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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Vaeakau-Taumako CE.ROKO-HIA Lokohia Be in trouble Problematic
Tahitian CE.ROKO-HIA Roʔohia Etre rattrapé, être rejoint, être atteint
Tuamotu CE.ROKO-HIA Roko-hia Be overtaken, reached, come upon, etc
Fijian CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, holothuria
Hawaiian CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, sea-cucumber, beche de mer (Holothuria spp.)
Mangareva CP.LOLI Rori Sea-slug, holothuria. Tripang, bêche-de-mer
Rapa CP.LOLI Mo/rori, mo/rari Holothurian
Rotuman CP.LOLI Rori Sea-slug, holothuria b Borrowed
Samoan CP.LOLI Loli A sea-slug (Holothuria). Kind of edlble sea-cucumber (Holothuria sp.) (Mnr).
Tahitian CP.LOLI Rori Holothurie (Holothuria sp.)
Tikopia CP.LOLI Rori A type of Holothurian
Tuamotu CP.LOLI Rori Sea-slug, holothuria
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.LOLO.2 Lo/lolo Wave (a special and rare type of wave with several small waves coming together as one big wave)
Sikaiana FJ.LOLO-QI.A Lloi To sweeten, especially of tea or coffee; to be sweetened; to dip something into water
Marquesas PN.LOTO.B Eo te wiae Fresh lake
Kapingamarangi PN.LOTO.C Lodo dumaalia Generous nature
Tikopia PN.LOTO.C Roto Mind and associated internal faculties of human being; have in mind, occ. desire
Fijian PN.LOTU.1 Lotu Christian religion
Rotuman PN.LOTU.1 Rotu Engage in christian worship Borrowed
Tikopia PN.LOTU.1 Rotu Christianity, church
West Futuna PN.LOTU.1 Rotu To follow christian worship
Nukuoro OC.LUA.2 Lue/i Spit out (especially food)
Nukuoro OC.LUA.2 Haga/lue/ia Vomit
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.LUA.2 Lue/ia Vomit, spit out
Rarotongan CE.RUAHINE Ruaʔine An old person (especially an old woman)
Rennellese NP.LUA-NI Guani Associate with (demeaning); tend, as a baby; have as servant; servant
Samoan NP.LUA-NI Lua/lua/gia Be coupled, mingled with
Hawaiian CE.RUHIA Luhia Variety of shark
Mangareva CE.RUHIA Luhia Grand requin
Penrhyn CE.RUHIA Ruuhia Large shark sp.
Kapingamarangi NP.LUU-KAU.* Ligau Stalk of the taro plant (edible in the Colocasia varieties); prepared food: taro stalk with coconut cream wrapped in taro leaves and cooked in the ground oven
New Zealand Maori EO.LULU.1A Ruru Owl, morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae)
Samoan EO.LULU.1A Lulu Tyto sp., White Barn Owl (Stria delicatula)
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.HAALIQA Aaria Sea passage between islets. Inlet, small bay (Sve).
New Zealand Maori ??.LULU.1B Ruru-taaiko Black Petrel (Procellaria parkinsoni)
Pukapuka PN.LUMA Luma A personal peculiarity subjecting one to ridicule (as baldness, being crippled)
Samoan PN.LUMA Luma Humiliation
New Zealand Maori FJ.LUNA Runa Dock (Rumex flexuosus) and a shrub (Plagianthus divaricatus)
Mangareva FJ.LUNA Runa Plante rampante (Boerhavia diffusa)
Rennellese FJ.LUNA Guna (BEL nguna) (Morinda citrifolia)
Tokelau FJ.LUNA Nuna A prostrate herb (Boerhavia tetrandra)
Tuamotu FJ.LUNA Ruunaa A plant (Boerhaavia tetrandra)
Hawaiian TA.RUNAGA Launa Friendly, sociable; to associate with, meet with, fraternize with Problematic
Rarotongan TA.RUNAGA Ruunaaʔia Bind, tie up Problematic
Mangaia PN.LUPE.1 Rupe OId Mangaian and Cook Island word for the large grey dove (now extinct)
Takuu PN.LUPE.1 Rupe Pacific Imperial Pigeon (Ducula pacifica)
Easter Island EP.RUPE-RUPE. Ruperupe Abundancia de frutos de la tierra; aumentar el número de descendientes
Hawaiian EP.RUPE-RUPE. Lupalupa Flourishing, of luxuriant growth, lush, thriving
Rarotongan EP.RUPE-RUPE. Ruperupe Flourishing, luxuriant (of vegetation)
Tuamotu EP.RUPE-RUPE. Ruperupe Luxuriant, growing vigorously, as vegetation