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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan EP.FUNAOGA.* ʔUnoonga Son-in-law, daughter-in-law
Tuamotu EP.FUNAOGA.* Hunooŋa Son-/daughter-in-law
West Uvea EP.FUNAOGA.* Funonga, fononga [chez les jeunes] Beau-parent de toute sorte: beau-père, belle-mère, gendre, bru, beau-fils, belle-fille, beau-frère, belle-soeur Problematic
Emae PN.FUNE.1 Fune Core of breadfruit etc.; rotten (yam)
Marquesas PN.FUNE.1 Hune Tendu, dure Problematic
Niue NP.FUNE.2 Fune Dried salt on skin after sea-bathing. Dry, not well looked after (of skin); bad (Sph).
Nukumanu NO.UNU.4 Ko/unu Constellation: Four stars in the middle of Centaurus
Penrhyn NP.FUNE.2 Puu/hune Scar, sore, being porous, having many tiny holes; marine worm sp. parasitic to pearl oysters
East Futuna CP.FUSI.1 Vusi/ga Irrigated taro field Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FUSI.2 Hua/hui/a Attach canoe to outrigger; bind coconuts or breadfruits into bunches of ten Problematic
Bugotu EO.FUSU Pusi Smite, beat, hit, slap Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.FUTA.2 Fute Se remuer, s'agiter
Fijian PN.FUTA.2 Vute/vutea Springy underfoot, like some kinds of ground (Cpl) Problematic
Marquesas PN.FUTA.2 Huta Sauter
Tongan PN.FUTA.2 Fute Struggle, jump convulsively
Nuguria AN.FUTI.1 Te husi te vao Jäten (Gras)
Easter Island AN.FUTI.2 Footee Banana [Forster 1774] (Langdon & Tryon 1983:31)
Niue AN.FUTI.2 Futi Banana, plantain (generic term)
Takuu AN.FUTI.2 Futi Banana (general term)
Tahitian AN.FUTU Hutu-reva A tree (Cerbera forsteri)
Rapa OC.-GA -nga Participial suffix, present tense
Tikopia EO.GAA.1 Ngaa Screech, utter hoarse cry Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta PN.GAA.2A Nga Definite article plural
Easter Island PN.GAA.2A ŋa Prefix used with nouns to indicate plurality
Hawaiian PN.GAA.2A Naa Plural definite article
New Zealand Maori PN.GAA.2A Nga Definite article plural
Moriori PN.GAA.2A Ka Plural definite article
Luangiua PN.GAA.2A ŋaa Definite article plural
Pukapuka PN.GAA.2A Naa Plural definite article Phonologically Irregular
Samoan CE.GAA.2B Na/i (Often preceded by ni) Several; some, a few. Problematic
Rennellese PN.GAA.2A Na(a) Plural definite article preceding nouns Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.GAA.2A Naa Plural definite article
Tikopia PN.GAA.2A Ngaa Definite article plural
Tokelau PN.GAA.2A Naa Plural definite article Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.GAA.2B Na Partitif, marque du pluriel en petite quantité. Article: dual/paucal definite (Mtu).
Penrhyn CE.GAA.2B Naa Definite article marking dual or paucal or small plural
Tuamotu CE.GAA.2B ŋaa Particle of limited plurality; the several, the few
West Futuna NP.KAI.1B H/kai To ulcerate, to fester
Tikopia SO.GAA-.3 Ngaa/ngea Locality of restricted size
East Uvea SO.GAA-QUTA Gaauta D'en haut; du cote de l'interieur
New Zealand Maori EC.GAELE Ngaere Soft, ripe; quake, oscillate (as a bog)
Rapa EC.GAELE Ta/ngere/ngere te repo An earthquake Problematic
Samoan EC.GAELE Gaele Shake, oscillate (as bog when walking over it; shaking, quaking
Tahitian EC.GAELE Aere A large or extensive bog that cannot be passed; the expanse of sea or firmament whose termination cannot be seen; the unknown state after death; anything that cannot be found by searching
Easter Island EP.GA-FAQA.* ŋaʔaha Reventar; quebrarse; haber derrame (de sangre) . Crack, crevice, fissure; explosion; break, burst, crack, split, explode. Break (by shattering?, e.g. a bottle, window, cup, gox, table, etc.) (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva EP.GA-FAQA.* Gaʔa Maladie de peau qui affecte seulement les femmes; douleur dans les intestins après avoir mangé des fruits
Tahitian EP.GA-FAQA.* ʔAfaa Fente, fêlure; fendu, fêlé; se dit à propos des petites rivières qui, en période de pluie, se frayent un passage dans le banc de sable qui barre leur embouchure
East Uvea PN.GAFI-GAFI Gafigafi Natte fine en feuilles de pandanus, aussi appelée tu'alua
New Zealand Maori PN.GAFI-GAFI Ngawhingawhi Torn, worn out, exhausted
West Uvea PN.GAFI-GAFI Ngafingafi (Etoffe, vetement) vieux, usé