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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro SO.APAI.2 Aba/abai Carry a canoe in shallow water; carry half-lifting
Tikopia SO.APAI.2 Aapai Raise person in arms or on lap -- as a sign of great respect or for protection from danger or defilement
New Zealand Maori NP.APAKULA Apakura Mother who engages younger son, Whakatau-pootiki, to avenge his brother's death
Moriori NP.APAKULA Apukura Mother who engages a relative, Whakatau to avenge the death of her son Tuu
Rarotongan NP.APAKULA Apakura Mother who engages Vakatau-ii to avenger her son's death
Samoan NP.APAKULA Apaʔula Mother who engages a warrior to avenge her son's death
New Zealand Maori TA.APARAGI Aparangi Open sky, arch of heaven
Mangaia TA.APARAGI Aparangi Vault of heaven
Mangareva TA.APARAGI Aparagi Etre très maigre, desséché Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian TA.APARAGI Aparai Clear, cloudless, of sky
East Futuna SO.APELE Apele Plein; rempli; remplir (v.i.)
New Zealand Maori TA.APERE Koo/pere/ A dart and the device by which it was thrown
Rarotongan TA.APERE Apere A native game
Tahitian TA.APERE Apere The reed thrown or darted in the game called aperea; the person that throws the reed
Anuta PN.QAPI.1 Api Group of kinsmen plus affines
East Uvea PN.QAPI.1 ʔApi Maison, propriété, plantation, terre, terrain...le terrain appartenant à une famille, sur lequel se trouvent la maison et les dépendances
Nukuoro PN.QAPI.1 A/abi Room (of a house)
Niue PN.QAPI.1 Api To dwell, camp, lodge
Samoan PN.QAPI.1 Api Lodge, lodged, lodging-house
Tongan PN.QAPI.1 ʔApi Home, allotment of ground, area of land for special
East Futuna MP.QAPI.2 ʔApi Many, crowded (of people)
East Uvea MP.QAPI.2 ʔApiʔapi Etre serrés les uns contre les autres, encombré
Kapingamarangi MP.QAPI.2 Abi/dia Packed closely together, crowded in a small space
New Zealand Maori MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Crowded, dense; confined, constricted
Mangareva MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Etre serré, pressé les uns contre les autres (en parlant de personnes)
Niue MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Narrow, confined. Crowded (Sph).
Penrhyn MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Congested, crowded
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QAPI.2 Api To stop, obstruct, shield ; closed
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QAPI.2 Api/hia To close
Pukapuka MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Crowded, packed tight
Rarotongan MP.QAPI.2 Api(api) Crowded, congested, full up, cluttered up
Rennellese MP.QAPI.2 ʔApi Many (people), most (people)
Tahitian MP.QAPI.2 Api Etre occupé, être plein, être encombré (en parlant d'un lieu, ou d'un contenant)
Tahitian MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Filled, occupied, narrow
Takuu MP.QAPI.2 Api Crowded with people
Tongan MP.QAPI.2 ʔApi Crowded, congested
Tuamotu MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Crowded
Tuamotu MP.QAPI.2 Api Close together Problematic
West Uvea MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Encombré (de gens)
Fijian PN.APO I/yabo Those who have buried a chief Problematic
Nggela PN.APO Ambo Strike with stick >
Nukuoro PN.APO Abo Capable; correct (suitable), true; feel comfortable Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka PN.APO Apo Stand guard with a weapon
Rennellese PN.APO Apo To be poised and ready to do anything (as to strike, speak, open...); to threaten, as with a spear or club; to hesitate, as in deference or fear
Rotuman PN.APO Apo To raise club or fist as if about to strike Problematic
Samoan PN.APO Apo/apo Poise the spear
Tikopia PN.APO Apo Raise hand (gen.); raise hand in threat, or to strike down
Tongan PN.APO Apo/apo Take aim, especially in the game lafo
West Futuna PN.APO Apo (trans. apo-(t)jia) To defend; to cover, shade. Boucher, poser des feuilles (Rve).
East Futuna PN.QAA-POO Aapoo La nuit prochaine (locatif)