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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan XW.TIPI.4 Sipi (Entada phaseoloides). Often confused with valai.
East Uvea XW.TIPI.4 Sipi Liane sermenteuse qui pousse en abondance à Uvéa (Entada scandens)
New Zealand Maori EP.I.1 I(i) Verbal particle marking past tense
Ifira-Mele EP.I.1 I He, she, it (subject, past tense) Problematic
Moriori EP.I.1 I Past tense
Rarotongan EP.I.1 I Past tense marker
Marquesas EP.NOQI.* I/noi Mendier, solliciter, demander
Marquesas MP.MURI.1A ʔI/muʔi, ʔi/muʔi/ho Après cela, ensuite
Marquesas FJ.LIKA ʔIʔika (MQS), ʔikaʔika (MQN) Qui inspire du dégoût, l'effroi; frissonner. Frisson, frissoner; horrible, effrayant (Dln). Etre dégoûté, be disgusted (Atl).
Marquesas PN.QISI Ihi Demeurer, habiter Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QI I Of, related to (possessive preposition connecting two nouns where the first one is a part of or derived from or in other ways connected with the second one)
Easter Island EP.QII.2 ʔIi/ʔii Rotten, putrefy
Mangareva EP.QII.2 Ii Se gâter, s'abimer. Taint, spoil, become corrupt (Tgr).
Penrhyn EP.QII.2 Ii Rotten
Tahitian EP.QII.2 I To prepare bread fruit for the mahi [fermented food]
Rarotongan MP.IA.2 Ia This (one), that (one)...esp. the ones indicated, referred to...
East Futuna AN.IA.3 Ia Marque de rappel ou d'insistence (postposée au verbe), liée à l'antéposition de l'agent; exclusivement, uniquement
New Zealand Maori AN.IA.3 Ia But (post-predicate)
Samoan AN.IA.4 Ia Particle used to sum up what has just been said, or to indicate agreement with it, to emphasize what follows etc.: that's it, all right, well
Tokelau AN.IA.4 Ia Interjection: used to attract attention - here, hey; used by storytellers to indicate a new paragraph or phase in the narrative: so...
Tahitian PN.TALITALI-QULI Tiʔatiʔauri Remora commun (Echineis naucrates)
Rarotongan MP.QIGO.1 Ingo Placid or limp, to be, lazy, disinclined to exertion, averse to labour, sluggish, tedious
Tongan MP.QIGO.1 ʔIngo(ʔingo) Irritated, upset or disagreeable
New Zealand Maori PN.QIGO.2 Ingoingo Spotted, parti-coloured
Tongan PN.QIGO.2 ʔIngoʔingoʔi Variegated, of diversified colours
Ifira-Mele AN.IKA.A Ika Fish (General term that includes whales and porpoises but not turtles, eels or octopus
Takuu AN.IKA.A Ika Generic term for fish, including marine mammals, some turtles, and two species of clam
West Uvea AN.IKA.A Ika Poisson (terme générique)
Tuamotu EP.IKA.B Ika Defeated antagonist; sacrificial victim; warrior
Tongan PN.TE-QA-KU ʔEku My (definite)
Tongan PN.TE-QA-KU Heʔeku My (definite, subjective). (form used after ki, 'i, 'e, mei)
East Futuna MP.IKE Ike Tapa-cloth beater
East Uvea MP.IKE Ike Tapa-cloth beater
Fijian MP.IKE Ike Tapa beater
Hawaiian MP.IKE Iʔe Tapa beater
Mangareva MP.IKE Ike Tapa-cloth beater. Maillet pour battre les fibres de l'écorce de l'eute dans la fabrication du tapa
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.IKE Ike A tree with strong hard wood used for making posts and handles of axes. Rotatable part of helve of tupaa (adze type); a type of wood often used for this (Lch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan MP.IKE Ike Tapa beater
Rennellese MP.IKE G/ike/ Tapa beater Phonologically Irregular
Samoan MP.IKE Iʔe Tapa beater
Tikopia MP.IKE Ike Barkcloth beater of Casuarina wood
Tongan MP.IKE Ike Tapa beater
Tuamotu MP.IKE Ike Tapa beater
Moriori NP.IKI Iiki All (come); swept clear, swept clean, destroyed utterly
East Uvea AN.IKU.1 Iku Etre fini, terminé
Marquesas MP.QILA Iʔa A spot on the skin. Tache sur la peau, dermites diverses (Lch).
Niue MP.QILA Ila Birthmark; stain, mark; to be spotted
Penrhyn MP.QILA Koo/ira/ira Spotted, pitted
West Futuna MP.QILA Ira Discolouration, freckle, blood blister. Taches noirs ou blanches de naissance (Rve).
Nuguria XO.QILAAMOTU.* Ku/ila-motu Daughter-in-law