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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori PN.UU Uu-ngia Strike home of weapons or blows; reach (the land), arrive (by water)
Rarotongan PN.UU Uu Collide, bump into, strike against; encounter, meet with, come upon, strike (luck); catch (an illness), be affected by; fit, suit; be appropriate for
New Zealand Maori PN.UQU Uu-ria Bite, gnaw
Rennellese PN.UQU Uʔu-tia Bite, as dog or mosquitoes; sting, as bee or ant; to be caught as between rocks
Takuu PN.UQU Uu (pass. uu/tia) Bite; (of medicine applied to skin, spicy hot food, etc.) sting, burn
Rennellese PN.QUU.A ʔUu Tied bunch or bundle (especially of weapons); clump (e.g. of sugarcane)
Tongan MP.QUUQUU ʔUuʔuu Giant land-crab
Marquesas PN.QUFI.2 Uhi Mother of pearl oyster. Huitre perlière; pearl oyster. Bénitier; giant clam [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Penrhyn PN.QUFI.2 Uhi Special kind of pearl shell
Tahitian PN.QUFU Uhu Parrot-fish. Large blue or green parrotfish. Poisson perroquet, famille des Scaridae (Scarus spp.), ce terme recouvre plusieurs espèces dont certaines sont précisées en tahitien par une dénomination binomiale (Lmt).
Easter Island AN.QUHA ʔUa Llover, lluvia
Tongan OC.QAO.1 ʔAo/ʔao/fia Cloudy, more or less covered with clouds
East Futuna OC.UKA.A Uka Fine cord, fishing line, bowstring ; Broussonetia (used for cord)
Rotuman OC.UKA.A Uka Thick strong string, cord; especially fishing line Problematic
Marquesas PN.UKA.C Uka/uka Coriace
Tuamotu PN.UKA.C Uka/uka Rubbery, pliant, supple
Marquesas PN.A-IA H/áia Behold!
Marquesas PN.A-IA Aia á Si! soit! c'est juste, c'est vrai
Takuu PN.A-IA Aiaa Take it! Here!
Marquesas NP.LAGA.1B Anga, no’Tha’wiae To float on a river
New Zealand Maori AN.QURA Ura/ura (Grimothea gregaria), minute crustacean
New Zealand Maori NP.QULA-QULA Uraura Whale-feed (grimothea gregaria)
Samoan RO.ULE Ule Penis. Penis (colloquial) (McP).
Niue PN.QULUA Ulua Trevally spp. (Caranx ignobilis, C.sexfasciatus)
Kapingamarangi CP.QULU-QULU Mataa/uruuru/ Stretch of reef where waves come in and immediately beyond
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.QULU-QULU Ululu Outer edge of reef where waves break. Deeper reef shelf immediately beyond where the waves break (Lch).
New Zealand Maori TA.URU-PAA. Urupaa Burial ground
Mangareva CE.URUTUU Urutu Etre rassasié. Satiated (Tgr).
Penrhyn PN.QULU-TUKI Urutuki Giant grouper (Epinephelus/ Promicrops lancealatus)
Tikopia AN.QUMAGA Umanga Arch. term for burial place of stranded cetaceans Problematic
Emae SO.QUMO Mo/tia Pinch
Sikaiana MP.QUMU.1A Umu Earth oven; mound of earth, especially for planting root crops
Niue AN.QUNAFI Inafi To scale a fish (Motu dial) Phonologically Irregular
Emae AN.UNU.1 Unu/sia Take out, take off, as clothes
New Zealand Maori AN.UNU.1 Unu-hia Pull out; withdraw; take off (e.g. pants)
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.UNU.1 Unu/ia To loose, untie
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.UNU.1 Un/ia Remove (vt)
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.UNU.1 Unu/kia Stick into the ground Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka AN.UNU.1 Unu-wia Pulled out
West Uvea AN.UNU.1 Unu-sia Se déshabiller, dépouiller
Fijian PN.UNU.3 Unu Drink (Dialect)
New Zealand Maori PN.UNU.3 Unu-mia Drink (eastern dialects)
Pukapuka ??.UPAUPA Upaupa A dance (Beaglehole 1953:18); Tahitian in origin Problematic
Anuta CP.USI.1 Uti A kind of manongi plant (Evodia)
East Futuna CP.USI.1 Usi A shrub used medicinally (Evodia hortensis)
East Uvea CP.USI.1 Uhi Arbrisseau à odeur forte (Evodia hortensis). Médecine contre les maux de dent
Fijian CP.USI.1 Uci An odoriferous herb, used as perfume and disinfectant (Evodia hortensis)
Niue CP.USI.1 Uhi Shrub sp. (Evodia hortensis)
Rennellese CP.USI.1 Usi (Evodia longifolia)
Samoan CP.USI.1 Usi The name of a strong-smelling shrub (Evodia hortensis)