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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kapingamarangi SO.LAPITI Do/lobidi/ Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana)
Nukuoro SO.LAPITI Lebidi Bird sp., white tern ?
Luangiua SO.LAPITI Kalapiki Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana)
Rennellese SO.LAPITI Gopiti Little tern
Rotuman SO.LAPITI Rapi To swim on top of the water Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.LAPA.1B Rapa Anything broad and flat; stern-post of a canoe; blade of a paddle etc....
Easter Island MP.LAPU Rapu Work, workman; till the soil, to hoe . Limpar un terreno de pasto Problematic
Tahitian MP.LAPU Rapu Etre mélangé, être délayé (terre)
West Uvea PN.LASI Lai- Art. def. pl. used compulsorily with tama, tamahine, instead of malaa
Anuta MP.LASO.A Rao Testicle
Bugotu MP.LASO.A Thaho To castrate
East Futuna MP.LASO.A Laso Scrotum, testicle
East Uvea MP.LASO.A Laho Scrotum, testicle
Lau MP.LASO.A Lato Testicles
New Zealand Maori MP.LASO.A Raho Testicle(s); penis (in Tuhoe district)
Mota MP.LASO.A Laso Hermaphrodite pig
Nuguria MP.LASO.A Laho Testicles
Nguna MP.LASO.A Na/laso Testicles, uncircumcised penis; genitals of either sex
Niue MP.LASO.A Laho Scrotum, testicle
Pukapuka MP.LASO.A Layo, yalo Testicle Phonologically Irregular
Raga MP.LASO.A Laho Testicle
Rarotongan MP.LASO.A Raʔo Scrotum, testicle
Nukuoro EC.LASO.B Laso Posterior portion of hermit crab
Tikopia MP.LASO.A Laso, laho Testicle (Gaimard) Problematic
Tongan MP.LASO.A Laho Scrotum, testicle
Tuamotu MP.LASO.A Raho Scrotum, testicle
West Futuna MP.LASO.A Raso Testicles
West Futuna MP.LASO.A Laso Testicles (profane)
Mangareva TA.RASU Raʔu Eaten by insects (of root crops)
Hawaiian AN.LATA.1 Laka Tame, domesticated, gentle
Pukapuka AN.LATA.1 Lata Domesticated, used to
Fijian FJ.LATA.2 Lata A weed (Plectranthus forsteri, Labiatae)
New Zealand Maori CE.RATO Rato Served out, provided, distributed
Rarotongan CE.RATO Rato Overspread, covered all over with, full of, infested, spread all over
Tongan CE.RATO Lato (Of a grave) completely filled and covered with a mound of sand. Achevé; assez, suffisant (Rch). Problematic
Emae NP.LA-TOU.A Ra, to, te Third person plural subject clitic pronoun
Tongan PN.TA Te C.p., 1 inc. sg., one, I
Tongan PN.LAATUQU Laatuʔu Make sudden and unexpected departure
Kapingamarangi AN.LAU.1A Lau, lou Leaf; long hair on temples
Samoan NP.MAKO.1 Maʔomaʔo Samoan honeyeater (Gymnomyza samoensis)
Rennellese AN.LAU.1A Gau Counting classifier for tens of mats Problematic
Tahitian AN.LAU.1A Rau Feuille, ne s'emploie que pour certaines plantes à grandes feuilles
East Futuna PN.LAU.2A Lau Dire, désigner; raconter; lire; compte; chant
East Uvea PN.LAU.2A Lau Compter, calculer
Emae PN.LAU.2A Faka/rau/a Tell (a story)
Rotuman PN.LAU.2A Rau Enumerate, mention one by one, read, recite Borrowed
Tikopia PN.LAU.2A Rau Enumerate, count, tally; run through items on a list; recite titles
Tongan PN.LAU.2A Lau Speak, talk (polite for lea or talanoa); mention, refer to; recite; count, reckon; read
Rarotongan PN.LAU.2B Rau Many (indefinite number)
Sa'a PN.LAU.2B Rau/i halu Ten thousand (Coconuts)