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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Moriori AN.AU.1 Au I
Marquesas AN.AU.1 Au. Je, moi, c'est moi. Pronom personnel: je, me, moi (Lch).
Mota AN.AU.1 I n/au I, me Problematic
Mangareva AN.AU.1 Au Pronom personnel: je, moi
Niue AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Nukuoro AN.AU.1 Au I
West Futuna NP.TEE-HENA Te na Demonstrative pronoun, singular, near addressee
Penrhyn AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.AU.1 Ai/au I
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.AU.1 Au Me (1s independent pronoun used after prepositions)
Pukapuka AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Rarotongan AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Rennellese AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Rotuman AN.AU.1 G/ou/ I, me Problematic
Samoan AN.AU.1 Aʔu First person singular pronoun (Focus) Problematic
Tahitian AN.AU.1 (V)au Pronom personnel, première personne du singulier...
Marquesas PN.EE-NAA Ena Celui-là celle-là, ceux-là, celles-là, cette, cela.
Tikopia AN.AU.1 Au I (poetic form)
Tokelau AN.AU.1 Au I, first person singular pronoun
Tongan AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Tuamotu AN.AU.1 (V)au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
West Uvea AN.AU.1 I/au/ I, me
West Futuna AN.AU.1 Av/au I, first person singular pronoun (subject or object)
Waya AN.AU.1 Au I, me
East Futuna PN.AQU ʔAu Arriver, venir, parvenir
East Uvea PN.AQU Aʔu Parvenir à, arriver
Niue PN.AQU Au/a Arrive opportunely, to happen upon
Rennellese PN.AQU Aʔu Come (singular)
Takuu PN.AQU Au Come (singular); (of a spirit) come to a person and cause him/her to be possessed
Tokelau PN.AQU Au Reach, get at, have a good range; be matured at birth, be born at full term
Tongan PN.AQU Aʔu To arrive; to reach or extend to
Moriori MP.QAU.1 I/au/ripo Eddy
Mangareva MP.QAU.1 Au Ebb and flow of tide. Flux et reflux de la mer (Rch).
Niue MP.QAU.1 A/au Ocean wave; to be swift (of sea). A current (McE).
Tikopia MP.QAU.1 Au Spume on surface of sea, a result of high waves
West Futuna MP.QAU.1 Au Current, eddy, whirlpool
Easter Island PN.QAU.2 ʔA/ʔau Take out a double handful, pick up in both hands
Hawaiian PN.QAU.2 Au To weed; rub, massage, polish
Niue PN.QAU.2 A/au To clear away. Clear away big branches when preparing a plantation (McE).
Luangiua PN.QAU.2 ʔAu Gutting fish
Luangiua PN.QAU.2 ʔAu/iho Take away
Penrhyn PN.QAU.2 Au/au To pick, pinch
Rennellese PN.QAU.2 ʔAu/ʔau To pick out, as bones from fish, seeds from a papaya, or mucus from the nose; strip off, as old stems from taro
Samoan PN.QAU.2 Au To carry away, as the stones of a wall . Carry (in the hand)
Samoan PN.QAU.2 Au/au Pick (by hand)
Tongan PN.QAU.2 ʔAu- Remove unwanted portion of something -- strip, scale, husk, etc. (in compounds)
Marquesas PN.QAU.3 Auau! Voix d' une personne qui pleure (onom.). Interj. manière de pleurer (1904).
East Futuna MP.QAUA.1 Aua Poissons: "mulet carrelé" (Chelon vaigiensis); "mulet" (petit) (Crenimugil crenilabis)
East Uvea MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Nom de poisson (Guerres acinaces); (Liza macrolepis) when length of index finger
East Uvea MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua/mui (Liza macrolepis) [Smith] when length of hand