Protoform: FUHI.B [PN] Be in a group; group (of animate beings); gather, assemble

Description: Be in a group; group (of animate beings); gather, assemble
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Hui/hui Mixed, mingled, united (Pki)
Hawaiian Hui Join, unite, combine; an association of people... (Pki)
Mangareva ʔU Peuple, gens Problematic (Rch)
Mangareva ʔUi Ile dépendante; île qui fait partie d'un archipel (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Fui/fui Gather. Collect (Osn). (Krk)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Hui(hui) Collect together, assemble, join (Sve)
Moriori Hui(hui) Gather (Shd)
Moriori Hui/nga Assemblage (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Hui Congregate, come together, meet (Wms)
Niue Fuhi/fuhi, fui/fui To flock, to crowd; flock of birds, herd, school of fish (Sph)
Penrhyn Hui Meet, join, unite (Sta)
Penrhyn Huie atua [the gods] Sacred, consecrated, taboo (Lmt)
Pukapuka Wui All, assembled, united (of chiefs, men etc) archaic use, now "wii" all (Sby)
Pukapuka Wui aliki Gathering of chiefs (Sby)
Raʔivavae Hui To gather together, congregate, assemble, collect; a group, line or collectivity of ancestors; (frly) a family; a bundle, as of leaves... (Stn)
Rarotongan ʔUi Assemble, bring or come together; collective noun before chiefs, ancestors, etc (Bse)
Samoan Fui/fui Keep, stick together (Prt)
Tahitian Hui A plural or collective particle prefixed to various nouns, as hui arii, the royal party or family; hui raatira, the inferior chiefs collectively; hui tupuna, ancestors; hui metua, parents; hui hoa, friends, &c (Dvs)
Tahitian Hui/hui Se cotiser, faire une collecte (Lmt)
Tahitian Hui Désigne un ensemble de personnes quand il précède certains noms: hui ra'atira, les citoyens; hui tupuna, les ancêtres; hui ari'i, les rois (Lmt)
Takuu Hui Flock, swarm (n) (Mle)
Tongan Fui/fui Flock (of birds, bats) Phonologically Irregular (Cwd)
Tuamotu Hui Congregate, flock together (Stn)

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