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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro OC.SIKA.1 Siga Needle spool
Sikaiana OC.SIKA.1 Sika Needle used to tie together mesh of nets when they are being made or repaired; tool with attached string for piercing through material in construction; shuttle of back strap loom
Takuu OC.SIKA.1 Sika Mesh needle for nets; backstrap loom part, shuttle; javelin formerly thrown as sport (obs.)
East Uvea OC.SIKA.2 Hika Groove in piece of wood
Tikopia OC.SIKA.2 Sika Rub in groove, frictionate; fire-plough
Marquesas FJ.SINU.1 Heinu Soot from the candle-nut, ink
Fijian CP.SILA.1A Ci/cila/ Hole in a pot, chink in a door Problematic
Kapingamarangi CP.SILA.1A Hila To glance; look after, care for
Emae CP.SILA.1A S/sira/ Look at, look towards, face
Kapingamarangi NP.SUUMAALIE Hu(a)maria, huamarie Good, beautiful, pretty
Ifira-Mele CP.SILA.1A Sira Look at
Nukuoro CP.SILA.1A Sila Look for
Luangiua CP.SILA.1A Sila Crooked Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.SILA.1A Ila See, look; wait
Rennellese CP.SILA.1A Siga Look at, glance
West Futuna CP.SILA.1A (H)sira (trans. sire/ia) To look; open one's eyes
Pukapuka ??.SILA.2 Yila Good leadership or guidance
Tokelau PN.SILI.1 Hili Goodness, greatness; be better, the best; supreme; go beyond
New Zealand Maori CP.SINA.2 Hina Personification of moon, goddess
Ifira-Mele CP.SINA.2 Sina/marama Moon
Tahitian CP.SINA.2 Hina The name of the first woman, according to a Tahitian tradition, the wife of Ti, and by some said to be still in the moon; a species of small spider
Tuamotu CP.SINA.2 Hina Moon goddess
New Zealand Maori CE.SINA-SINA Hinahina Ngaati Porou name for maahoe, a tree known as whitey-wood from the colour of the bark
Takuu XO.SURU.B Laa/suru Afternoon
Sikaiana FJ.SINU.1 Sinu Grease, fat, cooking oil
Tikopia FJ.SINU.1 Sinu Oil, cooked coconut cream
Rennellese PN.SINU-SINU Sinu(sinu) Greasy, fat, rich; shiny dark or blue, as tattooing, the dark oily fruits of geemugi , or a flat calm sea
Tongan PN.SINU-SINU Huni(huni) Having oil (or grease or fat or dripping) floating on the top; good to read or see or listen to, racy, interesting
Marquesas MP.SIPA.2 Hipa. Hipa/hipa (Atl). Courbe, penché, oblique, incliné, crochu. De travers, gauchi; avoir tort, s'être trompé (Lch). Etre courbé, bow down. Gauchir (le bois); warp (wood). (Atl).
Niue MP.SIPA.2 Hipa Slant slightly, lean to one side, be crooked. Be askew, list (McE).
Rarotongan MP.SIPA.2 ʔIpa Out of alignment, crooked, askew, awry
Niue CP.SISI.3 Hihi Scoop something out (of a container); cut out, scoop out (copra from shell)
Tongan CP.SISI.3 Hihi Scoop out, gouge out; open with a knife and gouge out the flesh
East Futuna CP.SI-SII Sisii Hiss to shoo away
Samoan CP.SI-SII Sisii Hiss (of green wood in fire)
Mangaia PN.FAALOO.B ʔAaroo Peep out; stretch one's head (to see something distant; stretch one's hand (to take something)
Hawaiian CE.SOO-.1 Hoo- Give, transfer, go
New Zealand Maori CE.SOO-.1 Hoo- Give, transfer to another, go
New Zealand Maori CE.SOO-.1 Hoo-mai/atu/ake Give
New Zealand Maori CE.SOO-.1 Whoo/atu Give (away) (dial) Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva CE.SOO-.1 Oo- Donner (obligatoirement suivi d'une particule de direction) Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn CE.SOO-.1 Soo- Give, borrow, lend
Rarotongan CE.SOO-.1 ʔOo- Give, bestow
Rarotongan CE.SOO-.1 ʔOo/mai/atu/ake Give
Tahitian CE.SOO-.1 Hoo Donner (hoo mai, hoo atu)
Tuamotu CE.SOO-.1 Hoo/mai ~ /ho/ake Give
Anuta FJ.SOO-.2 Oo Go, proceed. (Used with directionals ake, atu, mai)
East Futuna FJ.SOO-.2 Soo/soo Mouvoir, remuer, se retirer; approcher, reculer
East Futuna FJ.SOO-.2 Soo/soo Se pousser, se reculer (surtout à l'impératif)
Fijian FJ.SOO-.2 Soo Assemble together (of people); crowd round, gather about