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7404 Results matching "aa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Fijian PN.FAA-.4 Vaa- Causative (occurs before g-, k-, q- and in western dialects)
Hawaiian PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative
Kapingamarangi PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative
New Zealand Maori PN.FAA-.4 Whaa- A non-productive causative prefix
Pukapuka PN.FAA-.4 Waa/inu To offer a drink
Pukapuka PN.FAA-.4 Waa/wuu Feed at the breast
Rarotongan PN.FAA-.4 ʔAa- Often causative in meaning
Rennellese PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Allomorph of baa- causative prefix
Tahitian PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative prefix
Tikopia PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative
Tuamotu PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative prefix
Tuamotu PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative (poetic variant)
Fijian AN.FAQA.1 Baa Stalk of taro leaves
Hawaiian AN.FAQA.1 Haa Stalk
New Zealand Maori AN.FAQA.1 Whaa Leaf, as of taro
Ifira-Mele AN.FAQA.1 Faa Taro stalk
Marquesas AN.FAQA.1 Haa~faa Petiole
Niue AN.FAQA.1 Faa Stalk
Nukuoro AN.FAQA.1 Haa Coconut palm frond
Luangiua AN.FAQA.1 Haa/haa Taro foliage
Penrhyn AN.FAQA.1 Haa Stalk
Penrhyn AN.FAQA.1 Haa/niu Midrib of coconut leaflet; thin rod of the aerial root of the pandanus
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FAQA.1 Haa- Stem, trunk
Pukapuka AN.FAQA.1 (Kau)waa Stalk of taro plants
Pukapuka AN.FAQA.1 Waa/waa Taro corm or plant (Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta)
Rarotongan AN.FAQA.1 ʔAa Leaf stalk including main spine of leaf, especially of taro, banana, coconut
Samoan AN.FAQA.1 Faa Stalk
Tahitian AN.FAQA.1 Faa Pétiole et nervure centrale des feuilles de taro, de bananier, de cocotier
Takuu AN.FAQA.1 Faa Stem or stalk of taro; base of coconut frond
Tikopia AN.FAQA.1 Faa Leaf-stem of a fleshy plant
Tuamotu AN.FAQA.1 Faa Stalk
Waya AN.FAQA.1 Baa/baa Stalk or stem of certain large-leaved plants, especially taro, banana, coconut
Niue XW.FAQA.2 Faa Particle signifying habitual or continuous action
Nukumanu NP.FAEKO Haaeo Bad
Takuu NP.FAEKO Haaeo Bad...anger...awfully
New Zealand Maori PN.FAQELE Whaaere/ere Mother of one's children, dam
Tongan PN.FAQELE Faaʔele Give birth to
Hawaiian CP.FAQELU Haaleu Wipe, as with toilet paper Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese CP.FAQELU Haaʔegu Wipe, as after defecation
Tuamotu CP.FAQELU Haaeru Wipe the rectum
Luangiua AN.FAFA.1 Haaha/ʔe, haaʔahe Piggy back
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FAFA.1 Paapaa Carry a child by tying it with a cloth to one’s back, side or front, carry (a person) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu AN.FAFA.1 Ffaa, ppaa Carry someone on the back; cloth used for tying a child on one's back
Lau AN.FAFA.2 Faafaa Open mouth wide
Mangareva AN.FAFA.2 ʔAaʔaa Mouth. Bouche, gueule. Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island PN.FAA-FAA Haahaa Touch with care; feel one`s way. Feel (examining, registering) (Wbr).
East Futuna PN.FAA-FAA Faafaa Feel, touch
East Uvea PN.FAA-FAA Faafaa Toucher, palper (I)
Fijian PN.FAA-FAA Vaa Tread softly Problematic
Hawaiian PN.FAA-FAA Haahaa Feel with hands