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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva OC.LEQO.1 Reo Voix; langue, langage; instruction, ordre, commande; parler
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.LEQO.1 Leo Language; voice; word; culture, custom; order, command; speak
Niue PN.LEQO.2 Leo/leo To guard, watch over, protect; constable, policeman
Tokelau PN.LEQO.2 Leo/leo Policeman, guard, watchman
East Uvea FJ.LEPA.1 Lepa Lofer dans le vent pour arrete la marche d'une pirogue
Manihiki-Rakahanga OC.E.1A E Imperfective aspect marker
Pukapuka PN.LEPE Lepe/tia Broken, smashed
Samoan PN.LEPE Ta/lepe/ Break up, smash (of houses, boats, boxes)
Easter Island EP.REPE Repe/repe Hang, dangle, stretch downwards (e.g. lips, ears). Colgante, esirarse hacia abajo . Labia majora
Pukapuka EP.REPE Lepe Testicles, also female genitals (prob. labia)
Rarotongan EP.REPE Repe Comb of birds; female genitals; clitoris
Marquesas EP.REPO ʔEpo Sale. Boue, fange, terre, poussière. Crasse, ordure, saleté, malpropreté (Lch). Sol, ground (Atl).
Mangareva EP.REPO Repo Soil, earth, dirt. Terre, sol; endroit marécageux où l'on plante le taro; être sale en général (excepté la saleté provenant de la sueur); saleté, saloperie, souillure; avoir de mauvaises moeurs
Tahitian EP.REPO Repo Terre (matière), saleté, sale, être sale
Penrhyn FJ.LEU Reu Maturation stage of coconut...
Takuu FJ.LEU Reu (of fruit) Ripe; (of a pimple, sore, etc.) having a head or scab that may be removed to extract the pus
Rarotongan CP.LEU-LEU Reureu Female waist garment
Rarotongan TA.PAA-REU Paareu Waist-wrap, kilt, dancing skirt; wrap around the waist; light floral cotton material from which pareu and dresses are made
Tuamotu CP.LEU-LEU Reu A woman's waist garment
Tahitian NP.LEWA.1 Reva/reva To be flying, as many flags
Mangareva CP.LEWA.2 Reva A tree (Cerbera mangas). Arbre: Cerbera manghas (Apocynacées); fleur blanche (autrefois appelée *piritau*)
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.LEWA.2 Leva A small tree, its fruits are not edible
Rarotongan CP.LEWA.2 Reva False Sea-mango (Cerbera odollam)
Rurutu CP.LEWA.2 E/reva/ Tree (Cerbera manghas)
West Uvea CP.LEWA.2 Leva Arbre (Cerbera manghas), à emploi ichtyotoxique
Pukapuka PN.ALEALE.A Aleale Queasy to the stomach
Nuguria AN.ROFA Roha Measure of distance: handspan; ell (roha te kapakau); cubit (roha te pukurima); to measure (length or height)
Mangareva FJ.LII.2 Rii Bind. Attacher, lier; se marier; lien, mariage (Rch).
Luangiua FJ.LII.2 Lii Tie string round coconut pod for making toddy; sweet coconut
Rennellese FJ.LII.2 Gii Wind v, tie v, as a cord in making a net
Takuu PN.LI-AKI Riaki Perform throwing motion without releasing an object from the hand; scatter about, sprinkle; flick (s.o. from s.t. else); throw s.o. to the ground; throw s.t. over s.t. else without releasing it from one’s hand; shake out (with vigorous hand movement); throw with a sling; shed (hair, leaves, skin, etc.); cast off, lose (a tooth); lay (an egg) outside the nest; (of a baby) born prematurely
West Uvea PN.LI-AKI Liaki-na, leaki-na Jeter, lancer (épervier); éparpiller avec la main; se secouer
Pukapuka TA.RIAKI Liaki Raise up, show (e.g. of a sail, mat) Borrowed
Fijian CP.LIALIA Lialia Mad, foolish, absurd
Marquesas MP.LIFA.1 Iha Interjection exprimant sensation de froid; interjection pour marquer le refus, l'aversion Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna OC.LIGI Liligi Menstruate; liligi manava, have diarrhoea
Rennellese FJ.UTUA Mata(a) utua End of land point, cliff projection
New Zealand Maori PN.LIGO-LIGO Riko/riko Man-eating spirits which haunted deserted houses [South Island Dialect] Problematic
West Futuna PN.LIGO-LIGO Rigorigo A small cricket
Easter Island AN.LIHA Ria Small piece, small share (pedazo pequeño de algo, porción menuda) Problematic
Kapingamarangi XO.LIE.* Lii Small head lice
Kapingamarangi AN.LIHA Lii Small head lice
Rarotongan CE.MA-REKA Mareka Feel pleasure, take pleasure in something, appreciate; pleased, happy....
Mangareva FJ.LIKA ʔAka/rika(rika) Nightmare (I). Réveiller qn., étonner qn.
Sikaiana FJ.LIKA Lika/lika Untame, wild, frightened by humans, as fish or birds are; to avoid out of shame or fear
Tuamotu FJ.LIKA Rika Nightmare, fear, dread
East Futuna AN.RIKI Li/liki Small. Petit, très jeune (pluriel) (Mfr).
East Futuna AN.RIKI ʔIki/ʔiki Small (b). Petit, bref; diminutif singulier; peu (postverbe) (Mfr). Problematic
Hawaiian AN.RIKI Liʔi Small
Kapingamarangi AN.RIKI Ligi Small (used only in compounds)