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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva FJ.LUNA Runa Plante rampante (Boerhavia diffusa)
Penrhyn FJ.LUNA Runa Green seaweed sp. which covers underwater rocks
Pukapuka FJ.LUNA Nuna A herb (Laportea ruderalis)
Rapa FJ.LUNA Nuna, nunga A fern (Dryopteris margaretae)
Tokelau FJ.LUNA Nuna A prostrate herb (Boerhavia tetrandra)
Tuamotu FJ.LUNA Ruunaa A plant (Boerhaavia tetrandra)
Hawaiian TA.RUNAGA Launa Friendly, sociable; to associate with, meet with, fraternize with Problematic
New Zealand Maori TA.RUNAGA Ruunaa (pass. runaa) Draw together, tie up, close, keep close; steer, dress, keep in line
Rarotongan TA.RUNAGA Runa Meddling, interfering Problematic
Tahitian TA.RUNAGA Nuna Mixed, amalgamated Problematic
Tuamotu TA.RUNAGA Runa To assemble together; to steer, direct, instigate
Fijian PN.LUPE.1 Ruve Pacific Pigeon (Ducula pacifica), White-throated Pidgon (Columba vitiensis) (Vanua Levu and Lau) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.LUPE.1 Rupe Name of traditional character personified as a pigeon
Marquesas PN.LUPE.1 ʔUpe (Ducula galatea). Carpophage, pigeon des îles Marquises, oiseau de la famille des columbidés (Lch).
Tongan PN.LUPE.2 Nga/lupe/lupe Jog or spring or flop or move up and down, e.g. as the ends of a plank carried across the shoulder, or water carried carelessly
Easter Island EP.RUPE-RUPE. Ruperupe Abundancia de frutos de la tierra; aumentar el número de descendientes
Tahitian EP.RUPE-RUPE. Ruperupe Florissante (végétation), prospère
Anuta PN.LUPO Rupo/rupo Small mackerel sp. A type of very small fish, often caught with hook and line from the beach (Fbg).
East Uvea PN.LUPO Lupo The term with various qualifiers refers to a number of (Carangidae). Thon
Marquesas PN.LUPO ʔUpoʔupo (Caranx sp.). Carangue à barres; Barred Jack (Carangoides ferdau) (Fatu Hiva). Carangue à pointes jaunes; Island Jack (Carangoides orthogrammus) (Ua Pou). Carangue royale jaune; Golden Trevally (Gnathodon speciosus) [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Hawaiian EP.RUTU Luku To massacre, destroy, slaughter, lay waste...
Mangareva EP.RUTU Rutu Frapper des pieds ou des mains un corps; heurter contre; battre au tambour
Fijian FJ.TIKO-TARA Seecala White-collared Kingfisher (Halcyon chloris) (Kadavu, Lau)
New Zealand Maori OC.MA.4 Maa (perhaps) Conjunction linking proper names in such god-names as Taane-ma-huta (?), Rongo-maa-Taane, Taawhiri-maa-(Aa)tea
Rarotongan OC.MA.4 Ma(a) With, and: in company with, together with; indicating concomitant action or state
Kapingamarangi OC.MAA.1 Ma- Numeral classifier for digits over ten
New Zealand Maori OC.MAA.1 Maa Conjunction linking units with tens and perhaps also linking proper names in such god-names as Taane-ma-huta (?), Rongo-maa-Taane, Taawhiri-maa-(Aa)tea
Luangiua OC.MAA.1 Ma Joins tens to units
Penrhyn OC.MAA.1 Maa Joins tens to units
Rarotongan OC.MAA.1 Maa In numbers, used to link units (1 to 9) to the next higher orders (tens, hundreds, etc.)
Samoan OC.MAA.1 Ma Connects tens with units
Emae PN.MAA.2 Maa Fermented breadfruit
Marquesas PN.MAA.2 Ma. Maa (Atl). Breadfruit preserved by fermentation. Fruits à pain fermentés et conservés dans un silo, trou en terre ou récipient (Lch).
West Uvea PN.FA-LIU Fali/faliu Roulis du bateau
West Futuna AN.MAA.3 H/ma To be ashamed, shy, embarrassed; frightened
West Uvea AN.MAA.3 Maa Avoir honte
Nukumanu SO.PAKAKAU.* Pepekau The old interisland voyaging canoes Problematic
Rotuman PN.TAU-MULI Taumuri Stern (of canoe, etc.); (of canoe, etc.) to have the stern towards
Hawaiian NP.MAA.6 Ma Particle following names of persons; and company, and others, and wife, and associates
Nukuoro NP.MAA.6 Maa And the others (after personal names and pronouns)
Rarotongan NP.MAA.6 Maa Used after proper names, pronouns and terms of address to mean those in company with (the aforementioned)
Tikopia NP.MAA.6 Maa Personal plural indicator, used with senior kin terms and (trad.)titles of some mythical beings (follows noun)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQA.1 Maa Clean, faded, white
Moriori PN.MAQA.1 Me ma Clean, white
Mangareva PN.MAQA.1 Maa Clean. Etre propre; se déteindre, perdre sa couleur
Nuguria PN.MAQA.1 Maa/tea White; clean
Tikopia PN.MAQA.1 Maa Clean, light-coloured, white, esp. in contrast to off-coloured or dirty surfaces
Luangiua SO.MAQAA Maa Brother or sister in law. Wife's brother, husband's sister; sister's husband (man speaking), brother's wife (woman speaking) (Hbn)
Luangiua SO.MAQAA ŋaa/maa Sister in law
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.MAQAA Maa Sister-in-law, brother-in-law