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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas CE.AUTE Ute Papyrus, murier a papier et dont on fait des etoffes
Penrhyn CE.AUTE Aute Paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) (There is none in Penrhyn)
Mangareva CE.AUTE Eute Papyrus poussant sans culture. Plante dont l'écorce fournit les fibres pour la fabrication du tapa (Broussonetia papyrifera, Moracées); la plante cultivé est appelé puri (Rch).
Rapa CE.AUTE Aute Bush, used for making tapa, Broussonetia papyrifera
Rarotongan CE.AUTE ʔAute (Broussonetia papyrifera)
Tahitian CE.AUTE ʔAute Broussonetia papyrifera dont on faisait un 'tapa' brun
Anuta MP.AWA Ava Passage from open sea to protected water (not necessarily a channel)
Easter Island MP.AWA Aba Canal, channel, crack, crevice, ditch, trench
East Uvea MP.AWA Ava Passe, passage, entrée, accès, ouverture. Etre ouvert, béant, libre.
New Zealand Maori MP.AWA Awa Channel, river
Moriori MP.AWA Awa River channel . Creek
Marquesas MP.AWA Ava Fissure, fente, crevasse; défile, passage, gorge de montagne, passe du lagon. Passe, passage, detroit, canal; distance, espace, intervalle (Dln).
Niue MP.AWA Ava Channel, passage through reef, harbour, opening in reef. Furrow, stripe; crack, gap (McE).
Luangiua MP.AWA Ava Entrance through reef. Strait (passage between two islands), if covered at low tide
Luangiua MP.AWA Ava/va Strait (passage between two islands), if covered at high tide only
Penrhyn MP.AWA Ava A passage through the reef opening into the lagoon
Takuu MP.AWA Ava Deep passage in reef, channel
Tikopia MP.AWA Ava Channel; stream of any size
Tokelau MP.AWA Ava A channel (through or across the reef); a natural channel (running up into the reef from the ocean side)
Tongan MP.AWA Ava Passage, opening. A cove, crevice, creek; a hole; a gap; a streight (Mar).
Tuamotu MP.AWA Ava Pass, channel in a reef, port, harbour
Marquesas PN.KOLI.1B Koéka, koéna An amusement or diversion of any kind
Waya MP.AWA Cawa Beach or reef below high-tide mark Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.AVA Aoa Pair (prenuclear quantifier) Problematic
Pukapuka SO.AVA Awaa- Prefix to noun for pairs of objects (coconuts, taro, birds) Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese SO.AVA Aba, abaa Collection, collect together, gather together
Tokelau SO.AVA Avaa- Prefix to noun meaning two together.
East Futuna MP.QAWA ʔAva Fish like mullet but bigger. "Poisson lait" (Chanos chanos) (Mfr).
Fijian MP.QAWA Yawa Deep-bellied fish that jumps along surface of sea
Hawaiian MP.QAWA Awa Milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Lau MP.QAWA ʔAkwa A fish
Lau MP.QAWA Hakwa Milkfish
New Zealand Maori MP.QAWA Aua Herring, Yellow-eyed Mullet Problematic
Marquesas MP.QAWA Ava Small silvery fish (I), small freshwater fish
Nukuoro MP.QAWA Ava Fish sp. (=large tonu, = large hagaodaloo)
Penrhyn MP.QAWA Ava Milkfish (Chanos chanos)
Pukapuka MP.QAWA Ava A fish (Chanos chanos)
Rotuman MP.QAWA ʔAva A kind of brownish fish Problematic
Samoan MP.QAWA Ava The name of a very scaly fish ; large fish (Chanos sp.) caught by torch light
Tahitian MP.QAWA Ava Fish called white salmon (Chanos chanos). Poisson de la famille des Chanidae (Chanos chanos), quand il est adulte (Lmt).
Tahitian MP.QAWA Ava/ava Sand goby (Eleotriodes strigata)
Tokelau MP.QAWA Ava Milkfish, Salmon Herring (Chanos chanos)
Tongan MP.QAWA ʔAva Fish sp
Tuamotu MP.QAWA Ava Fish sp. (also called patii)
Tupuaki MP.QAWA Ava/ava Milkfish or Salmon Herring (Chanos chanos)
Waya MP.QAWA Awa A bony, carnivorous fish about a metre long
Anuta NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavanga To marry; married; wedding
East Futuna NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavaga Epoux, mariage, se marier
East Uvea NP.QAAWAGA.A ʔAavaga Mariage, epouse, union
Kapingamarangi NP.QAAWAGA.A Awanga Wife