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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka PN.MAGEHO.A Mangeo Bitter, bad-tasting; itchy
Rennellese PN.MAGEHO.A Mangeo Itch, sore; be sexually titillated
Tahitian PN.MAGEHO.A Maeo/eo Insatiated desire; a constant longing after some kind of food
Takuu PN.MAGEHO.A Maneo Itch or sting due to an insect bite, coral or jellyfish sting, irritating plant material...; sexual excitement
Tikopia PN.MAGEHO.A Mangeo Yaws, afflicted with yaws; ulcerated lesion
East Futuna PN.MAGEHO.B Maageo Arbuste à feuilles urticantes (Dendrocnide latifolia)
East Futuna PN.MA-AGI Maagi/agi Light in weight. Etre bien ajusté (vêtement); léger, mince (objet, vêtement) (Mfr).
Nuguria PN.MA-AGI Mahani Flatterflug
Niue PN.MA-AGI Maagi To be airy, to allow the wind to blow through, to be well ventilated
Tikopia PN.MA-AGI Maangi Wasted from sickness Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu PN.MA-AGI Maaŋi Arise, ascend, float upward as as mist or vapour; evaporate, be dispersed (as heat, steam, odours); swll as a blister; tendency to rise, float upwards; obs. fleetness or lightness as of the feet; obs. mist, vapour
Hawaiian NP.MILO.2B Milo Whirl, as water Problematic
Marquesas OC.MAGOO Mako (MQN), mano (MQS). Moko (Ua Pou), mono, moro (MQS) (Atl). Requin, poisson de la famille des carcharhinidés; requin adulte; dépravé, débauché. Requin tigre (Dln).
Takuu OC.MAGOO Manoo General term for sharks
Tokelau OC.MAGOO Magoo Generic term for sharks
Pukapuka TA.MAGOO-ROA Te Mangoo Dark rift dividing the Milky Way
Pukapuka TA.MAGOO-ROA Mangoo, Te Mangoo-loa Milky Way
Tuamotu TA.MAGOO-ROA Te-mango-rooa The Milky Way
Pukapuka PN.MA-GUGU Mangungu Rush for (of a crowd). Rush together excitedly for a purpose (Sby). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.MA-GUGU Manunu Edge of water, shoreline Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian TA.MA-SEMO Mahemo Glisser des mains, filer entre les doigts, partir hors d'atteinte. To slip out, as a handle from a tool; to pass, as time; to fall behind; the thing that slips off; an abortive (Dvs).
Tuamotu TA.MA-SEMO Mahemo To come out or off; to slip out or off; of itself, without an active agency; to miscarry; to be uprooted, to come out or away
New Zealand Maori TA.MAHOI Tini o te /mahoi/hoi Certain forest-dwelling creatures, apparently mythical, of the distant past (Best 1982:55)
New Zealand Maori TA.MAHOI Te mahoi A weird being said to have dwelt underground...who appeared in human form and was a master of black magic (Best 1982:55)
Tahitian PN.MA-KEKE Maee Warped or twisted, as timber exposed to the sun Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian PN.MAQAHI Mâi Watery, withered, applied to taro, yam, &c., when injured by the sun or dry weather
Samoan PN.MAA-HUQI Maasui Sore (of arm after prolonged exertion). Joint dislocation (McP). Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu PN.MAA-HUQI Maaui Sprain, dislocated
Sikaiana OC.MALAQE Malae [Name of] a ceremonial center near the ritual house {hale aitu}, no longer maintained; an area in front of a house that is set off with stone work
Easter Island MP.MAHUKU Mauku Grass, hay, straw, herbs . Term for every kind of grass
Hawaiian MP.MAHUKU Mauʔu Generic term for grasses, sedges, rushes
Tokelau MP.MAHUKU Mahiku Herbs of various kinds or perhaps a general term Problematic
Tongan MP.MAHUKU Mohuku Generic term for grass
Marquesas AN.MAI.A Mai Towards the speaker, hither. Exprime le rapprochement, la tendance vers la personne qui parle: vers moi, à moi (Lch). Hither (Mtu).
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.MAI.A Mai Here, hither (postnuclear, mostly clitic directional particle indicating movement towards or attention drawn to the speaker, or the focal person(s) or place of the discourse); come here, give to me
New Zealand Maori PN.MAI.D Mai From, since - indicating an extension in time or space. It marks the point from which the time or place is measured
East Futuna PN.MAI.B Mai Donner (au locuteur)
East Uvea PN.MAI.B Mai Donne-moi, apporte-moi
Tahitian PN.MAI.B Mai Donne! (interj.)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQAHI Maai/i Sour, fermented; kinds of fermented food
Mangareva PN.MAQAHI Mai Imbibé d'eau de mer. Drink salt water (Tgr).
Niue PN.MAQAHI Maai Sour and bitter; slightly salty, brackish Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAQAHI Mai Bitter (like vi-apple or beer)
Samoan PN.MAQAHI Maai Brackish, bitter
New Zealand Maori EP.MAIKA Ika/ika (Orthoceras strictum) a terrestrial orchid Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-IKI Maiki Misfortune, disaster
Tongan PN.MA-IKI Maiki Show signs of wear and tear (of cloth)
East Futuna PN.MAILE Maile Scented vine (Alyxia bracterlosa)
East Uvea PN.MAILE Maile. Malie Shrub (Alyxia sp.). Alyxia stellata
Marquesas PN.MAILE Meiʔe. Meie, mehe (Lch). A shrub (Alyxia sp.). Arbuste aux fleurs odoriférantes, de la famille des apocynacées (Lch).