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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas EP.KORE-GA Koáia Foolish; a convulsion fit
Marquesas AN.MATUQA.A Madúa Fellow, whether used with affection, familiarity or contempt. A wife generally addresses her husband by this term.
Marquesas PN.WALE-A.A Piáia Insane, deranged Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.POO.1B Ko po ʔe fia? Combien y a-t-il de jours?
Rennellese PN.POO.1B Poo hia? How many days?
Rarotongan PN.POO.1B Poo Special day, celebrated occasion: poo kai, a day of feasting
Rarotongan CE.POO.1C Poo The Polynesian underworld; the Christian hell
Pukapuka CE.POO.1C Poo The Underworld; burial ground...
Mangareva CE.RIRE Rire Accueillir cordialement, faire bon accueil Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.TEA-TEA Teiatéia Animal seed
Marquesas PN.TAQE-TULI.1 Teiatúe (buína) Itching (in the ear)
Marquesas PN.TOQA Tóa The males of beasts; valiant; the chief warrior
Marquesas MQ.TOKETE.* Toétte, togette (NKH) A brother by marriage
Vaeakau-Taumako MQ.TOO.1C Thoo (trans. tho/kia) Build (basic meaning is to make holes for the house posts)
Marquesas CE.TUTU.2 Tutu Espèce d'arbuste (Ceanothus asiaticus)
Marquesas MP.LUA.1 Úwa A pit, especially to ferment bread fruit
Easter Island EP.FATA.3 Hata Depositar algo, colocar, comon un cadáver sobre la angarilla, ropa en un armario. To place, put, set, lay (used especially whenever something is placed within a niche or some place alike, especially churches (Fts).
Samoan NP.SUKI.B Suʔi/suʔia Stabbing pain in foot
Marquesas MP.PUSI.1 Puhe coutie Salt (not used by the Indians)
Marquesas OC.MALAQE Mari Burial ground
Marquesas PN.MA-FOHI Mohoi Esp. de lèpre; éléphantiasis, ladrerie; lépreux, membre rongé par la lèpre
Samoan PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Faiaavaa Marry (said of a man only); (man) living with his wife's kin
Takuu PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Haiaavana Related as spouses
Tahitian PN.SEKE.1A Hee To be swimming in the surf, a Tahitian diversion
Marquesas EO.MATA-LIKI.B Mettáeke The Pleiades; [Nukuhiva Dialect] a crop or seaxon
Marquesas CE.AWATEA.* Wauàtéia Noon (THT); day opposed to night [Nukuhiva Dialect].
Kapingamarangi MP.TALIE.1 Rau tariha Terminalia samoensis Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi NO.TITI-TAI Ritai Wedelia biflora Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi PN.TALO-TALO Taratara Crinum asiaticum (recent introduction)
Easter Island NP.FAKA-PILI Hakapiri Juntar, unir, conglutinar, pegar una cosa con otra; reunir a personas; reconciliar personas
Marquesas MP.PII.2A Pi/éé Diarrhée
Marquesas AN.POPO.1 Popó Dust, especially from rotten wood
Marquesas CP.POQOI Po/póe Paste, or pudding, especially made with the fermented breadfruit
Marquesas OC.TAQO.3A To/mi Etre couvert (four polynésien); be covered (Polynesian oven).
Marquesas PN.WAI-PUNA E wiae, poonah Spring, fountain
Marquesas OC.TAFE E wiae tahkey Rivulet
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.KIA.1B Kia Complementizer: when (rel.)
Rarotongan CE.KIA.1B Kia When, until
New Zealand Maori CE.KIA.1B Kia (To mark the relation between the subject and some future time or event): when, until...
Tahitian CE.KIA.1B Ia When; if
Tuamotu CE.KIA.1B Kia Until, when
Marquesas PN.FAKA-TUQU Hoʔgaʔtoo Burial
Easter Island PN.KA-KAU.2 Kakau Obsidiana de filo cortante, ancho; incrustada en un mango se usaba como arma de mano para degollar o tajear al enemigo. Wide, sharp-edged obsidian provided with a wooden handle, used to cut off the enemy's head. Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.E.1B E Particle used before the interrogative *hia* and the cardinal numbers from two to nine, in a statement regarding the number of articles
Rarotongan PN.E.1B E, ee, ʔee Marks imperfect aspect...4. Before numerals and *'ia*....
Luangiua PN.FUAFUA.2B Vae/hua Elephantiasis
Sikaiana NO.PALALAMA Pallama Upper part of the body of an outrigger canoe that is lashed on top the main body. The boom rods {kiato} are lashed in between.
Marquesas MQ.OHO Oho/maniania Chauve (alopécie)
Tongan NP.LAKIA Lekia Sorte de mouche qui vole sans cesse; (par fig.) inconstant Problematic
East Uvea EO.QAFU.2 Afu/gia, afu/hi(a) Arroser, asperger