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453 Results matching "apo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.AFU.2 Afu Rejeton de hiapo
Marquesas PN.AFU.2 Ahu/ka Cérémonie qui consiste à porter aux jeunes mariés un jeune pied de hiapo qu'on plante
Tongan PN.AFU.2 Afu Sucker (of hiapo only >
Tuamotu PN.QAFU.1 Aahu Steam, vapour; hot from exertion
Tahitian AN.QAHU.2 Au Smoke, vapour
Fijian PN.ALAGA.A I yaragi Arms, weapons Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese PN.ALAGA.A Aganga Limb, as leg or arm; tool, as adze or knife; weapon; to carry such
Tikopia PN.ALAGA.A Aranga Weapon
New Zealand Maori PN.QALO-POQOU Rapou Woman pregnant for first time
Marquesas PN.QALO-POQOU Aʔapou (MQN), ʔopou (MQS) Femme qui concoit pour la premiere fois
West Futuna PN.QALO-POQOU Rapou Woman pregnant for first time and near birth
Anuta PN.QANA-POO Anapo Last night
Easter Island PN.QANA-POO Aŋapo/éra The night before last
East Futuna PN.QANA-POO Naapoo Last night
East Uvea PN.QANA-POO ʔAnapoo La nuit passée
Ifira-Mele PN.QANA-POO Napoo- (with numeral N) N days ago
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QANA-POO Anapoo Yesterday night
Rennellese PN.QANA-POO Anapoo Last night
Samoan PN.QANA-POO Anapoo Last night
Tahitian PN.QANA-POO Naapoo Hier soir
Tahitian PN.QANA-POO Aanaapoo Cette nuit [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect]
Tokelau PN.QANA-POO Anapoo Last night
Mangareva PN.APO Apo Louer, vanter. Se vanter (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka PN.APO Apo Stand guard with a weapon
Rennellese PN.APO Apo To be poised and ready to do anything (as to strike, speak, open...); to threaten, as with a spear or club; to hesitate, as in deference or fear
Rotuman PN.APO Apo To raise club or fist as if about to strike Problematic
Samoan PN.APO Apo/apo Poise the spear
Sikaiana PN.APO K/apo/ Graceful, capable Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia PN.APO Apo Raise hand (gen.); raise hand in threat, or to strike down
Tongan PN.APO Apo/apo Take aim, especially in the game lafo
West Futuna PN.APO Apo (trans. apo-(t)jia) To defend; to cover, shade. Boucher, poser des feuilles (Rve).
East Futuna PN.QAA-POO Aapoo La nuit prochaine (locatif)
East Uvea PN.QAA-POO ʔApoo Ce soir, cette nuit (qui vient)
Mangareva PN.QAA-POO Apoo/nei Ce soir
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAA-POO Apoo Tonight
Tokelau PN.QAA-POO Aapoo Tonight
Tongan PN.QAA-POO ʔApoo Tonight (said during the day)
East Futuna PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔAapogipogi Tomorrow
East Futuna PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Apogipogi Demain (locatif); le lendemain
East Uvea PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔApogipogi Tomorrow
East Uvea PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔApogipogi ʔuhu Demain matin
Tikopia PN.QAA-POGIPOGI Apogipogi Tomorrow
Tongan PN.QAA-POGIPOGI ʔApongipongi Tomorrow
Easter Island EP.AA-POOPOO Apo/éra The day after tomorrow
New Zealand Maori EP.AA-POOPOO Aapoopoo Tomorrow; at some future time
Moriori EP.AA-POOPOO Apo Tomorrow
Moriori EP.AA-POOPOO Apopo Henceforth
Marquesas EP.AA-POOPOO Apopo Plus tard, dans la suite
Mangareva EP.AA-POOPOO Apoopoo Demain
Rarotongan EP.AA-POOPOO Aapoopoo Tomorrow