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7593 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna CP.MAFU.2 Mafu Ball of food cooked in leaves
East Uvea CP.MAFU.2 Mafu Ball of faikai or similar food
Tahitian CP.MAFU.2 Mahu The name of a mess of food of grated taro, &c.
Hawaiian PN.MAFU.3 Mahuu Weak, flat, as diluted kava or stale beer, insipid, as fresh poi kept too long in the icebox
Kapingamarangi PN.MAFU.3 Ma(a)hu Slightly spoiled, of cooked food
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAFU.3 Mahu Bad, stale (of foods), fermented
Samoan PN.MAFU.3 Mafu Stale, go bad (of food)
Tongan PN.MAFU.3 Mafu Stale (of food), fermented (of milk); go sour
Samoan NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maafu Emit odour (good or bad)
Niue PN.MA-FUA Mafua Seasonal food (for fish and birds)
Samoan PN.MA-FUA Mafua Tempting food or attraction to draw game or fish
Tongan PN.MA-FUA Mafua Favourite food
Rennellese PN.MA-FUKE Mahuke Be untied, as string; opened up, as a book
Tuamotu PN.MA-FUTA Maahuta Rise (of sun/moon), spring/dart/rise into flight
Rarotongan PN.MA-FUTI Maʔuti Jerk free, become detached, come off (of a button), come out (of a tooth), come out of the ground (of a post)
East Futuna PN.MAQAGA Maʔaga Mouthful of food
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQAGA Maanga Remains of food after a meal
Mangaia PN.MAQAGA Maanga A bit, piece, portion; food
Penrhyn PN.MAQAGA Manga Food
Penrhyn PN.MAQAGA Maanga Food; bit, piece, small quantity
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAQAGA Maga/i Piece (of food)
Tuamotu PN.MAQAGA Maaŋa Food
Ifira-Mele PN.MAAGALO.2 Maagaro Sweet (of water), non-acrid (of vegetable food)
Niue PN.MAAGALO.2 Magalo Fresh, sweet (usually of food and drink). Vai magalo, fresh water.
Tahitian PN.MAGEHO.A Maeo/eo Insatiated desire; a constant longing after some kind of food
Niue PN.MAGEHO.B Mangiho Stinging nettle tree (Dendrocnide harveyi). A woody weed (Acalypha boehmerioides) (McE).
Luangiua PN.MA-AGI Maŋi/aŋi Cool
Rennellese OC.TUPUNA Puna, punoo Grandparent (vocative)
East Futuna FJ.MAGITI Magiti Vegetable food
Fijian FJ.MAGITI Magiti Food, especially vegetable food
Niue MP.MAGO Mago Dry, dried up (e.g. ground); overcooked
Samoan MP.MAGO Mago Dry up, be dry (as wood, clothes)
Tikopia MP.MAGO Mango Fully mature, old (of vegetable foods)
Anuta OC.MAGOO Mangoo. Mango(o) (Fbg). Shark
Hawaiian OC.MAGOO Manoo Shark
Kapingamarangi OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark
New Zealand Maori OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark
Ifira-Mele OC.MAGOO Magoo Shark
Nuguria OC.MAGOO Manoo Shark (generic)
Niue OC.MAGOO Magoo Shark
Nukuoro OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark
Luangiua OC.MAGOO Maŋoo Shark
Penrhyn OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark
Pukapuka OC.MAGOO Mangoo General name for sharks
Rarotongan OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark
Rennellese OC.MAGOO Mangoo General name for sharks
Samoan OC.MAGOO Magoo Shark
Sikaiana OC.MAGOO Manoo Shark
Takuu OC.MAGOO Manoo General term for sharks
Tikopia OC.MAGOO Mangoo Shark