#71: General States and Qualities.
Reconstruction | Description |
AFU.3 | Resemble, be similar to (Rby) |
FAKA-MAQU | Attach, make fast |
FOQOU | New |
GAA-GAA | Unsteady, loose, unstable |
GALI.2A | Be attractive, appropriate |
GALI.2B | Discourse particle: probably, well, however: *gali~*lagi |
GATA.2 | Cracked, dry |
GOSE | Soft, pliable, weak; gentle, agreeable |
KEHE | Different, be different, other |
KESE | Different |
KOONINI.2 | Sensory pleasure |
LALA.2 | Scattered, disorderly |
MAA-QOKI | True |
MAA-TILA | Sharp |
MAAFE | Abated, grown indistinct, faded |
MAGE | Dried out |
MAKAKA-TAU | Hard, firm |
MANU-A | Infested; full of insects or other small creatures |
MAQOLI | True, real, genuine: *ma(a)qoli |
MAQONI.* | True, genuine: *ma(a)qoni |
MAQU.1 | Fixed, firm; constant, persistent, permanent; caught, stuck, snagged |
MARONA | To die down, to be brought down: *ma(r,l)ona |
MATUQA.B | Main, principal; also in expressions for "thumb" and "big toe" |
MOKA.2 | Finished, empty |
MOTI.2 | Bounded, limited; finished |
NASA | Bent under tension |
NOA.1 | Be common, worthless |
PA-KIKO.2 | Finished, arranged |
PAKEWA.1 | Not straight; in error |
PARA-HUU | Squash, burst, as overripe fruit; over-ripe, rotten |
PE-HEE | Like that; to say |
PONO.2 | True, correct |
PUPU.A | Crowded, close together (of plants or people); dense, thick (vegetation), overgrown, littered; clump (of vegetation) |
QAO.3 | Appropriate, suitable |
QAOGA | Useful, suitable |
RATO | Covered; abundant |
RITE | Alike, equal |
SALA.1 | Err, error; crime, sin; to miss (a target) |
SAPE.B | Crooked, wrong |
SEE.1 | Err, mistake, go astray |
SEWA.A | Confused, in error |
TAA-MAU | Fasten, secure (Clk): *taa-ma(q)u |
TAAU-NOA | Inactive, useless, in vain (Ebt) |
TAFITO.B | Ancient, old |
TANO.1 | Correct |
TAPARURU | Buzzing, whirring; unsteady; uncontrolled behaviour |
TATAU.2 | Equal, the same as; to match, fit (Rby) |
TAU-SALA | To err, get it wrong |
TEKE.1 | Crooked; deceitful |
TIKA.B | Straight, correct, true |
56 entries found