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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian CE.E...ANA Tee...ana Il est encore employée de nos jours pour indiquer le continuatif, soit le present indéfini
Hawaiian PN.EE ʔEe Yes (unemphatic)
Marquesas PN.EE E. ʔE (Lch). Ee (Mtu). Particule d'affirmation, oui, c'est vrai. Yes (Mtu).
Mangareva PN.EE ʔEe, eʔe Oui, certainement
Luangiua PN.EE ʔEi Yes Phonologically Irregular
Rapa PN.EE Ei Yes Problematic
Tahitian PN.EE ʔEe Oui, dire oui
Tuamotu PN.EE ʔEe Yes indeed
West Uvea PN.EE Ee Oui
Easter Island PN.EQA.A Eʔa Come out, get up. Risen (perfect aspect); go out (Wbr).
Hawaiian PN.EQA.A Ea Rise, go up, become erect; sovereignty, independance; life, breath, spirit
Emae PN.EQA.A Ea To surface, come up for air
New Zealand Maori PN.EQA.A Ea Appear above surface of water, horizon (of heavenly bodies); reappear
Marquesas PN.EQA.A Ea, ea (a)ʔe. Eea (Mtu). Rise to surface of water. Reparaître sur l'eau
Mangareva PN.EQA.A Ea. Eea (Rch). Take in air (of a diver). Respirer (se dit des plongeurs, qui remontent sur l'eau pour respirer). Jaillir, sourdre.
Niue PN.EQA.A Ea Rise, appear, emerge
Nukuoro PN.EQA.A Ea To surface (while swimming); to be on the surface of the water, stop swimming
Penrhyn PN.EQA.A Ea Rise to surface of water
Pukapuka PN.EQA.A Ea Emerge; rise to the surface
Tuvalu PN.QATI.4 Ati Fetch (of fire only)
Tuvalu OC.QATU.1 Atu Bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Tuvalu MP.QATU.2 Atu Group or chain of islands
Tuvalu MP.QATULE Atule A fish
Tuvalu AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Tuvalu SO.AUGA Auga Blister
Tuvalu PN.QAU-MAI Aumai Bring, give, send to speaker
Tuvalu NP.QAU-TALA Autala Remove spines from Pandanus leaves (in preparation for weaving) (Jackson)
Tuvalu SO.AVA Avaa- Preposed numeral marker for pairs of objects
Tuvalu MP.QAWA Ava A fish (Chanos chanos)
Tuvalu NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavaga Marry, spouse, intended spouse
Tuvalu PN.QAW-ATU Avatu Give, send, take (away from speaker)
Tuvalu PN.QAWE-HIFO Ave ifo [avaifo] To take down, bring down
Tuvalu PN.QAWE Ave To take, to give something, to deliver
Tuvalu OC.E.1A E Continuous or habitual action, permanent or abiding state
Tuvalu PN.EQA.A Ea Rise, grow (as a sandbank)
Rarotongan PN.EQA.A Ea Rise to the surface
Rennellese PN.EQA.A Eʔa Appear, come, go, arrive, penetrate
Samoan PN.EQA.A Ea Rise to the surface
Sikaiana PN.EQA.A Eea To appear above the surface of the water, as coral at low tide.
Kapingamarangi PN.EQA.A Ae To broach the surface of the water, to surface (fish) Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau PN.EQA.A Ea Surface (v); look up, raise (the head)
East Futuna PN.EQA.A E/ea Déborder (liquide par pression sur le contenant)
Tuamotu PN.EQA.A Ea Emerge, appear, rise
East Uvea MP.QAFATO Ofato Large grub in wood
Hawaiian EP.QEO Ea(ea) To smell (vi) Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.QEFA Eha (plural la/eha) Big
Rennellese XO.QEFA ʔEha Big
West Uvea XO.QEFA Efa Grand (de grande taille); grand (par le volume); grand (par l'importance sociale); dans une suite verbale, sert d'intensif: très
East Futuna XW.EFE Efe/efeʔi niu puluʔi A piece of coconut husk fibre
East Uvea XW.EFE Efe/ʔi niu Rapure de coco