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704 Results matching "oli" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori TA.RAUPO Raupoo Bulrush (Typha angustifolia)
East Futuna NP.LAAWAKI Laavaki Abandonne, solitaire
Sikaiana NP.LEPU Lepu/lepu To stir a semi-solid
Hawaiian CE.REREIOGA Leleiona Shark-sucker, remora (Echineidae spp.); fidgety, foolish, restless
Niue PN.LEQO.2 Leo/leo To guard, watch over, protect; constable, policeman
Tokelau PN.LEQO.2 Leo/leo Policeman, guard, watchman
Niue PN.LEPE Lepe/ti To knock down (of solid objects)
Fijian CP.LIALIA Lialia Mad, foolish, absurd
East Futuna PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Cricket
East Uvea PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Grasshopper. Chrysalide
Fijian PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Night insect, moth sp
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LIGO-LIGO Lingolingo An insect, a type of grasshopper, similar to lakii singing at sunset
Pukapuka PN.LIGO-LIGO Tangi te lingolingo Idiom for deserted place; also for ringing in ears
Samoan PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Cricket
Tongan PN.LIGO-LIGO Lingolingo Cricket
Marquesas EP.RITO.A Ito Frais, vermeil; gras et frais, beau, joli
Nuguria OC.NONU Ronu Noni tree and fruit (Morinda citrifolia) Phonologically Irregular
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.LOQI Ka/roi/roi Sea bass (Cephalopholis argus)
Mangareva PN.LOQI Roi Fish sp. Poisson:Cephalopholis argus (Serranidae)
Niue PN.LOQI Loi Fish sp (Cephalopholis argus)
Penrhyn PN.LOQI Roi Sea bass (Cephalopolis argus)
Pukapuka PN.LOQI Loi Sea bass (Cephalopolis argus)
Rarotongan PN.LOQI Patuki/roi/ Fish sp (Cephalopolis sp.)
Tahitian PN.LOQI Roi Blue-spotted grouper. Mérou, famille des Serranidae (Cephalopholis argus) (Lmt) .
Tokelau PN.LOQI Loi Fish sp.: Blue-spotted Grouper (Cephalopholis argus)
East Futuna CP.LOLI Loli Holothuroidea (i)
East Uvea CP.LOLI Loli Holothuroidea (i)
Fijian CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, holothuria
Hawaiian CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug, sea-cucumber, beche de mer (Holothuria spp.)
Niue CP.LOLI Loli Sea cucumber or beche-de-mer
Luangiua CP.LOLI Loli Sea slug
Pukapuka CP.LOLI Loli Beche de mer
Samoan CP.LOLI Loli A sea-slug (Holothuria). Kind of edlble sea-cucumber (Holothuria sp.) (Mnr).
Tongan CP.LOLI Loli Sea-slug
West Futuna CP.LOLI Loh/loli Sea slug. Holothurie noire (Rve).
Rennellese FJ.LUNA Guna (BEL nguna) (Morinda citrifolia)
Tongan PN.MA-FELA Mafela Opened out, come open , left open (impolite)
Rarotongan NP.MAFINE Maʔine Polite and friendly term of address to women
East Futuna PN.MAGEHO.B Maageo Arbuste à feuilles urticantes (Dendrocnide latifolia)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAGEHO.B Mage(a)o A tree (Litsaea colicaris)
Penrhyn PN.MAQAHI Maai Not fresh, not solid, stale (of taro etc)
Hawaiian PN.MAILE Maile Twining shrub, (Alyxia olivaeformis)
Nukuoro PN.MA-KAKA Makaga Hard (solid)
Samoan PN.MAKAU.1 Maaʔau Present (n); polite reference to the work of preparing and serving food to guests
Pukapuka PN.MA-KEKE Makeke Strong firm, solid, hard
Tikopia PN.MA-KEKE Makeke Strong, firm, solid
New Zealand Maori PN.MAROO Maaroo Hard, solid, stiff, stretched out Problematic
Samoan PN.MAROO Maloo Hard, firm, solid, stiff
Tuamotu PN.MAROO Maroo Dry, hard, solid
New Zealand Maori NP.MAALOO.B Maaroo Stretched out, stiff, hard, solid, unyielding, be steadily on course; fathom (i.e. measure of outstretched arms