Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
NO SEE.4 Seek, search for
SEFA Grass sp. (Grf)
SEGA.1 Blue-crowned lory (Vini australis)
SEGA.2 Yellow or yellowish-red; orange
SEGI.A Half-light: dawn, twilight
SEGI.B Dazzled; having impaired vision
SEI-LALA Tree sp. (Garcinia) (Grf)
SEI.1A Flower worn as decoration
SEI.1B Wreath, garland
SEI.2 Particle of future location, or purpose.
SEKA (White) fungus, mould
SEKE.1A Slip, slide; surf-ride; slip off or out; fall off or out; miss (a goal)
SEKE.1B Flow out: discharge from body; (of tide) ebb
SEKE.1C Dislocated (of joint)
SEKE.1D Sail downwind
SEKE.2 Migrate; go home; flee
SEKI Grab, snatch, pull out, jerk
SEKU Fantail (Rhipidura sp.)
SELA Asthma; gasp for breath
SELE.1A Snare; tie up
SELE.1B Trip someone, wrestle (Hwd)
SELE.2 Knife; cut
SELE.3 Beloved, prized
SEMA.1 Left (not right)
CC SEMA.2 A jellyfish: *sema(sema)
SEMA.3 Fashion wood on an angle
SEMO Become separated, slip off, be loosed; weak, exhausted
SEPE Cut, trim (with knife)
SEPO.A Suck, slurp, lap up, lick up food
SEPO.B A fruit soup or stew
NO SEPU Dive, go down into water, disembark from canoe
SEQE.1 Insect spp. including Mantis, Stick Insect, Locust
SEQE.2 Negative marker
SERU Scratch the earth, as a fowl does, scrape, dig
SEU Raking or scooping motion, hence clearing, sweeping away, netting
SEWA.A Confused, in error
SEWA.B Mourning practices or ceremonies
SI-SII Hiss, spurt with a hiss
SIAPO Paper-mulberry plant (Broussonetia sp.); bark-cloth
SIFI Whittle, pare
SIGA.A Fall over, topple over
SIGA.B Be defeated
SIGANO Pandanus flower; Pandanus sp
SII.1 Fish with a line
SII.2A To spurt; ejaculate, semen
SII.2B (Have) diarrhoea
SIKA.1 Netting needle

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