Protoform: FUHI.B [PN] Be in a group; group (of animate beings); gather, assemble
Description: | Be in a group; group (of animate beings); gather, assemble |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Hawaiian | Hui/hui | Mixed, mingled, united | (Pki) |
Hawaiian | Hui | Join, unite, combine; an association of people... | (Pki) |
Mangareva | ʔU | Peuple, gens Problematic | (Rch) |
Mangareva | ʔUi | Ile dépendante; île qui fait partie d'un archipel | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Fui/fui | Gather. Collect (Osn). | (Krk) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Hui(hui) | Collect together, assemble, join | (Sve) |
Moriori | Hui(hui) | Gather | (Shd) |
Moriori | Hui/nga | Assemblage | (Shd) |
New Zealand Maori | Hui | Congregate, come together, meet | (Wms) |
Niue | Fuhi/fuhi, fui/fui | To flock, to crowd; flock of birds, herd, school of fish | (Sph) |
Penrhyn | Hui | Meet, join, unite | (Sta) |
Penrhyn | Huie atua | [the gods] Sacred, consecrated, taboo | (Lmt) |
Pukapuka | Wui | All, assembled, united (of chiefs, men etc) archaic use, now "wii" all | (Sby) |
Pukapuka | Wui aliki | Gathering of chiefs | (Sby) |
Raʔivavae | Hui | To gather together, congregate, assemble, collect; a group, line or collectivity of ancestors; (frly) a family; a bundle, as of leaves... | (Stn) |
Rarotongan | ʔUi | Assemble, bring or come together; collective noun before chiefs, ancestors, etc | (Bse) |
Samoan | Fui/fui | Keep, stick together | (Prt) |
Tahitian | Hui | A plural or collective particle prefixed to various nouns, as hui arii, the royal party or family; hui raatira, the inferior chiefs collectively; hui tupuna, ancestors; hui metua, parents; hui hoa, friends, &c | (Dvs) |
Tahitian | Hui/hui | Se cotiser, faire une collecte | (Lmt) |
Tahitian | Hui | Désigne un ensemble de personnes quand il précède certains noms: hui ra'atira, les citoyens; hui tupuna, les ancêtres; hui ari'i, les rois | (Lmt) |
Takuu | Hui | Flock, swarm (n) | (Mle) |
Tongan | Fui/fui | Flock (of birds, bats) Phonologically Irregular | (Cwd) |
Tuamotu | Hui | Congregate, flock together | (Stn) |
23 entries found
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