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4447 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Emae OC.FISO.2 Fiso Edible wild cane, probably Saccharum edule
Tongan PN.FIITAQA.A Fitaʔa Savage, ruthless, fierce, stopping at nothing
Tikopia PN.FIITAQA.B Fitaa Sated, fed up
Mangareva MP.FITI.1A ʔIti Jump, start. Sauter (puces); changer brusquement de sujet, la manière de parler; venir sur l'entrefaite, survenir (se dit des pensées qui survennient à l'esprit)
Tahitian MP.FITI.1A Hiti/mahuta Sursauter, tressaillir
West Uvea MP.FITI.1A Fiti/fiti Budge, move. Roll on ground [Muli Dialect]. (Fish) flip around on sand [Heo Dialect]
East Uvea PN.FIU Fiu Rassasie, degoute; las; saoul
Emae PN.FIU Fiu Tired, full, satisfied
New Zealand Maori PN.FIU Whiu Satiated, satisfied
Mangareva PN.FIU ʔIu Satiated (I). Céder, condescendre, obéir à des remontrances; se corriger Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.FIU Fiu Satiated, satisfied
Tuamotu PN.FIU Hiu Satiated, satisfied
Fijian FJ.FOO.1 Voo Minnow-like, fresh- and saltwater fish spp
Sikaiana FJ.FOO.1 Hoo Fish sp., sardine (?)
Nukuoro AN.POO-POO.A Booboo Massage
Marquesas PN.FOO.2A Ho Masser, massage, frictionner ave la main, frotter. Lécher, se lécher (Lch).
Niue PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Massage
Tokelau PN.FOO.2A Foo/foo Apply massage gently
Tongan PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Massage by rubbing downwards
New Zealand Maori NP.FOQAGA.* Hooanga Kind of sandstone used in cutting and grinding
Takuu NP.FOQAGA.* Foana Light-coloured pumice-stone used for fine sanding
East Futuna PN.FOFOGA Fofoga Handsome, beautiful (of face). Visage, figure (Mfr).
East Uvea PN.FOFOGA Fofoga Tete, visage (en parlant de Dieu, du roi ou d'un chef). Visage, face, tête, figure, yeux (resp.) (Rch).
Tahitian PN.FOFOGA Hohoʔa Image, photographie, film de cinéma, portrait, apparence, aspect, traits du visage
Samoan PN.FOHU Fou/fou Sight the passage for a favourable moment to enter it
Tikopia EO.FOQI.1 Foi Particle of indivualisation (for objects and occasionally persons)
East Futuna NP.FOKA Foka/ʔi Coup de poing envoye directement ou lestement sur son aversaire
New Zealand Maori PN.FOKI.2 Hoki Also, and, too; indeed, definitely. (Postposed particle) Certainement, assurément, sans nul doute (Lch)
Kapingamarangi AN.FOLAU Holau Disappear by leaving in a canoe
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FOLAU Holau, folau Sail (vi)
Rennellese AN.FOLAU Hogau Ocean voyage, travellers making such; to sail
Tokelau AN.FOLAU Folau Cruise, sailing voyage; fleet; to make a voyage, travel by sea; sail, depart
Marquesas PN.FOLO Hoʔo Manger de la popoi ou toute autre bouillie qui s'avale comme la popoi. Avaler sans mâcher (Lch).
Mangareva PN.FOLO ʔOro/pu Swallow without chewing. Avaler sans mâcher, e.g. un médicament.
Hawaiian FJ.FONO.2A Hono Rite at the end of kapu loulu rituals, during which chiefs sat without shifting positions while a kahuna prayed for as long as an hour
Tuamotu PN.FONO.3 Hono Food/drink to disguise unpleasant taste, side-dish with intoxicating beverage
East Futuna PN.FOSA.1 Vosa Son
Emae PN.FOSA.1 Fosa Child of a man
Rennellese PN.FOSA.1 Hosa Son
Rotuman PN.FOSA.1 Hosa Flower, roe
Tikopia PN.FOSA.1 Fosa Child (Firth 1954:99)
East Futuna PN.FOSA.2 Vosa Tuber of root crop, form tubers
Tikopia PN.FOSA.2 Fosa Root, especially taro corm and other root vegetables
Hawaiian PN.FOTA.1A Hoka Squeeze, strain (as kava or liquids through fibres); disappointed, thwarted, baffled
Tongan PN.FOTA.1A Fota Massage by squeezing
East Futuna MP.FOTU.1 Fotu Appear , said of trees forming fruit
Kapingamarangi PN.FUU.1A Hu Slip out, fall out; bang, plop (said if an object has fallen)
Tikopia FU.FUU.2C Fuu Children's game in which a cat's eye operculum is hidden in the sand
Nukuoro EC.FUU.3 Huu layer of consolidated sand (without coral rubble) next to the reef base under the island
Easter Island PN.FUA.1A Hua The same