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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna AN.FUFU.2 Ufu Masturbate Problematic
New Zealand Maori AN.FUFU.2 Huhu Strip off outer covering
Mangareva AN.FUFU.2 ʔUʔu Brosse; brosser, épousseter; ramasser du bois Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection
Fijian PN.FUFU.3 Vuvu Muddy, troubled, of water
East Futuna OC.FUGA.1 Fuga Upper surface. Le dessus; sommet, cîme, faîte; au-dessus (Mfr).
East Uvea OC.FUGA.1 Fuga Surface, dessus, haut, cîme, faîte
Mangareva EC.FUGA.2 ʔUga/ʔuga Morceau, miette, particule, parcelle; personne de petite taille
Pukapuka EC.FUGA.2 Wunga Waste sennit fibre; used to scrape pots etc.
Tahitian EC.FUGA.2 Huʔa Particule, miette, grain, etre en poudre
Fijian OC.FUGAO Vugo- Descriptive term applied to affines
Lau OC.FUGAO Geni fungao Daughter-in-law; the wife of the main chief
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.FUGAO Fugo Wife's parents, daughter's husband
Rennellese OC.FUGAO Hunga Son-in-law, daughter-in-law
Tuamotu OC.FUGAO Huno Related by marriage, to be
Emae NP.FUGAO-NA Fugona Son-in-law, daughter-in-law
Sikaiana NP.FUGAO-NA Hunaona Reciprocal term of ascending and descending generation in‑laws... (A respect relationship).
Tikopia NP.FUGAO-NA Fongoona Affinal term of reference and address to person of junior kinship grade
West Futuna NP.FUGAO-NA Fugona A woman's classificatory daughter- or son-inlaw, the offspring of a woman's brother or male parallel cousin
East Futuna PN.FUHI.A Fui Bunch, cluster, tie in bunch
East Futuna PN.FUHI.A Fui Botte, paquet attaché avec une corde; grappe, testicules; attacher ensemble
Hawaiian PN.FUHI.A Hui Cluster or bunch, as of coconuts, bananas
Mangareva PN.FUHI.A ʔU/ʔui Grappe; régime; fruits qu'on attache les uns aux autres pour les emporter
Rennellese PN.FUHI.A Hui Cluster or bunch, as of baga [Barringtonia], baghu [Pandanus sp.], kala [Pandanus sp.]; string, as of fish; fruit, as of pandanus
Samoan PN.FUHI.A Fui Cluster of nuts
Nukumanu PN.TAU-FAA Tauha Constellation: includes stars from Andromeda and Pegasus
Tikopia PN.FUHI.A Fui To tie, fasten, bind on
Tokelau PN.FUHI.A Fui Bunch, cluster (of coconuts or pandanus); cluster (v), tie (to form a bunch)
Tongan PN.FUHI.A Fuhi Bunch, cluster
Hawaiian PN.FUHI.B Hui/hui Mixed, mingled, united
New Zealand Maori PN.FUHI.B Hui Congregate, come together, meet
Penrhyn PN.FUHI.B Hui Meet, join, unite
Pukapuka PN.FUHI.B Wui All, assembled, united (of chiefs, men etc) archaic use, now "wii" all
Tahitian PN.FUHI.B Hui/hui Se cotiser, faire une collecte
Tuamotu PN.FUHI.B Hui Congregate, flock together
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.FUHU Te /uuhu/ Big conus for making bracelets
West Uvea FJ.FUHU Fuu Mollusque gastéropode: cone (Conus virgo), dont on fabrique les bracelets d'homme, parures des grandes f̂etes
Tikopia MP.USO.1A Uso Spongy interior, embryo of coconut long mature, in process of germination...; soft core in heart of tree
Nukuoro EC.FUI De/hui, nga/hui Tens of coconuts
Sikaiana EC.FUI Se/hui Ten (for birds, coconuts, copra, dollars)
Takuu EC.FUI Fui Bunch of coconuts; ten coconuts
Tikopia EC.FUI Fii Bunch of coconuts; ten coconuts
Tokelau EC.FUI Fui Bunch, cluster (of bananas, coconuts)
Fijian MP.FUQI Vuu-ya Wash, cleanse with water, of feet or hands
Kapingamarangi MP.FUQI Hui To immerse in water
Emae MP.FUQI Fu/fui/-a Pour water on
Ifira-Mele MP.FUQI Fui/a Pour water on, extinguish
Rarotongan MP.FUQI ʔUi Dash water into
Rennellese MP.FUQI Huʔi/huʔi/ Dip into water
Samoan MP.FUQI Fui To dip, steep in water
Samoan MP.FUQI Fu/fui/ To steep