Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
SAQA.1 Wrong, bad, inconvenient; taboo
SAQA.2 Family, clan
FU SAQAKI.1 Act together
SAQAKI.2 Sickness (Rby)
SAQALO Scrape, clean by scraping, rub smooth
SAQELE Go on foot, walk
SAQI Bind, confine
SAQO Draw a net around, drive into net, surround
SAQU.1 Come, singular subj
SAQU.2 Carry, lift, take
SASAA A fish (Spratelloides sp.)
SASAGA Tie-beam
SASAWE Fish sp., Flying-fish
NO SATATA Goatfish sp.
SAU-AQA Rude, oppressive, angry
SAU-GA.* Unpleasant odour
SAU-NOA Carefree
SAU-SAU.1 A Fish (Dendrochirus spp.)
SAU-SAU.2 Angry
SAU.1 Dew
SAU.2 Strike, beat, chop
SAU.3 Rule, ruler
SAU.4 Ear pendant
SAU.5 Return for services or a gift
SAU.6 Wind, breeze; to blow (of wind)
SAU.7 (In compounds) Temperament, disposition
SAUMI.1 Banana variety
SAUMI.2 Forward section of canoe hull: *sa(q)umi
SAUSAU-LELE Fish (Dendrochirus spp.)
SAWA.1 Filthy
SAWA.2 Arm movements in dance
SAWAIKI Traditional homeland
SAWALA Greedy, gluttonous, crave a particular food
SAWANE A fish (Lutjanus sp.)
SAWINI Whistle; make a sibilant sound *(sa)wini
SE-SEGI Fearful, timid, shy, untamed
SF SE-TASI A certain (one), a particular but unspecified one, another
SE.1 Non-specific article
SE.2 Because, since
SEA-GA Victim, corpse
SEA-SEA Tree sp. (Syzygium corynocarpum)
SEA.1 A tree (Parinari insularum)
SEA.2 A kind of dance: *se(q)a
SEA.3 To mourn the dead
SEE.1 Err, mistake, go astray
SEE.2 Flower, blossom
SEE.3 Breath (as held or expended)

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