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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan NP.FATA.2 Ata/ata/ia Hollowness, to be in the condition of hollow, meaning being very light and seemingly hollow
Tahitian NP.FATA.2 Fata/fata Ouvert, vide, insouciant ; béant, entrouvert, écarté
Rarotongan CK.FATA-MIRA ʔAtamira Ceremonial litter, Carved seat or throne of a high chief
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.FATI.A Vahi, vasi (trans. vahia) Break, be broken
Tongan PN.FATI.B Fasi Part of ceremonial kava ring where it curves towards the bowl
New Zealand Maori NP.FATI-GA Whatiianga Angle, place at which anything is bent, doubled or broken off; bend of the arm, elbow
New Zealand Maori NP.FATI-GA Whatiianga raparapa Ankle
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FATI-GA-LEQO Vahialeo Echo, broken voice, accent, dialect
Rennellese SO.FATI-GA-LEQO Hatingaa geʔo Speaking, speech, pronunciation, voice
New Zealand Maori ??.FATI-UKU Whatianga Unit of measure (from elbow to fingertip) Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FATU.1B Vah/ia Compose Phonologically Irregular
Emae PN.FATU.1C Fetu/ia Roll up, bundle up, fold up enfiler (robe)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FATU.1C Fatu/ia To fold
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FATU.1C Hat/ia Fold, wrap up, roll up
West Uvea PN.FATU.1C Fetu-ia Plier, rouler (une natte); retrousser; fermer (le poing)
Tikopia PN.FATU-QARIKI Faturiki Frizzy, woolly. Rauuru faturiki, frizzly hair (e.g. of Melanesians) Problematic
Niue PN.FATU-KALAA Fatukalaa Obsidian, volcanic stone (traditionally imported from volcanic islands, used as weapons and implements)
Samoan PN.FAKA-QATA.A Faʔaata To shade the eys or partially close them, in order to see far-off objects; to spy with a glass or telescope
East Futuna MP.FAU.A Fau (Pariti tiliaceum)
East Uvea MP.FAU.A Fau (Hibiscus tiliaceus) (le bourao)
Fijian MP.FAU.A Vau A tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Kapingamarangi MP.FAU.A Hau (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Emae MP.FAU.A Fau Shore Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Ifira-Mele MP.FAU.A Fau Shore Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Marquesas MP.FAU.A Hau (MQN), fau (MQS) (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Bourao, sea hibiscus (Atl).
Niue MP.FAU.A Fou (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Nukuoro MP.FAU.A Goe/hau/ (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Nukuoro MP.FAU.A Hau The hibiscus plant (H.tiliaceus)
Luangiua MP.FAU.A Hau Beach Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Penrhyn MP.FAU.A Hau Hibiscus tiliaceus
Rarotongan MP.FAU.A ʔAu Beach hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Rennellese MP.FAU.A Hau (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Samoan MP.FAU.A Fau Hibiscus sp.; (Hibiscus tiliaceus) (Whr)
Tahitian MP.FAU.A Fau Ancien nom du purau (encore en usage aux ISV) (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Tahitian MP.FAU.A Hau [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect] Espèce d'arbre (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Takuu MP.FAU.A Fau A tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Tikopia MP.FAU.A Fau (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Tokelau MP.FAU.A Fau Trees (Hibiscus tiliaceus) and (Pipturus argenteus)
Tongan MP.FAU.A Fau (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Emae OC.FAQU.1 Fau/sia Build canoe
Ifira-Mele OC.FAQU.1 Fau/sia Lash
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.FAQU.1 Fau/ia Bind, lash
West Futuna OC.FAQU.1 Fou/sia, fau/sia (ANI) To bind, tie by wrapping rope around (e.g. tie up boat by wrapping rope around stake)
New Zealand Maori PN.FAU-QUI Houi A tree (Hoheria sp.). Eastern dialect
Samoan PN.FAU-QUI Fauui A small tree (Grewia sp.). (Grewia crenata) (Whr).
Tongan PN.FAU-QUI Foʔui Small tree sp. (Grewia crenata)
Hawaiian PN.FAU-SELE Hauhele A shrub (Hibiscus youngianus)
Hawaiian PN.FAU-SELE Hauhele-ʔula (Kokia spp.)
New Zealand Maori PN.FAU-SELE Houhere A tree whose inner bark is used for lashing (Hoheria populnea)
Marquesas PN.FAU-SELE Hau heʔe, fau feʔe Hibiscus tiliaceus var. sterilis (Decker 1992)