder), or any calamity
Tongan PN.WALA.2 Fe/vaala/aki (of person or mind) To be pulled or distracted this way and that, wondering...which of two or more courses to take
Hawaiian CE.FALAGI Alani An O'ahu tree (Pele sandwicensis or P.oahuensis)...
East Futuna PN.FETE.1 Fete/fete Nom d'une maladie (peau rouge et rugueuse accompagnée de fièvre)
Niue MP.SALA.3 Hala/a To beat, hit, slay (ref. to killing enemies with clubs)
Hawaiian CE.KA-RAPA ʔAalapa Athletic, active Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue TA.MURA Mula/mula Tree sp.: Cassia alata, candelabra bush
Niue OC.PALA.2 Pala/pala/veka Fern spp. (Tectaria chrysotricha, T.latifolia)
Niue OC.PALA.2 Pala/tava Coastal fern spp. (Phymatodes nigrescens, Acrostichum aureum)
Niue OC.KALAQAPUSI Talapoti Croton (Codiaeum variegatum) Problematic
Niue NP.TOKA-QALA Tokaala Uterus
Niue CE.TUU-TARA Tuutala Talk to each other, converse, chat Problematic
Niue PN.QENE Vene To tickle or touch lightly (so as to get someone's attention); to itch, irritate, be rough (of throat); small kalahimu crab Phonologically Irregular
Fijian XW.TALAKI I talaki An inferior messenger, sent on all sorts of errands, and eating in the kitchen
Fijian XW.TALA-NOA Talanoa To chat, to tell stories
East Futuna PN.TAFA-QULI Tafaʔuli Poissons: "liche" (Seriola lalandi); "carangue noire" (Caranx lugubris)
East Futuna PN.TALAWA Atalava Mollusque: sorte de poulpe à longs tentacules
Niue PN.USU.4 Ala-uhu To arise early in the morning
Niue TO.ALAGA.B Ala(nga)vaka The prime minister and chief ruler under the king in former times Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue AN.QATE.1 Ate/pala The lungs
East Uvea NP.MOKO.1C Moko/tai Nom de poisson (Malacanthus latovittatus)
Samoan NP.MOKO.1C Moʔo/tai The name of a fish, and in some places also of a sea snake (Pelamis bicolor). Name given to fishes belonging to genera Coris and Malacanthus (Mnr).
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.TUKUFALA Tuhala, tufala Cutnut tree
Sikaiana EO.TUKUFALA Tukuhala A species of edible nut, ‘cutnut’ -- one of the four fruits whose harvest was restricted during the harvest ceremonies {huata}.
Luangiua EO.TUKUFALA Takuhala Cutnut tree Problematic
Luangiua PN.TALA.4 Kala/hola Seagull (black back, white belly)
Luangiua OC.SALALA Sala/ʔamo Pigfish
Luangiua PN.KALAWA.2 ʔIli alava Polynesians Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukuoro PN.PALA.1D Bala langi Rain
Niue MP.SALA.3 Ma/hala Come apart (of cloth sewn together); be conquered, beaten in a game
Tongan MP.SALA.3 Ma/hala Slit forcefully, ripped
Fijian PN.MA-TALA.B Macala Clear, plain, intelligible
Marquesas NP.LAGA.1B ʔAkaʔaka (MQN), anaʔana (MQS) Light. Léger, peu lourd; agile, prompt; aller mieux, éprouver du soulagement en parlant d'un malade.