Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
CC SAKE.2 Behave in unseemly or unrestrained way
SAKE.3 Move in an upwards direction
SAKI Throw down, throw away, expel: *saki-na
TO SAKI-NA. Catch by the foot
SAKO Straight, erect
SAKU-LAA Swordfish
SALA.1 Err, error; crime, sin; to miss (a target)
SALA.2 Large, extensive
SALA.3 Cut away, cut off, trim, prune
SALATO Tree nettle (Dendrocnide harveyi)
SALE Go, walk (Hwd)
SALI.1 Flow
SF SALI.2 Scoop out, up
CC SALI.3 Carry something, bring or take something: *(f,s)ali
SALII A small fish
CO SALIKI Platform
SALU.1 Scrape aside, clear, smooth by scraping or planing
SALU.2 Seize, take by force: *sa(l/r)u
SALUFE Fern sp.: *(s,h)(a,u)(l,n)ufe
SALULU Loud, low-pitched sound; roar, rumble, boom, thud
FU SAMA-TASI Single-outrigger canoe (Rby)
SAMA.1 Wife
SAMA.2 Rub oil or turmeric on body; yellow colour
SAMO Sweet-potato variety
SAMONO Cetacean sp
SAMU-TI.1 Snatch
SAMU.1A Eat scraps
SAMU.1B To eat one food only at a meal
SAMUTI.2 Human excrement, shit; privy
SANA.1 Diarrhoea
SANA.2 Job`s Tears (Coix sp.), which are round and pearly-white and used for necklaces
SANI.1 Graze, pass close to; touch lightly
SANI.2 Remove leaves from tree, cut hair
SANI.3 Know well; be familiar with
SANO Suspect, think about
SAO Escape
SAO-SAO A fish (Sphyraenidae)
SAPA Non-symmetrical, unequal, passed beyond point of symmetry
SAPAI Lift, carry in arms
SAPATUU Fish (Sphyraena sp.)
SAPE.A Malformed (of foot), club-footed
SAPE.B Crooked, wrong
SAPO Take in the hand; catch something in flight
SAPOTU To pant
SAPUTU Fish sp. (Lutjanus sp.) *sa(a)putu
SAPUU Pregnant: *sapu(q)u

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